interesting video: since I got... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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interesting video

Ahk1 profile image
16 Replies

since I got diagnosed and started to look at ways to overcome the disease, I came across so many many supplements and other means to try. In short, I tried a lot of them if not most. To my surprise, ALL of them failed to stop the rising psa( that was the end point for me). I then started the SOC and ofcourse it stopped the disease from growing. Now, i just run across this video which I already 10 years ago heard of him but dismissed him because of the bad results I got from the other alternative theories.

Is this something that is valid to check it out or it’s the same old quack stories??????

Thanks for your input.

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Ahk1 profile image
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16 Replies
Darryl profile image


Linebacker75 profile image

Hello Ahk1, I believe this is the guy that made or makes his cancer drugs in part from human urine. I’d suggest you thoroughly research his methods and claims.

PSAed profile image

There is no shortage of "snake oil Salesmen" out there, especially on the internet. Just clicking on their YT videos gets them $$$. For those type of people that try to profit from sick and vulnerable people with what they know full well to be useless advice, I hope there is a special place reserved for them in hell!

This site is a great source of valuable information on up to date treatments and medications dealing with APC. There is no "quick fix" for our disease.

dmt1121 profile image

After doing my own research on Dr. Burzynski and his work, the FDA and Texas Medical Board cases, I cannot conclude he is a "quack" so easily.

There is evidence that the antineoplastons may be effective treatments for certain cancers but there are many parts to this puzzle. There is the pharmaceutical industry and FDA who are very closely aligned. There is the financial incentives of slowing but not curing cancer. There is a brilliant man from another country who is not used to being placed in a very rigid and costly approval process.

While his treatments were shown to be at the very least harmless and at the very most they were actually curing people of certain cancers. He violated federal law by transporting his treatments across state lines and perhaps made statements to patients that were not FDA approved. He was finally levied penalties in 2017 by the Texas Medical Board and his practice monitored for some period of time.

His story is the definition of dysfunctionality of medical research and the drug approval process here. It can make an individual researcher a pariah within the big pharma industry, though they may be quite brilliant and have something to contribute. Our system rewards those who work within the health research university and pharma industry. Individuals who do not follow their protocols do not survive.

I would not count his treatments out but I would say that he has "bucked the system" enough, that his practice will likely be crippled by constant interference from reviewing agencies until he decides to retire. The whole thing is sad because he may really have had a worthwhile idea but he never got off on the right foot. Also, one treatment that cures all cancers seems unlikely to me, especially when it comes to prostate cancer.

Thank you for sharing the video. It was worth watching.

Haa2020 profile image

Thanks for sharing this vital video. Am 100% convinced that the therapy is efficacious and helpful to majority of the patients. However, the video ended without stating the current situation of affairs on the therapy and the inventor. It's worth trying. Please can you provide more information on the present situation and how to access the therapy especially for people in Nigeria. Many thanks

maley2711 profile image

While of course I would be skeptical, I did check this one introduction to this guy.....

he Burzynski Clinic is a controversial clinic offering an unproven cancer treatment. It was founded in 1976 and is located in Texas, United States. It is best known for the controversial "antineoplaston therapy" devised by the clinic's founder Stanislaw Burzynski in the 1970s. Antineoplaston is Burzynski's term for a group of urine-derived peptides, peptide derivatives, and mixtures that Burzynski named to use in his cancer treatment. There is no accepted scientific evidence of benefit from antineoplaston combinations for various diseases.

The clinic has been the focus of criticism primarily due to the way the antineoplaston therapy is promoted, problems with the conduct of what essentially are medical experiments, the costs of accessing these unapproved treatments for people with cancer, and legal cases brought as a result of the sale of the therapy without regulatory approval.

Others her seem to believ that governing bodies are impediments to better these folks suggest no regulation..... I suspect , were that the case, quacks would multiply rapidly.

I do not believe Docs I've known prefer that we die.....that is a wild accusation and unfair to almost all Docs IMHO. Most folks saying such things would never get by the MCAT !!!

Don_1213 profile image
Don_1213 in reply to maley2711

If you watch the video -- Wikipedia is addressed in it, and it doesn't paint Wikipedia in a very favorable light. My personal experience with Wikipedia is I need confirmation of many things that I see posted there. The video has a section on "Astroturfing" that's worth watching.. on how the web can be used to take something that's entirely valid appear invalid... and how sometimes there may be a financial or other motive behind doing it - and how hard it is to stop.

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply to Don_1213

Others here seem to believe that governing bodies are impediments to better these folks suggest no regulation..... I suspect , were that the case, quacks would multiply rapidly.

I do not believe Docs I've known prefer that we die.....that is a wild accusation and unfair to almost all Docs IMHO. Most folks saying such things would never get by the MCAT !!!

Don_1213 profile image
Don_1213 in reply to maley2711

"I do not believe Docs I've known prefer that we die.....that is a wild accusation and unfair to almost all Docs IMHO."

Where was this said? I can't recall it from the video. There were accusations made in the video by patients and patients caregivers that the actions of some of the regulators in denying them Burzynski's treatment could result in patients dying. I also don't see that stated here in any posting by anyone.

RonnyBaby profile image

I have taken and continue to take 'select' supplements. They help me on a day to day basis, but I would NOT consider them a 'cure-all' - You need to look at all your 'traditional' options for treating your PCa.

I have continued to follow one particular path of a SOC/ PCa protocol - and I remain undetectable and have been for around 2 years and counting.

Continue your research - that's invaluable - you never know what's coming down the line, but don't expect 'miracle cures' that can't be proven without extensive clinical trials.

Wishing you the best on your journey .....

Don_1213 profile image
Don_1213 in reply to RonnyBaby

If you require extensive clinical trials - the majority of treatments you'd limit yourself to are ones where drug companies are making a lot of money on the end product. I'd again suggest watching the video. There is discussion on how his patents will expire shortly making the treatment of not lasting value to a drug company... they want full-term patents to maximize the profit.

The video is worth watching - even if you dismiss the entire thing and him and his treatments. How drugs are approved and for whom drugs are approved is covered in some detail, and how the tests are funded limit the drugs in the long term (ie - expensive) studies.

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply to Don_1213

so, you propose ...what?????? Insurers use what for determining whether or not to cover a treatment/drug???

Don_1213 profile image
Don_1213 in reply to maley2711

I proposed that YOU WATCH THE VIDEO - I didn't propose anything beyond that. I said there is interesting discussion in the video on topics of interest to PCa patients.

Please do not put words into my mouth, I'm more than capable of doing that myself.

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply to Don_1213

You are obviously criticizing our current medical system, unless you deny your own words. Thus, I responded to your critique.

RonnyBaby profile image
RonnyBaby in reply to Don_1213

I AGREE with most of what you are stating. The bigger problem is how do you allow any CLAIM(s) to be safe and effective ? There are legal implications to offering a 'cure' to patients who are often scared and desperate.

Some trials are very 'political' and big pharma has a lot to answer to. How is it that after all the elapsed time and money thrown at the 'cancers' that we have limited results ?

Something in Denmark stinks .....

You could always say 'look at the testimonials' and reviews (which can also be 'fixed) and you are left in a quandary.

I have been part of TWO clinicals to date and could be eligible for more down the road.

One thing I can tell you - my 'drugs' for PCa cost(ed) thousands of $$$$ / year. I insisted that we go another route - a much cheaper monotherapy that probably costs hundreds of $$$$ . yr MAX.

Luckily, I was right and have remained 'undetectable' for 2 years and counting - with greatly reduced side effects.

I've done a LOT of research and continue to do so. The 'lists' of 'supplements and off label drugs probably exceeds 30 - and I continue to 'experiment' - so far so good - but I won't stop following / listening to the advise of professionals who have journeyed with me and kept me alive and functioning.

I don't wish to get into detailed discussion(s) about what supplements I refer to - that is like opening Pandora's box for advancing the debate(s).

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply to RonnyBaby

I would say your results may or may not have anything to do with what you have chosen.....whatever, bestluck for many more good years!

Not what you're looking for?

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