Waiting on test results is often the ... - Advanced Prostate...

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Waiting on test results is often the hardest part

Pancake_Lefse profile image
31 Replies

My Jeff had labs and a palliative care appointment.

We are still reeling from the brain mets diagnosis, but I’m grateful to report that his pain is still reasonably managed. I’m typically the most vocal in his palliative care appointments as I strongly advocate for Jeff. As we waited for the doctor, I mused I had nothing to complain about.

The lab work results started rolling into the portal. While I have a few results I specifically look for, PSA is at the top of my list. We usually know PSA levels, max, within 2 hours after blood is drawn.

Hour after hour passed and no PSA. I ultimately thought Jeff’s oncologist inadvertently forgot to order.

Labs were at 1:30 at 8:04 p.m. Jeff texts me, “OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!”.

(I have no idea what took so long, but PSA was finally in.)

Jeff: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: What? Is that good or bad? You’re scaring me.

Jeff: Just go look at the portal. Do you have tissues?

Me: ok …. I’ll go look.

Also Me: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭


PSA = 45.3 ☀️ This is the lowest its ever been!

It’s hard not to feel extremely hopeful with these results. Jeff has been on Zytiga/Prednisone since 8-10-2021. It definitely appears to be working!!!

PSA History:

950 - Dec 17, 2020

317 - Jan 26, 2021

254 - March 2, 2021

237 - March 16, 2021

345 - April 6, 2021

398 - April 28, 2021

387 - May 18, 2021

467 - June 9, 2021

476 - June 30, 2021

310 - July 15, 2021

45.3 - August 26, 2021


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Pancake_Lefse profile image
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31 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

An well-described lesson about how living in the present moment is the ideal place to be.

tango65 profile image
tango65 in reply to Tall_Allen

Very nice comment, everybody here should remember it.

Boywonder56 profile image
Boywonder56 in reply to Tall_Allen

Ta....philisophical tooo.....have you thought about politics. Sure could need a new pres.....

treedown profile image

Congratulations. I am very happy for you both. Hopefully this will give you some time to breath. Here's to continued decrease in PSA.

noirhole profile image

Awesome results! Celebration time.

tango65 profile image


Survivor1965 profile image

Celebrate bigly

🙏Thank God ! you both need good news. Thanks for sharing this? I’ll keep praying for improvements. Pain being better is another plus. Let the PSA drop more. Stay strong! 👏🏼👏🏼🙏

Cooolone profile image

If I could run and jump giving you both a ridiculous High Five while in the air (think Michael Jordan Dunk) ... I would!

Such good news and I'm so so happy for you both! Is awesome news and I hope it continues this path & direction with the current treatment!

Best Regards

Pancake_Lefse profile image
Pancake_Lefse in reply to Cooolone

High five 🙌


NWLiving profile image
NWLiving in reply to Pancake_Lefse

Me too 🙌

Dett profile image

Wow, that was fast! Congratulations!

greatjohn profile image

Cause for celebration 🥰

Sisira profile image

Anything encouraging is good for all. Besides, you know how to put it. Congratulations!God bless you both!

Costarica1961 profile image

After 5.3 years. I've learned not to get to high,or to low. Yes I have Mets ,yes its advanced with limited options, so yes, I know how you feel. Psa was up up up, now down last I checked but who knows I. Playing golf tomorrow and attending high school reunion thats what focused on.

Bebby1 profile image

I feel your excitementGod bless 🙏🏽

Brbnbrn profile image

Congratulations! We know the feeling. We've taught ourselves not to look at results until appointment morning. Brian's PSA started at 1,600 in late 2017. Went through initial chemo, Zytiga, down to .2. Became resistant it went up to 12. Went on Xtandi . Up to 29. Is back on IV chemo every 3 weeks. After 4th round, his PSA dropped for the 1st time to 22! It's working!!

Blessings to you both and enjoy it while its here! 🙏🌻💕

Curehunter profile image

Very happy for you and Jeff. May it continue on its downward trend and stay low for a long time.

Boywonder56 profile image

The other tom petty song to go with that....running down a dream......if jeff can go chase one......cuz its good to be king...glad to see his psa drop...bw

Pancake_Lefse profile image
Pancake_Lefse in reply to Boywonder56

As I recently saw this, couldn’t resist haha

Your message to us is, by far, much more meaningful ❤️ Thank you xoxo

Tom Petty
Yank66 profile image

That is great news—You guys needed some!

wagscure259 profile image

My wife and I are celebrating with you and Jeff, and for you both! Peace and healing.

Jmr11820 profile image

Wonderful news. Take a breather. In the words of Tom Petty ……The Waiting is the Hardest Part.

Proflac profile image

Really really pleased for you. Though are tough numbers.

d55eng profile image

Stephanie, I am so happy to hear this encouraging news in Jeff’s prognosis. Your love and commitment to Jeff and his health, I think, probably struck a chord with many on this site. I know it did with me. Wishing you and Jeff all the best in this challenging path. -Don

Pancake_Lefse profile image
Pancake_Lefse in reply to d55eng

Thank you so much 🥰

Lasered profile image

Time to celebrate!

j-o-h-n profile image


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 08/28/2021 10:28 PM DST

Hailwood profile image

That’s great news and as Tall_Allen says, the moment is the important time

Shooter1 profile image

Down by 90%--unthinkable... congratulations... Hoping all the best for you... Life is Good,,,and just got better...

Spyder54 profile image

I like to see good news. It also confirms that here, now, you are on the right track. Congrats, Mike

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