Living on Firmagon (ADT): Hi everyone... - Advanced Prostate...

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Living on Firmagon (ADT)

GTTown profile image
36 Replies

Hi everyone,

I have been on Firmagon for almost 2 years and I wanted to share some of my experiences and see if there were any ideas to help with some of the side effects.


For 1-2 days after each monthly injection, my body is very achy, specifically the joints. In addition, I have an intermittent fever and chills. After two days I am right back to normal. However, on a few occasions, I've had no side effects.

Are there any recommendations on how to limit/avoid these side effects…activity, meds, etc.?

Rest of the Month:

Other than the two days after injection, I feel pretty good. However, I do have achy joints for several minutes after each time I sit and relax for a while. I've also notice my strength has diminished a fair bit. I am quite active, riding my Peloton for 30 mins, 3-4 times per week and trying to work in some dumbbells for upper body.

Does anyone have any recommendations to feel better…supplements, different exercise, etc.

Please share your experiences, thx!

As always, my best to all of you fighting this awful disease.


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GTTown profile image
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36 Replies
mrscruffy profile image

I have great luck with THC. Edibles, smoking and cream

Tall_Allen profile image

Have you tried an antihistamine, like Claritin?

GTTown profile image
GTTown in reply to Tall_Allen

I have not but will give that a try. Are you recommending just before injection or all the time?Thx

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to GTTown

Be sure to take the Claritin a few hours before your injection.

GTTown profile image
GTTown in reply to Tall_Allen

I also take zones every 3 months and have similar side effects to the firmagon injection. Do you think an antihistamine would help her as well?

GTTown profile image
GTTown in reply to GTTown


Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to GTTown

IDK - all you can do is try and see.

GTTown profile image


Tall_Allen profile image

Maybe start a couple of days before and continue for a few days after.

tango65 profile image

Firmagon may cause:

"Hypersensitivity: Anaphylaxis, urticaria and angioedema

have been reported. Discontinue Firmagon if a serious

hypersensitivity reaction occurs, and manage as clinically

indicated. ". Joint pain is other of the negative side effects.

I have a bad reaction to Firmagon which caused a significant worsening of the peripheral neuropathy which never went again even when I did not have Firmagon anymore.

You are describing that significant acute problems like fever and chills associate with arthralgia which remains for while. You could consult with a rheumatologists about what is happening to determining if you should continue with Firmagon. The problem is that your arthralgia may become chronic even when not having Firmagon injections,,

You could change to Relugolix or a leuprolide and see what happens with these problems.

GTTown profile image
GTTown in reply to tango65

Tango, do you think my tinnitus, which developed over the last year, could also be related?

tango65 profile image
tango65 in reply to GTTown

I do not know. Consult with reumathology.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to GTTown

Tinnitus...... got to train yourself to drown it out........

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/08/2021 6:33 PM EST

GTTown profile image

Thanks Tango65, I’ll have a chat with my doc.

AlanMeyer profile image

A great many patients are given Firmagon for one month to drop their testosterone to a very low level without the "testosterone flare" caused by the more common ADT drugs. They are then switched to Zoladex, Eligard, or Lupron. It is my understanding that the effect on cancer burden is not significantly worse for most patients than staying on Firmagon.


London441 profile image

Try some of the suggested remedies if you’re committed to firmagon, but know that the post injection problems you mention are mostly particular to LHRH antagonists like firmagon. Relugolix or Lupron, Eligard etc (agonists) tend not to have these side effects.

As for your strength, of course it has ‘diminished a fair bit’. The Peloton is great, but ‘trying to work in some dumbbells’ is not going to cut it.

. The longer you mess around the harder it will be. It’s basically non negotiable. Trying’ to lift weights is code for not lifting. Get serious about weight training now! You’ll soon feel so good the effort will feel like nothing.

GTTown profile image
GTTown in reply to London441

Thanks London!

Seasid profile image

I was taking an Aspirin about 8 hours after an injection. And since I am on dococyclin 100mg per day i don't need an Aspirin because doxyciclin antibiotics have very strong anti inflammatory effects.

Seasid profile image

I would not take an antihistamine. Especially not for days. My chills start evening around 7 pm and next morning I am always fine.

Seasid profile image

Doxycycline and not dococyclin.

Rolphs profile image

I'm on Firmagon and Xtandi. I use cold pack on injection site for an hour or so depending on swelling and it helps. I've also read on forum Hydrocortisone works for some people. I tried it once and it didn't seem to have any effect on redness or swelling. Because I take so many medications, I try to avoid taking over the counter or additional symptom relievers if I can avoid it.

Wahoo_ profile image
Wahoo_ in reply to Rolphs

How is that combo working for you. I am on the same.

Rolphs profile image
Rolphs in reply to Wahoo_

In general pretty well. Like a lot of the other posters I've lost muscle and endurance from being on Chemo and Firmagon for 5 months (and radiation for bone mets). Have peripheral neuropathy that comes and goes. Some water retention that I take Furosemide for swelling as needed. I started Xtandi a couple of weeks ago after Doxe and we'll see next week how PSA is moving. I've gone from PSA 920 at diagnosis to 11 now so I'm grateful that my side effects so far have been manageable. How long have you been on these two drugs?

Wahoo_ profile image
Wahoo_ in reply to Rolphs

I have been on the combo for nearly a year. My PSA has been steady at <0.010. I too have some joint pain. I try to stay active and my job helps with that. I don’t feel I have lost anything in the way of strength but I am still early in my treatment.

GTTown profile image
GTTown in reply to Rolphs

I had a PSA of 577 in January 2020 and been around 5 for the past 6 months. So far the side effects have been a nuisance but also concerned of what the impact would be if I changed treatment.

Rolphs profile image
Rolphs in reply to GTTown

Yeah, I've been following the blogs and looking at the literature to see if what I'm on is the right mix. I guess I look at it as long as my PSA isn't going up I don't really want to change horses on the treatment. Medium and long term effects worry me but I guess I'm relying on MO for the best recommendation.

rmarkley profile image

I was on Firmagon for a year, and had the chills or tired feeling for a day after the injection, and the injection location was sore for a couple of days. I was started on the Antagonist due to heart problems- I have lone atrial fibrillation. I was recently put on Orgovyx-the oral version- and have noticed no side effects other than the expected ones due to ADT. Mostly weakness due to low T. Lost 3-4 mph off my bicycling speed.

Note, that I have also been on abiraterone and prednisone the whole time. Gained a bit of useless weight, and lost a bit of muscle.

I try to alternate an hour on the bike one day and an hour walking the next day. On the bike trainer in the winter. Also some work with weights.

Exrunner profile image

An option is to switch to Orgovyx (Relugolix) a pill a day that works similar to Firmagon while avoiding the monthly shot to the stomach. I was on Firmagon for three months that left jelly bean size knots on either side of my navel that have not fully resolved. I am currently on Relugolix and believe I experience fewer hot flashes. The other side effects of ADT such as loss of libido, muscle loss, tiredness, joint pain etc. continue.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Exrunner

You're lucky..... you now have a smiley face on your stomach......Just tell the women "want to see something that will make you smile?" If they say yes.... then undo your belt /pants and pull your clothes up to display your smiley face....If they don't smile/laugh, ditch them.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/08/2021 6:43 PM EST

Exrunner profile image
Exrunner in reply to j-o-h-n

We need a sense of humor!

Johnnymoe profile image
Johnnymoe in reply to Exrunner

How's it working?

Exrunner profile image
Exrunner in reply to Johnnymoe

It rapidly dropped my T to castrate level (<10) and has kept it there. My PSA never went to undetectable...lowest reading was .12 and then it started rising. When it reached a level that Pylarify F18 might pick it up I had the scan which revealed two suspicious lesions one on my C3 vertebra and the other on my second upper rib. I had both areas radiated. As of yet my PSA has not come down. Latest PSA is .36. I will be seeing my radiologist in late March to get his evaluation of the treatment.

I recently saw my Oncologist and told him I plan to stop Orgovyx in April. I will have been on the drug of two years. At 79, I would like to have as much of my remaining time feeling normal if that is possible. I will be monitoring my PSA closely and if the PSA start rising rapidly or goes to 10 I may go back on ADT.

Good luck!

Johnnymoe profile image
Johnnymoe in reply to Exrunner

At 79 you've done well. I'm 69 and hope to make it to 85.

Exrunner profile image
Exrunner in reply to Johnnymoe

My journey started at about the same age. 85 seems like a reasonable goal to shoot for.

Good luck on your journey!

Hey GT! My first shot was a one month firmagon shot . Then I was switched to a tri monthly Lupron . I did that 18 months until I chopped the boys and dropped the lupron . A monthly shot is too much torture . Go to a tri monthly ..

Johnnymoe profile image

I've been on it 2 months now with Xtandi and I'm 69. Assuming it works can we live another 20 years? Are there men in their 80s on this?

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