Interesting news.....
In a Twist, Scientists Find Cancer Dr... - Advanced Prostate...
In a Twist, Scientists Find Cancer Drivers Hiding in RNA, Not DNA

Nal, I may be way off base and I hope that I am. I know that the covid vaccine is mRNA. Could it cause progression in Prostate cancer. We had four separate doctors encourage us to get the vaccine and we did so in February. We take all the anti inflammatories. Thank you for your patience. I know that I don’t have a great understanding of the science.
Hi Joe Bio:
Quite honestly, there is no long term data to prove this or other vaccines are safe. As you know ALL covid vaccines were rushed thru EUA approval at “warp speed”. Only time will tell which vaccines prove to both safe and effective against covid and its many strains. In regards to the mRNA covid 19 vaccine causing prostrate cancer, it is possible but again no data to prove it at this time. I recommend weighing the risks vs rewards. For example, if you6 70 yes old and have comorbities, then one should consider taking it. If your 20 yes old and very healthy and already had covid and were asymptomatic, then perhaps holding off longer to see more data is. Or such a bad idea. Personally. I took the JNJ single dose even though efficacy was lower than moderna and Pfizer (mRNA based) because I thought it was safer using existing and proven adenovirus vector technology. Only time sill tell which is safer and one should not be ultimately forced by our govt to take one or the other nor take it all. The govt instead will work by paying off large corporations to make it mandatory to have a covid vaccine card to do certain things such as travel and shame those sho don’t have a vaccine card. Fake vaccine cards will be in play just like fake ID’s for minors.
Thank you and I agree with you that people should not be pushed into taking it. We got moderna and and had unpleasant side effects. Thank you again.
Please note my point here is not to scare anyone but rather to educate yourself and do your "own" due diligence before taking any vaccine let alone embarking on treatment plan for aPCA. Study the reports, look at the data, ask questions and don't just simply take anything just because everyone else is doing it. From the word of Tal Zaks of Moderna, mRNA can alter the human genome. Whether by design or "unintended consequences", this newer technology is to be used for just that. Zaks calls this "information therapy", although, some would call it "mad sciemce". In attempts tp re-write to genetic code to correct defects, studies have shown there were "cascading failures". In other words, changing one genome caused other genes to "fail" or cause problems. And it was not just one subsequent gene becoming defective, but many. This is more likely why there are over 400 adverse events surrounding the mRNA injection. I have posted this enabling and fascinating technology as this same mRNA technology could be the holy grail for possibly "curing" cancers. So, the next time someone claims these new "vaccines" don't alter the human genome or DNA, please refer them to Tal Zaks who claims otherwise.Stay strong!
Nal, thank you so very much! I appreciate your expertise.😊
"The bastards are hiding in the R-N-A"..... sung to the tune of YMCA.............
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 03/30/2031 6:22 PM DST