Hi everyone PSA good everything great but out of blue heart attack blocked artery so stint put in resting now at home wondering could firmagon be the cause as have bloods taken every month cholesterol good blood pressure normal my diet isn't over fatty lots of physical activity farmer so anyone shed any light on firmagon as have been on it for over 4 years now nothing else no chemo no radiation stage 4 with Mets to bones thanks
Firmagon and blocked artery - Advanced Prostate...
Firmagon and blocked artery

There is an association of ADT with increased cardiovascular disease.
To assess cardiac risk, you should get the Calcium Score test (CT of the heart) and the CIMT (ultrasound of the carotid artery) to look for arterial plaque.
Firmagon apparently has lower cardiovascular risks than Lupron. Therefore I do not think that Firmagon caused the heart attack.
If you've got a blocked artery, it's potentially developed over some time.
The fact that your cholesterol is within what's considered the normal range doesn't mean that you'll not have a heart attack. I've got family members who have had heart attacks whilst on statins and have low cholesterol. However, statins are reported to possess anti-inflammatory properties. So for PCa, that's a potential benefit.
This graph shows an increase of mortality below 200 for total cholesterol.
Heart attacks happen to folks of all kinds health-wise and treatment wise. While ADT may result in increased risk......not all Docs agree on that..... there is reaaly now ay to KNOW that ADT was the principal cause of the heart attck.....but my guess is no, and I wouldn't quit a successful treatment out of concern for that.
Just want to give you info on my own case, which could be related to yours. i developed a mild heart blockage, and had a stent placed, a few months after being diagnosed with PCa, back in 2008, long ago. After years of contemplation I believe my heart came about due to transfats. In response to the diagnosis of PCa I changed my diet to add olive oil (Mediterranean Diet) and nutrition training for anti-cancer diet. Unfortunately I didn't realize that olive oil breaks down to transfats under higher heat such as frying. In fact I used it in a deep fat fryer in the weeks preceding my blockage. So look at that as a possible factor in your own case. Don't use olive oil for frying or high heat cooking.
Thanks for that I do use olive in everything including frying
Interesting about you being a farmer i was talking about family and friends on the farm the other day,.one who after the morning milking would come home and have 10 eggs!! would always have cream on his cereal.he and his brothers died early .Some times it could also be be heradity..? Best regards Brian
I asked my wife who is a cardiologist about this and she thinks the firmagon as a cause is highly unlikely. The coronary artery blockage was probably developing over years and it is just co-incidental that it reach a critical stenosis around the time you were receiving firmagon.