Since starting Erleada in August, 2022, my BP has gone from controlled to out of control. Current BP meds are spironolactone, clonidine, nifedipine, and irbesartan. If you have first-hand experience with any BP med that worked for you while on Erleada, please let me know. Thanks.
Erleada and BP: Since starting Erleada... - Advanced Prostate...
Erleada and BP
What is BP, please?
on Erleada/Lupron. BP is good. Work out 3x week, tennis 2x week, walk 3 miles 4x week. It’s the key to offset side effects. 76 years old. Gotta keep moving.
Not me; my BP is exactly normal with Lupron and Erleada.
interesting, my BP has gone down. I had to suspend my 100mg Losartan to prevent BP going down too much further. My SE problems with Erleada has been aggravated constipation and a rash on top of a rash from some other unknown origin. With the constipation, I have been forced to take a daily double full dose of Miralax--a real disturbing situation. Fatigue is now present whereas when I was on Xtandi, I had no real fatigue.
I am on Lupron, not Erleada. My BP was high last many months/year and a worrisome problem as high BP can lead to stroke or cardio problems. I was on lisinopril 10mg per day for past year but it did next to nothing, BP continued to rise gradually. I tried raising lisiniprol dose to 40mg per day and it helped a bit. Feb 9 added amlodipine 5mg/day. Today my BP is normal. Also I reduced sodium and have regular exercise.
That's very helpful! I was taking amlodipine since the 1990's and it worked until starting Erleada. Maybe I'll revisit that. I'm not familiar with lisinopril and will research it this morning.
It looks like regular exercise is the best medicine!
Thanks for the responses. I guess I should clarify. I have a rigorous cardio and weights routine, walk daily, and am preparing for an aggressive backpacking trip. My diet is equally strict. My BP is monitored remotely by my team of doctors and we have met every Wednesday for over 2 months to tweak or change BP meds. I've been on Lupron intermittently for 8 years and my rising BP is clearly a function of adding Erleada. Sometimes people on this board can provide insights that have steered my treatment. For instance, one member suggested I look into Eplerenone, which was a great suggestion but turns out to be similar to the spironolactone that I'm already taking. I'm hoping that someone will have had direct experience with this problem and open another window into a specific treatment. I do agree and appreciate the exercise comments, that's just not going to be the silver bullet for this issue. Thanks again.
The answer is cause you're a Mile High...........
Or what mechanism do you use to check your blood pressure? Where? When? Who? Device?Any naked women close by? Watching Videos? TV or etc?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 02/27/2023 11:06 PM EST
J-O-H-N, I've been on Lupron for 8 years; what do naked women have to do with anything?

I hear you mannnnn ….. long term Lupron causes all of us to forget about women. Yayahahahaya Not j-o-h-n tho …. He still remembers 😂😂😂
It’s all in good fun brother. Trying to bust the gloom this dang disease breeds…..
I've been on for 15 years.......... I forgot that we forget............
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 02/28/2023 12:02 PM EST