Hello, My MO wants me to switch to Xtandi, You can see my history in my profile. found PC and bone mets Feb 2021, Cleason 4+5 (9) I have been on Lupron and Casodex since. I did 6 chemo treatments the last one on Dec 9, 2021. PSA started at 82.2 now down to .060 as of this week.
My MO wants to put me on Xtandi instead of Casodex. He said the biggest SE is fatigue. Is this a good move? He said that I have responded well to treatments and he would like to get my PSA down to .01 or lower.
I thought I could maybe stay on Casodex until it quit working, but maybe that is not a good idea. My PSA continues to drop every time, I get it check. this past time it dropped from .30 down to .06.
Another question I have is would it be wise for me to consider orchiectomy?
So many questions and decisions thru this marathon.
any advice you have for me--I would be most grateful. if I generated more questions let me know.