I just wonder if any of you have ever heard about Homeopathy and if it can help to control or even stop metastatic cancer ? Im not saying my dad should stop the conventional treatments and go for alternative, I’m thinking if he can get help from both.
Homeopathy For cancer : I just wonder... - Advanced Prostate...
Homeopathy For cancer

Homeopathy - the idea that super-diluted drugs can have the opposite effect - has been debunked.
My friend’s sister is a Homeopathy doctor who has been able to save many COVID patients with more than 60% lung infection, today I asked her if she is able to save cancer patients and she said she had success with some patients and suggested to me if I can find any Homeopathy doctor in United States to help my dad managing the mets as well as improving his quality of life effected by adt side effects . Unfortunately I could not find any useful review online , also it seems Homeopathy here is not as popular as in Europe, I’m willing to do anything for my dad , he is suffering and that breaks my heart. Maybe alternate treatments help him in some way
This is basically a standard of care cite by many members only believing in western med. Thete are only 100 naturalpathic oncologist in the USA. Mine is Dr Michael Uzick of Genesis Medicine in Tucson Az.... there s no cure for stage #4 pc . I felt at 53 that I needed to throw the kitchen sink at the beast I had aptly grown inside of me. It takes some poisons to slow down or stop an Shes dive pc . I belive in trying fo put in the hood natural stuff to counteract hopefully the bad. This is more of a religion , but following someone on the know is the best way . Diet dues matter in everything we do . Some say not . I don’t knock anyone for trying anything that they think will work. Even the placebo effect is real. If You think it’s good for him , why not try ?? But he must also want it . Great advocating for him. Peace to you and him Spring_moon . 🙏

Does Uzick do Homeopathy? Seems we're both in Tucson.

I have an appointment with Dr. Uzick next week at the recommendation of my mainstream Oncologist who is advocating ADT/ low dosage radiation (55 treatments) and 2 years of ADT thereafter with an 80-90% success rate, 10 year life span.
You are desperate and are prone to being taken advantage of by quacks. Homeopathy is one more bunch of quacks. There is no scientific justification. To the extent it works, it works the same way as voodoo does - by belief. Belief is powerful.
Next they will be throwing chiropractors in the mix😩
"This finding is compatible with the notion that the clinical effects of homoeopathy are placebo effects."thelancet.com/journals/lanc...
"There has been enough testing of homeopathy and plenty of evidence showing that it is not efficacious. ..We do not doubt that homeopathy makes some patients feel better. However, patient satisfaction can occur through a placebo effect alone and therefore does not prove the efficacy of homeopathic interventions."
As an elite competitive runner, I saw a chiropractor once a week. I was running 70-100 miles a week. I still think getting my skeleton tuned up is a good idea. It allows the body to heal itself- no undue stress. Why does everything have to be a chemical or a radiation treatment or a surgery with you guys? Open your mind. Talk about bias and prejudice...
to me the idea of homeopathy is absurd but i still won't deny the possibility and the good thing is that it is not going to harm you, a little water? i actually did have an immediate response to a homeopathic remedy. i took it because a friend i trust suggested it. i knew it was a silly waste of time and would do nothing. i forget what it was "prescribed" for but do remember that the next day the problem was gone. i think it was some sort of pain thing but really do not remember.
i do not know of anything homeopathic for cancer and if i did i would not rely on it.
I am willing to try anything but usually stick with the scientifically proven. I am taking keflex for a UTI but am also taking a bunch of goldenseal. i don't care which eliminates it. my GP said there was no harm in taking the goldenseal in addition to the antibiotics.
You are confusing homeopathy with naturopathy. Use of goldenseal would be a naturopathic remedy. Homeopathy to manage Cancer is a shortcut to the undertaker. See fire’s. Post below.
Do you know the history of Homeopathy, and why you think it quack medicine? You seem to have some stature on this forum, but your opinion is manifestation of ignorance. We must be skeptical of your posts.
But Tall_Allen SAYS Homeopathy has been DEBUNKED. So all the COVID patients saved by Homeopathy were just placebo effect. Seriously? Let's put is another way- You can be dead or cured from a placebo effect-take your pick.
I've been an outlier my entire adult life. It's been fun and profitable. I've had numerous near death incidents but Tall_Allen thinks he's got me all figured out and his view of PC, science, politics, women, sports, pollution, and whether a Ford or Chevy truck is best is God's Gospel Truth. PULLLEEAse.Spring-moon: Take your dad to a person who KNOWS Homeopathy. It won't cure cancer, BUT you add it to a bundle of cures and progress emanates.
My mother all her life was treated with Homeopathy and Ayurveda... Chemical drugs therapy were sure death.....she lived a long life...
Life is all a mind game...
For hot flashes... I control it with Acupressure points and with massage of some essential oils
I need no clinical study a...I am my own marker....
Who know more than my how I respond..
.nothing against scorched therapies...
Sure 100 years ago these science guys took a wrong road...
Cure the disease even if patient dies of toxicity....a failed system
We as scientists can do better....if we become integrated human beings free from trap of big pharma.....
Till then enjoy toxicity ....more or less
Science could have taken a more human road in medicine.....
Maybe our young generations take that integrative road unless they become connected objects....
This is just personal opinion of life well lived ... from clean healthy diet to processed
...with no value judgements of opinions of other members
Diversity and challenging all opinions is the basis of scientific mind....
Cite to reference. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeo... pseudoscience from medium of delivery.
Until COVID, "like cures like" was the basis of vaccines.
As an elite competitive athlete, I've used Arnica montana for a half century. I don't know exactly how it works, but it does to debunk your 'opinion.' My former wife suffers from migraines. Allopathic remedies made her headaches worse. Homeopathy made them manageable.
Homeopathy can’t cure or treat anything, let alone cancer. It’s nonsense designed to separate the gullible from their money. It’s up there with faith healing and reiki.
How much do you pay for "health insurance?" For all your cancer meds, cancer doctors, blah, blah, blah- who is truly gullible? Gullibility and fraud are ubiquitous. In my 20's, I had chronic sore throats. My ENT said I had tonsillitis and had to have my tonsils removed. This is a routine procedure for children, but for adults it has probability of fatality. I went to an acupuncturist and a nutritionist, discovered that I was allergic to milk and peanut butter, two mainstays in my diet. I changed my diet and had 8 acupuncture treatments then went back to my Throat "Specialist." He inspected my throat and asked me why am I here? I told him what I had done, but his BELIEF in his science made him conclude that his initial deduction for me to have surgery was a mistake--not that I had cured my "disease" through and alternative process.
How is diet, allergy and acupuncture related to homeopathy? You want to pay for expensive water, go ahead. But don’t expect it to do anything.
You are missing the point- they are all alternative modalities to conventional medicine. Do you know how much nutrition education a doctor receives? Pathetic.Yet nutrition does play a huge part in health. As to Homeopathy
Allopathic remedy for prostate cancer = castration + radiation. That's what ADT is, chemical castration as stated by my urologist yesterday- he can either cut off my balls or make them dissolve with chemicals. Expensive water is getting more appealing by the minute. You need to learn about redox therapy. Curing disease at the cell level instead of the organ level. And while you're at it, consider quantum physics. There is way more going on with "health" than the simplistic reductionist methods of allopathic medicine.
"See Spot run."Expensive water.
Water is a medium for delivery.
Do you paint your house? That's expensive water. Water is the medium delivering the pigment to the wall surface.
How about your foundation. Is it made of concrete? That can be considered expensive water. Water provides the catalyst for cement, rock and sand to become concrete.
By expensive water, I presume you mean Asea.
Again, you miss the point. The water of Asea is the medium delivering redox nano particles. This has been tested.
Here is the science
on a generic level, just google redox and see what you find. It's being explored all over the planet. I'm highly skeptical of everything and everyone.
Which leads me to this forum. My Allopathic urologist and oncologist espousing mainstream cure of low dosage radiation and ADT for two years claim 80-90% "cure." They don't talk of quality of life. The horror stories of pharmacopeia on this forum is enough to make a grown man cry. Why would you be so antagonistic about something that could help you? K.I.S.S.
By water, I mean water, that’s what homeopathic medicine is.Yes I paint my house, but not with plain water.
I can see I’ve hit a raw nerve. Homeopathy doesn’t work, plain and simple, but you go ahead and waste your money, and risk your life. We won’t stop you.
C'mon Steve- Look at a paint can. How much pigment is in the gal. of paint? What's the rest? Water, drying agents, wetting agents...I get that you are a closed mind. What is your status with PC? How long? what did you do to "cure" it? What is your current quality of life. How many guys have come to this forum, done an Allopathic solution and walked away cancer free never to come back."Just the facts, ma'am." Sergeant Friday, Dragnet.
That’s what I’ve done. Both .
There is absolutely no scientific basis for homeopathy.
That's your opinion, not science. Trouble with science today is it is skewed by money. Do you know who founded the AMA? Rockefeller's kids because John D. was big into homeopathy and his kids wanted "modern" medicine. Your preaching propaganda from the turn of the century. Think Henry Ford- everyone thought he was nuts to design a V-8 engine-- the sides would wear out. Untrue.
I suppose we are entitled to our opinion what science is. You have yours and I have mine.
Well dac500, I've worked with rocket scientists, computer scientists, physicists, biologists, chemists, engineers, and government agencies my entire career. I excel at science. In Arizona, portions of our voting population are so stupid, they elected a woman who believes the world is only 6,000 years old. She was appointed chair of the Department of Education. Ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever. Take your pick.
I have a naturopath on my treatment team. He defines himself as a integrative oncologist meaning that he works in conjunction with my traditional doctors. He is in the same medical network as my other doctors so they all have access to my records and see everything going on with my treatment. My traditional doctors welcome him. His treatment does not attempt to replace my traditional treatment. Instead it supplements that treatment really dealing more with quality of life with guidance on supplements, diet, and exercise to better handle the effects of my traditional treatments rather than directly treating my cancer. It may have some direct effect on my cancer but I don’t think it’s significant, and neither does he.
That said, I value the treatment because I think it has improved my quality of life. While dealing with the demon of cancer that becomes extremely important.
Homeopathy is best for people who are healthy and don't have life-threatening cancer. Don't risk your life with unproven quackery, like a firend of mine did.
Go with proven treatments that are based on science.

People who chose the conventional route die every day.
The point is not whether we die, it's how long we live. For the vast majority, cancer patients live the longest when they take treatments that are proven to extend life. Many of the alternatives are advocated by individuals who are in low-risk or no-risk situations. They take no risk themselves because they are either in long-term remission or don't have cancer at all. That's often the case on this forum.
I warn you, this site is not supportive of most holistic care unfortunately. As a resource for conventional care, its a wealth of information, but I suggest going elsewhere if you want support, information, personal experiences, and your questions about holistic/integrative healthcare to be answered sufficiently. Good luck.
And probably funded by the medical "pharmacopeia" that makes billions on humans who have cancer. The purpose of a system is what it does. Cancer is a huge profit center. Why "cure" it? Look at all the radiation equipment and drug manufacturing facilities all over the planet propagating the "science" that the only solution is their solution. "Science begins by saying it can answer only this kind of question and ends by claiming that these are the only questions that be answered." Bryan Appleyard.
Why is there no discussion on Proton Therapy?proton-therapy.org/science/
My husband is BRCA+, aggressive neuroendocrine Castrate resistant, metastatic PC. We’ve done almost all naturopathic route. 4.5 years and still going strong. We have a great team (Dr. Nasha Winters -“metabolic approach to cancer” and Dr Jade Robins.) he uses some homeopathics but has a full regimen including WAY more than that. If it was just that easy!Daily coffee enema, infrared sauna, PEMF, hyperbaric oxygen, therapeutic ketosis, all organic (no coffee or alcohol or sugar or refined carbs), IV vit C, mistletoe, RSO in syringes, 100 supplements on/off...annual trip to Germany or Canada for hyperthermia, etc etc. It’s a full time job, commitment and costs around $70k annually.
Not for the light hearted. We follow his progress with monthly labs watching LDH, SED rate, & CRP (not normal things docs even order-Inflammation markers).
We tweak, add and subtract stuff monthly. So no chemo or drugs that make him miserable But No Statistics that say when he’ll expire.
Thanks for your post. Your approach is not for the light hearted or the unintelligent. It takes a lot of research to ascertain the efficacy of alternative approaches and combinations thereof. I'm intrigued with redox/cellular approach, next stop would be atomic/sub-atomic. Warm regards to you and your husband.
My mother used to take me to a Homeopath when I was a boy for a chronic ear infection. Not only did the doctor not cure my ear infection, I later had to have a mastoidectomy and I am completely deaf in my left ear.
So, if that can sure a chromic ear infection, I would not use this treatment for cancer. Please seek out proven treatments.
My son had chronic ear infections as a child and was cured by a naturopath as allopathic medicine was not effective. Don't use a screwdriver to sink a nail and don't use a hammer to fasten a screw. I know of no homeopathic remedy to cure cancer. There are remedies to relieve symptoms of cancer.
I am glad your son's ear infections were cured because I know how awful they are. I agree with using the right "tools" or treatment modalities to treat illness. Many alternative treatment options can ease or supplement care but only a very few have ever shown any potential for a "cure".
I suffered from Voodoo magic/tragic when I was Homeopathed by my ex-wife.... Bitch nearly killed me.............Keep your father around with lots of Hugs, Kisses and Laughter....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 05/16/2021 7:07 PM DST