Was only on it for a short time. Low dosage. No side affects
Prednisone : Was only on it for a short... - Advanced Prostate...

At the start of my last ADT cycle (Zeulide every three months), I was prescribed prednisone to deal with severe upper abdominal pain. It reduced the pain significantly, and offered the side benefits of lower fatigue levels and less depression. My MO had me start tapering off the prednisone after about three weeks, so that I was completely off it by the end of the third month.
I've been on my current Zeulide cycle for 11 days now, without prednisone. I'm managing the pain with Percocet as needed, the fatigue with a program of walking and light weights, and the depression with... well, I haven't quite figured that one out yet.
I am currently on prednisone to reduce fluid in my lung cavity due to recent Chemo treatments (10 infusions). Started with 40mg for 14 days, now on a reduced amount of 20mg for 14 days. Then there will be a final tapering. No notable side effects.Not sure what what kind of info you’re looking for.