Doing a study on Androgen and came accross this photo, look familiar? This is why we have some of these side effects with ADT.
Does this sound familiar on ADT - Advanced Prostate...
Does this sound familiar on ADT

Should be a third figure, a man who refused to follow science laying in a coffin. Can't have it both ways.

Right on….
😂 👏🏼👏🏼
I’m inside of the eye wall with you .Im working on 7 years with 3T . I have all of the above on the left side and none from the right . Chopped the boys 2017 and dropped the lupron shots . So ! Se la ve ! Enjoy life and stay out of APC jaws for as long as possible . I pray that my aging ticker doesn’t seize up too soon either . I’m 60 .✌️🚣🚣🚣

Hey Lu…so after getting “chopped” and dropping Lupron…did nothing change except no shots? I’m convinced I got the brain fog; wonder if dropping Eligard (in my case) would help this?
I did a one month firmagon shot .That drove my Psa from its high of 22 down to .1. The I did a 3 months Eliguard ,then Lupron . But im still on Tak -700( a defunct adt test drug ) .it’s said to halt the adrenal production of t ! . so what changed? I hated going in for tri monthly shots for life . I was told . I think an orch is better on the heart . That’s my story . My boys were already tiny and a bit painful from chemical castration . I suffered a bout of depression for several months afterwords . Feelings of worthlessness and not being a bull anymore . Somehow that fog lifted . For me it’s been a good life choice . You do you Savoy . Your life . Be well 🥂👍
C'est la vie is right. That's me showing off my high school francais.Keep truckin'. BTW, the two strains I picked for my Phoenix area winter garage grow are 'Crown Royale' and 'Blue Cookies'. Wish me luck.
Oh mama! Strains I’d like to try ! Good luck ! 🌵
Very true, I thought it was funny all the side effects on these Medicines I see are not side effects but effects of the causality. Lol
In the eye! 👏😂
Pc battle scars , if we’re lucky 🍀
And i remember mo telling me ' no side effects"......maybe some hot flashes.....bought it hook line and sinker....sure im not in a pine box....but ill be a cripple if apc doesnt rise up and take me out first.....but today was a good day...
No Side effects ? That’s a joke . The mo’s know . Some hate to admit that everything we suffer is from treatments .
Doesn’t have to be that way. Gotta fight it with weight lifting. Mad gains no, but minimal strength loss and fat gain if diet is clean.
Too many guys blame their sarcopenia and resulting severe deconditioning entirely on ADT, but this is refusing to control the part you can.
Well weight lifting won’t help the man boobs and weight gain and hair loss lol. Maybe muscle mass but it was just funny

Lifting improves your appearance far more than simply not having man boobs and hair loss. Those are cosmetic issues lol. A less important but great reason to lift.
‘It won’t help the weight gain’ is simply wrong.
Unless you eat a poor diet and/or too much food that is, since metabolism slows on ADT.
Even then you are FAR better off lifting.
Obviously dedicated lifting and caloric restriction aren’t easy, but they are the key to making life on ADT worth living.
Statements like this just encourage people to give up, and no one needs any help with that.
It was humor, we have to have humor here, there is too much seriousness without it! Always have to adapt and keep moving!

It was humor…okay. The syntax of ‘maybe muscle mass but it was just funny’ (sic) confused me a bit.
If I seem overly serious about the subject, it’s only because way too many guys see ADT side effects as individualized, luck of the draw etc. This is basically BS.
I challenge any man who doesn’t lift on ADT and is miserable to do it for a few months a tell me it doesn’t make a dramatic difference.
Personally, I’m all about having a good time, and the exercise makes it comparatively effortless.
This is why I promote lifting on ADT so much-I want every man who doesn’t know how good it is to feed off my experience! If I reach only a few, it feels good.
Bravo!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼keep on keeping on! 😂

Humor? What's that?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 12/20/2021 8:28 PM EST
Agreed . Some lucky fellows say they don’t seem to suffer . They are blessed! 🙏
No two of us are exactly the same . I lost it all with two years of tubes and not much working out .I was told not any thing over ten ponds . Im glad that you’ve maintained your strength . Thats very good . Not all are so lucky friend . I see many a man destroyed by adt . You are either in denial or just a superior man .? I lifted weights since I was 14 .
Yep, went from my normal 145 to 165 pounds with man boobs and no man hair. 😡😡😖
Dammit Larry 🤔
I wasn't hairy to begin with -- no chest hair, little forearm hair. I was on eligard for only six months. Sprouted man-boobs but they've shrunk a bit after T recovered. I do dumb-bell 'flys' to build up my pecs and that helps further disguise the boobs. No more arm-pit hair. That ain't coming back. Weird how women can have more arm-pit hair than me. I still have a full head of hair anyway.
This is an ad for testosterone supplements but nonetheless they got it mostly right in the graphic. For those of us on chemical reduction of all androgens it would include a healthy dose of hot flashes. I shared the graphic with one guy who is not understanding what Lupron has done to him. 14 years of ADT plus treatment with the newer agents has left me with almost all of that but here I am at age 80, 26 years after my initial diagnosis. I will take it!
Yep for sure
Wow daddy! You are king of the hill! 👍👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🤙🏽
Not everyone has all these SEs, and the severity varies too.
Remarkably, there are studies that find no correlation to depression.
My experience was that ADT had chemically removed my capacity to feel joy, pleasure, and any sense that life was worth living.
Mama! Been there done that! No bueno! I do understand it! 😳
My neighbor had 350 t . He felt like hell . Had no Psa so doc put him on t injections . He felt great . After one year the doc called and said no more t . You’re closer than anyone I’ve ever seen to a stroke . He stopped . Now I don’t see him outside much .He feels bad again . I’ve had 3 t working on 7 yrs now. What a party . Some men would rather die . I’m adapting . 👏
always adapt
It's sad that your hero felt the need to go out that way. But even if you 'dropped off working out for awhile', you didn't quit altogether.
You've had it tougher than most no doubt. You're the kind of man who is a inspiration to us all. Not sure I remember 'Jane Fonda style' but I'm endorsing it anyway. Stay strong.
Remember the song:High diddly dee an actor's life for me.
New lyrics:
High diddly dee I don't know who I be !
Who does know? We are all drifting in the same raft .Just Fleas on the dogs back . Niagara Falls ahead . Enjoy any side views sunrises sunsets ! 🤙🏽🚣🚣🚣🚣

MmmmmHmmm. Like this last night. A sideview as you said.
Some kind of weird restlessness last night. I had to get out of the house. Parked in this Home Depot parking lot about 1 1/2 miles from my house.Had had some canaby of course and relaxed here for about 10 or 15 minutes and then went home.
Sometime you’ve just got to get out the house . That’s a cool photo . It looks like a painting . Is it an orchard ? Almonds? Must have a night lens ? Wife’s sis gave her a new I-phone . The camera rocks .. canaby helps a lot of my issues . Peps my moods up . Otherwise, I’d be an angry mug way to often .

Looked good stoned in person so I took a pic with my phone. Glad the picture comes across but it was cooler in person along with frame of mind ha.Just a tree in the parking lot lit up by the parking lot lights.
It's those simple things that make you feel alive.
Cold here in the twin cities.
Twin cities? I lived for a short time in Lakeville. Cold winter .
Hey diddle diddle , the cat and the fiddle! Reminds me of seeing Cat Stevens live..

Ha. ha.
did you mean Yusuf Islam?
The same.. they wouldn’t let him back in due to his new name .
They finally saw that it was the Cat that sings of peace and love . Not some dammed terrorist ! Idiots indeed ! ✌️😫
As far as I'm concerned this testosterone issue is just nuts....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 12/20/2021 9:57 PM EST
Like they say “gotta love these nuts”
Nailed it! Plus genitals shrinkage, zero (not low) libido, short term memory loss, and more frequent bladder and bowel movements (though radiation may also be involved for this one since I had 25 cyberknife radiation treatments and brachytherapy). On the good side, my complexion has totally cleared up. I have also tried to keep active physically as before with bicycling, jogging, walking, and working out with weights, but after almost a year on Eligard I am still getting continuously weaker, stiffer, heavier, and less energetic. But what is the alternative? My urologist tells me that I can get off the Eligard if my PSA remains at zero in a couple months, and I am counting the days 'til that happens.
It all brings a new meaning to zero or zilch ! 😳I am there . IMO the first year is the hardest . I got stripped down and there was nothing that I could do about it . Good luck in getting a break from the hell of adt .. 🎄👍🏋🏽♂️
Yep part of life now, I just adjust,It’s all we can do is adjust