Just found this reasearch on my Android phone:
Scientists discover how to prevent T ... - Advanced Prostate...
Scientists discover how to prevent T cell exhaustion to maintain the fight against cancer

Awesome article. Super strong group of Dr.’s collaborating here! Personally, I believe, if we can somehow awaken our immune system to recognize the micro mets in our bloodstream, then our white blood cells will clean up the mess, and let us deal with the solid tumors. This is what they are doing here!
Quote from your article: “Then, the team used CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing to alter tens of thousands of genes-;one at a time-;in the cells. They tested which T cells showed more or less exhaustion than usual after constant activation of their T cell receptors. This let the researchers identify which genes were most important in triggering T cell exhaustion.”
Keep moving forward,
Nice but until the research provides a way to maintain or reactivate the T Cells--
Creatine in T Cell Antitumor Immunity and Cancer …
May 13, 2021 · Creatine has been identified as an important metabolic regulator conserving bioenergy to power CD8 T cell antitumor reactivity in a tumor microenvironment; creatine supplementation has been shown to enhance antitumor T cell immunity in multiple preclinical mouse tumor models and, importantly, to synergize with other cancer immunotherapy …
Author: Bo Li, Lili Yang
Publish Year: 2021
Another --
Creatine powers T cells' fight against cancer | UCLA Health
Oct 18, 2019 · October 18, 2019. Creatine, the organic acid that is popularly taken as a supplement by athletes and bodybuilders, serves as a molecular battery for immune cells by storing and
Just type "creatine strengthens T Cells" in your search bar.
Good point. I always wanted to try creatine monohydrate but my oncologist wasn't very enthusiastic about it when I asked him about creatine. I think one of the problem is that apperantly the creatine monohydrate makes our body produce more DHT. That elevation in DHT makes creatine monohydrate an affective aid to elevate performance in athletes. For us PC sufferers elevating DHT is maybe not a very smart thing to do. I honestly don't know but I rather not experiment with this supplement. What I am doing at the moment is that I eat lot of peanuts 🥜 in shell. (I don't want extra salt.) Peanuts protein has i believe about 30% arginine and our body can convert this arginine into creatine. So I am doing creatine but indirectly. I am not a doctor or a scientist. I am just trying my best. I think (maybe I am wrong again) that peanut has lot of omega 6 and that is not good as it can promote inflammation. Therefore better not to overdo peanuts either. For some reason my ALP is very good now. Around 50. Maybe peanuts? I don't know. I also eat avocado 🥑. Thanks for your contribution.
My herbalist advises against peanuts for those who have had or have cancers. There are conflicting opinions on peanuts. Use your search bar if interested in peanuts and cancers and make your decision. The beet powders or beets themselves would provide arginine for you.
You are what you eat does have some meaning or maybe---
You might read about Dr. Ruth Heidrich. --Or -- this article--one of the US guv acronym agencies posted about the man in the article.
Treating Advanced Prostate Cancer with Diet
Feb 04, 2021 · Four years later, it appeared the cancer had disappeared. After six years, he got a little too comfortable, backslid a bit on the diet and began eating “turkey, tuna fish, and chicken,”
The Macrobiotic Diet as Treatment for Cancer: Review of …
I never heard anything said or written against avocados. Quite the opposite.
Chemopreventive characteristics of avocado fruit - PubMed