Painful shoulders, plus arm and leg n... - Advanced Prostate...

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Painful shoulders, plus arm and leg neuropathy following second covid vaccine shot. Does anyone have recommendations how to resolve this?

GeorgeGlass profile image
49 Replies

Two days after the second shot I had both shoulders start hurting and both arms were half numb/asleep. Nothing has improved except the arm numbness isn't as bad, except after I exercise or shoot baskets. Any suggestions? I'm awaiting (3 weeks) for the physical therapy department to call me for an appointment.

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GeorgeGlass profile image
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49 Replies
GP24 profile image

My wife took 1 mg Dexamethasone for a few days. This stopped the side effects of the vaccine shot. I think prednisone will work too.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to GP24

that was oral or a shot into the shoulders - like cortisone? It's been over two months and I'm seeing phys therapist but no improvement after three treatments.

GP24 profile image
GP24 in reply to GeorgeGlass

This is oral cortisone. The pill with the lowest dose is 0.5 mg and there are 1 mg pills too. You take one per day.

I doubt that this will help you. If you have a strong immune reaction right after vaccination you can suppress this reaction with dexamethasone. However, after two months I do not think the problem is caused by an immune reaction. But you can give it a try, Dexamethasone is cheap.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to GP24

It's probably caused by this reaction that occurs in many people who get the mrna vaccines:

GP24 profile image
GP24 in reply to GeorgeGlass

I cannot tell for the link you provided, but Russia is spreading false information regarding the Pfizer vaccine. Many people worldwide do not trust the Russian Sputnik V vaccine and they want to counter that by spreading false information regarding Pfizer. Here is a report:

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to GP24

I just know about the bad side effects that me and a few others I know of. If 40-50% of us have had bad effects, then 5-15% serious side effects overall is a conservative estimate. Plus, we don't know the long term implications of the experimentally mrna technology. The main stream media has a tendency to blame everything on Russia. When Romney stated Russia as a threat in 2012, Obama and the democrats scoffed and laughed at that contention. Then when Trump got in office, they started blaming everything on Russia.

Dsmejkal88 profile image

Perhaps acupuncture, I know of people who have used it for postherpetic neuralgia and have had positive outcome. If not maybe pain management can offer relief through injections. Just something to consider.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to Dsmejkal88


Danish-patient profile image

Isn’t that just a sign that the vaccine is using your cell functions to do its job?I had a sore shoulder for a number of days after having both jabs of the Pfizer-Biotech - but took it as good sign which disappeared by itself.

Taking Dexamethason or Prednisone might limit the function of the vaccine?

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to Danish-patient

If it only lasts 2-3 days, then yes, if it lasts for two months with no improvement then it's a more serious problem. I have a physical therapy appt on Wednesday.

Curehunter profile image

Hi Lulu700I understand you have been NED for the last 5 - 6 years. Have you considered a holiday from the cancer drug for a period of time to help your joints recover?

in reply to Curehunter

Yes, I’ve considered it from day one. My docs do not .

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to

What is your gleason, your doubling rate and the spread of your cancer til now? Why do the docs not want to let you go on a break? You have a be on a break for a pretty good amount of time for it to benefit/counter your deterioration. I think exercise and keeping strong is a better solution.

in reply to GeorgeGlass

Six years ago gl4+4= 8 but t-4 horse out of the barn . No surge. I went into undetectable mode and no signs of pc after six months and imrt.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to

what was your T level when on ADT solo? Where you able to establish a doubling time before you started ADT?

in reply to GeorgeGlass

I’m on adt solo now tak-700 . T -=3 that has been constant 51/2 yrs. . I went from 8 to 20 in two months started tak and with first firmagon shot went under the radar .

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to

with your T going that low while on ADT, you could probably take an ADT break for awhile if you wanted to but it's all a matter of opinion. Some like to lay all the drugs on upfront and some like to wait. You've heard the discussion a million times. It's personal preference.

in reply to GeorgeGlass

The doctors opinions are to stay the course ..

MateoBeach profile image

By now your vaccine symptoms will already be over without any interventions . Immunity will give you new freedoms. Congratulations

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to MateoBeach

I never lost my freedom. The bowling alley downstairs has been packed to capacity for the last six months. I may take a trip up north and out west though, just to see some friends.

MateoBeach profile image

So sorry to here this. But go get vaccinated and remove COVID worries from your lives. It does not make cancer and arthritis worse. Just a usually mild immune response (which is a good thing!) for about two days. Piece of cake. My wife is a volunteer and sees many hundreds of very happy recipients. Don’t let internet lies figure into your decisions. Now about those joints. That is certainly the problem. What sort of arthritis did your mom have? Rheumatoid or other autoimmune? Are there problems in your spine impairing nerves, or mainly peripheral joints, large or small? You may need to consult a rheumatologist. Paul

in reply to MateoBeach

She had osteoarthritis.. Two hips a knees and foot surgeries also . My better half is opposed to the vaccine . Thanks for responding. Have a great weekend!

jmurgia profile image
jmurgia in reply to

Mine is too.

in reply to jmurgia

She’ll kick my ass! 😳

Turt713171 profile image
Turt713171 in reply to

Try the Jansen. One shot. Different mechanisms

in reply to Turt713171


GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to MateoBeach

It's not a piece of cake for everyone. About 15% get serious side effects. The volunteers and nurses that give injections almost never see the people who get severe reactions, especially when doctors say they can't do anything to help those reactions because they don't have any precedent on how to counter the effects of the experimental vaccines. People giving real world accounts of their negative reactions, are not internet lies. And what about internet truths, should those be ignored as well? Or how about TV lies? Don't assume because a couple people you know, had no issues, that everyone else does. My shoulders are still screwed up from it, and I've spoken to numerous people who had the vaccines, and at least half of them had serious side effects. One of them had to go to the hospital, as did I, due to the heart palpitations it caused, which is a noted side effect of the Pfizer vaccine. I'm not telling people to not get vaccinated, but lets not pretend that it's all hearts and flowers for everyone. There have been tens of thousands of deaths from the vaccines as well. Thus, people need to weigh the pros and cons based on their own situation and also consider things like already having natural immunity.

in reply to GeorgeGlass

Thanks George!

Stanny1 profile image
Stanny1 in reply to GeorgeGlass

I had the AZ vaccine been four days now still feeling lousy. Wife same time no problem. Having Prolia injection and unreadable Testosterone not sure if this is part of the problem. Hope it gets better soon not looking forward to next shot.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to Stanny1

If you already had covid, the dont need a second shot. One shot gives complete immunity. Here's is what probably caused all my problems:

If prolia affects the central nervous system then it can be contributing to your problems, just like when you took cipro during biopsy. Drugs are often cumulative on your nervous system.

dadzone43 profile image

Time. NSAIDS. Turmeric tea.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to dadzone43

I already take all that stuff. My CRP is .02. Maybe phys therapy can help this week. thanks. I take baby aspirin but cant take other NSAIDS because of Levaquin toxicity. These can cause a relapse.

kapakahi profile image

my shoulder hurt so much after my second shot that I thought maybe the needle had gone into the bursa, because it felt like bursitis, which can be very intense, and this went on for 3 weeks without improving whereas usually any soreness I have from a vaccination is gone in a day - my doctor said a vaccine going into the bursa is very very rare (the shot has to be very high up on the shoulder where virtually nobody administers shots), and instead the vaccine had just mobilized my immune system and more or less set my arthritis on fire (I have arthritis in both shoulders) - she gave me a cortisone shot, which worked almost right away -

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to kapakahi

I have to stay away from cortison due to Levaquin toxicity. Steroids usually cause a major relapse. I know that I did not have a bursa needle issue because I told them to inject the second shot into the opposite (right) arm. My left shoulder is much worse than my right shoulder and I had no issues with the left shoulder prior to the second shot. Thus, it's a toxic reaction through the nerves, and not the needle issue. You probably had the same issue as I. Good to hear you are better!

RDH51 profile image

I had my Moderna Shot one day after two years of aberaterone treatment ended. I continued predizone at 1/2 strength (5mg) for 7 additional seven days. One day after stopping all prednisone my joints ( shoulders, hips, and wrists) began hurting and were stiff. I felt very fatigued. The pain in both wrists increased significantly and the right wrist became swollen and I couldn't make a fist 10 days later. Nine more days passed and my left hand developed a claw hand, a palsy that would not let me open my hand fully or spread my fingers.

Two days later I got my second Moderna shot and the next day my fatigue increased further. Seven weeks later I met with a rheumatologist and he diagnosed me with inflammatory rheumatism which he believed was brought on by the combination of stopping prednisone treatment and the increased immune response brought on by the Covid Vaccination. He began treating me with 10 mg of prednisone per day which I will reduce to zero after 8 weeks.

I'm now two weeks into this treament and most of my joint pain and stiffness have generally resolved; however the wrist/hand issues continue. An EMG with MRI followup indicate I have left foriminal stenosis in my neck at C7- T1 which is impinging on the existing left nerve roots.

I have an appointment with a surgeon at the UC Davis Spine Center next week.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to RDH51

These are the kind of side effects that everyone other than the patient can accept. I know we have to receive treatments but it's also important how to time the treatments and what natural supplementation or exercise we do to try and counter the effects. How are you doing now? I hope you have better mobility and less pain.

j-o-h-n profile image

To George.... may your glass be half full....

Everyone is trying to kill us..............

All three of us in my family got the two shot Pfizer vaccine and no side effects....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 05/14/2021 7:39 PM DST

in reply to j-o-h-n

Shhhhh..Monte is loose and on the hunt for j--o-h-n in the 🥒 patch.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to

mamzer's the word....shhhhh

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 05/14/2021 8:34 PM DST

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to j-o-h-n

Good news John.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to GeorgeGlass

Yep and no more mask outdoors.............Thank Goodness...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 05/22/2021 11:39 PM DST

GeorgeGlass profile image

That is terrible news. The vaccine does effect the nervous system. If someone already has a damaged nervous system, they will be more vulnerable to the vaccine. You have to weigh the pros and cons. I talked to a guy today that has Parkinsons disease from too many drugs, including Levaquin that started many of my current neurological issues. Many of us with APC were given Cipro during biopsies, and we don't even know it. After several doses of powerful drugs that affect the nervous system, people often hit a tipping point once they get too many of these doses injected into them. Doctors dont bother investigating any of this, even though there are hundreds of thousands of people who can't function due to the toxicity disability. Nonetheless, If you are weak and your immune system is weak, then you probably want to get the shot anyway. The Johnson and Johnson shot has less issues with nervous system problems from what I've read. Or you could get one shot of pfizer or moderna and see how it affects you. I learned that you only need one shot if you already had Covid, in order to gain fully immunity. I learned that a few days after getting my second shot. If I had known beforehand than I would have stopped before the second shot. Everyone is different. Are you healthy enough to research on the internet about natural arthritis treatments? Are you able to swim and take amino acids, which may help your arthritis? Are you taking supplements for the arthritis? Are you taking Vitamin D3, Quercitin etc to lower inflammation and reduce pain/protect against covid-19 cytokine storm? Of course, I'm not a doctor, but none of the doctors know anything about the covid vaccine. Most of the doctors are actually, still treating covid all wrong, even after 14 months of it being around. Lean towards getting a vaccine in my opinion, but realize that there is about a 15% chance or so of serious side effects. If you get it, make sure you have someone with you afterwards for a few days, stay hydrated and drink your water and stay hydrated.

in reply to GeorgeGlass

I blame levaquin also. I did a 2 month stint with it for a persistent staff infection in my knee joint. It was scary for me at the time. I was paying $500 a week for it cash .. That was 5 yrs prior my pc dx. I saw a class action suite against the drug but didn’t do anything because I was in dire straits with pc . Then I had tubes and a foley then stents and constant use of other bad drugs like cipro for almost two years. Further damage and neuropathy.. I thought myself kinda a lone wolves type guy for most of my years . Social

distancing for me I was already doing since dx.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to

You can get some information about the shots on You really have to search for information and facts these days because the world media is censoring anything that opposes their political views. Your history with levaquin and cipro is not uncommon. Millions of lives ruined from them. Then once your weekend you’re more vulnerable to being further damage my other drugs that affect the cells on the nervous system in your body. Everybody makes an individual decision But it’s good for people to have information on both sides of the argument before making a decision.

Curehunter profile image

So sorry to hear about this.NED is no evidence of disease.

I too had a tube to drain my left kidney blocked by tumors at time of dx but luckily only for a week. I had to have a stent for one year but that has also been removed.

If doctors don't want to stop your drugs do you think they may consider dose reduction?

in reply to Curehunter

I’ve already reduced from 6 to 4 pills and truthfully if I skip a few it’s of no import .

in reply to Curehunter

I had tubes foley and then internal stents for two years em total hell. I’m Lucky to have escaped that bad scene. 🙏

GeorgeGlass profile image

Does benfothiamine help your nueropathy? Have you tried TMG, Glucosomine Sulfate, or MSM?

in reply to GeorgeGlass

Havent heard of it ? I did the others pre pc as a weightlifter . My nutrients now are per m nat dr. I don’t all of those others . I take many. Adding more is a chore .

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