After several weeks of in home hospice care, Jack’s struggle is over. I strongly recommend that you evaluate all of your end of life care options and make sure you have private nursing or plenty of available, willing, skilled volunteers. Advanced cases can develop challenging situations quickly and waiting several hours for a hospice nurse to arrive is heartbreaking. If you are a veteran, the VA can provide some home health care as well as respite care, but it takes a while to process the paperwork. I am stunned and devastated at how quickly Jack deteriorated from his diagnosis 20 months ago. I find solace in knowing that we did the very best we could to fight this horrible disease while trying to maintain some quality of life. Please raise a New Year’s toast to one of the kindest, most patient men you could ever hope to meet. 💔 More than ever I’m grateful for the 40+ years we had together.
My husband’s battle ended New Year’s Eve - Advanced Prostate...
My husband’s battle ended New Year’s Eve

Yes, its heartbreaking to watch someone deteriorate so quickly. I've personally expeienced that on a few occasions and can totally relate to it. So sorry for your loss.
Sad news. Here’s to Jack!
I'm raising a Glass now, with tears streaming down my face😭
Here's to you Jack, my Brother
Rest in Peace Sir and I'll shake your hand on the Other Side
Mahalo for your Service to our Great Nation
Big Hug from CA
Here is to Jack, it is the sad end we are all trying to avoid but no one alive ever will. Prayers for the family from me.
So sorry for your loss.
My sincerest condolences from one caregiver to another. You words about having support volunteers/hired help at home is very sound advice. It’s hard to imagine until you are in the midst of it how tiring and stressful the situation can be. Take time for yourself when you can. Sending you wishes for peace and comfort.
Sláinte, as I raise a glass in honor of Jack. Thank you for caring for him through his illness and passing.
Also, my earnest and sincere condolences to you and your family. I can't begin to imagine how difficult this loss and the recent days have been for you. I hope you are getting plenty of love and support back from others as you grieve.
Sorry for your loss
I’m so sorry for your huge loss, my husband is a Gleason 8 as well, he is patient and kind, and I’m terrified, we are together 23 years…This is such an awful life robbing torturing cancer…my heart goes out to you…
my deepest heartfelt condolences for your loss of Jack. Jack was lucky to have such a loving, caring , wife by his side.
My condolences on the loss of your beloved Jack. It was a kind service to recommend having people to help during hospice days at home. I've been a caregiver of family members in hospice but was blessed that my big family stayed involved. Jack is at rest. May you find solace in the memories of 40 years together.
My sincerest condolences to you and your friends & family. Heartbreaking that some of us have to go so fast. You did great by being successful to organize hospice and caring. And you are right, besides fighting it’s wise to make sure, that we get the best help available when time comes.
My heart breaks for you ma'am... What a horrible, rapid take down! If I may, please know that there is no death. You will be with Jack again... The Bible tells us "absence from body is presence with the Lord"... Stay blessed...
Very sorry for your loss.
Very sorry to read this, may God bless both of you.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sounds like the last few weeks were a nightmare for you. Great advise on help.
Were they at least able to keep Jack out of sever pain?
They installed a morphine pump that would automatically inject a dose every hour and when he would get agitated, we could hit the button to provide another dose. Unfortunately home health aides are not allowed to administer medication, so they would need to wake me to hit the button in the middle of the night.
very sorry hearing your loss, condolences 💔🙏
So sorry for your loss. This is indeed a cruel disease.
we are so saddened by your loss. He was lucky to have you by his side.
I'm so sorry- please take care of yourself.
So very sorry to hear of the passing of your Husband Jack. Taken far too soon, God bless.
So very sorry for your loss. He was a very lucky man to have you by his side in this life!

I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Jack. You are so kind during this time of grief to offer some sage advice. Thank you for that.
I do not come to this site often since I have nothing of value to contribute.
My husband has an aggressive prostate cancer: BRACA2 and is on Lemparza. I have no idea what he will go through once this stops working. So hearing that private nursing is something to consider, regarding hospice care, is a great help to me. We have been married 40 years. I just want the best care for him every step of the way. He's doing great. Me, not so much. Again, thank you for your advice and please accept my deepest condolences.
may God bless and comfort you now, and in the days to come.
in Christ
So sorry to hear of Jack's passing. God Bless.
Thank you for your advice. Sending you a hug and heartfelt condolences from miles away.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your wonderful husband. Your advice is appreciated and something that everyone should keep in mind.
May the force be with you
I'm so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine the grief you must feel. I know you did what you could but cancer can be relentless. Few of us are prepared for those horrible end-of-life situations. As you let go of the pain of those recent memories, I hope you will be able to focus more on those 40+ years - that is the real treasure.
My heart goes out to you and your family as Jack’s valiant fight has ended. May the good memories soften the sorrow. Hugs and love to you and your family.
So sorry for your sad loss. If you have a faith, then I hope you find solace in it
My heart goes out to you! Prayers for your comfort & strength. May your beloved Jack rest in peace.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers for strength for you and your family.
So sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss.. Prayers for the eternal repose of his soul.
My heart breaks for you. Sending you love and ((hugs)).
thank you Battle for this helpful information. Jim’s diagnoses is very similar to Jacks. I am so very sorry for your loss❤️
God bless you! Praying for you and your family
Here's to Jack! Rest in peace, my good man. Please accept my sympathies for the loss of your husband. 🦊
Sorry for your loss
Sorry for your loss and for your thoughtful words to this community about the need to make advanced plans ahead of time. Your husband was a very lucky man.
My deepest sympathies for your loss. May God rest his soul.