I had a nuclear stress test yesterday, which revealed some concerning issues. I will be getting a cardiac catheterization in the next couple of days. I have been on monthly Firmagon injections since the start of this last June. I seemed to be having minor side effects from the ADT, until about 3 weeks ago, when even the most minor exertion had me out of breath with my heart racing. Has anyone else here had cardiac issues that may have been exasperated by ADT?
Cardiac issues : I had a nuclear stress... - Advanced Prostate...
Cardiac issues

This surely is common with extended adt use . Great luck on the catheterization 🙏

Thank you.
I have 5 stents - 3 heart, 2 legs. While I had artery disease before Lupron, it appeared Lupron made it worse.
As far as the catheterization and eventual stents - they're a piece of cake. I've been on that table 4 times and it was never scary or painful or even worrying. Of course, it's good to get the best cardiologist you possibly can to assure a positive result.
j-o-h-n <----- raises right hand..... right now my left leg is a bit swollen....and I'm already on water pills..... I will call my cardiologist on Monday, if I last that long...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 05/22/2021 11:25 PM DST
Had the sameracing heart rate after nearly 3 years on ADT Lupron and Ztiga stopped Zytiga
Pianodude - how did it go? Hopefully flawlessly..
I have a stent in an artery that was 95% clogged. Three new meds added to the list. Lots of lifestyle changes on my radar. Overall, I am probably lucky. Thanks for inquiring. 😊