Vaccine with weekened Immune function... - Advanced Prostate...

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Vaccine with weekened Immune function + apology

Stickingaround1 profile image
34 Replies

Hi my friends. I have not been on for a while, but with treatment over the years (heavy radiation pelvic region, including bones), and of course ADT to treat my metastatic PCA, I ended up with (after radiation) with a weakend immune system. With that, I sincerely apologize for likely asking a redundant question, but, having an appointment for my first shot of the covid vaccine this week, I am wondering if any of you have any experience, being in a similar state (diminished immune system), and, really, if the vaccine is safe for a person in our state. Thank you all very much!

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Stickingaround1 profile image
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34 Replies
Dachshundlove profile image

Hi stickingaround1

The vaccine is generally safe for all people. With a weakened immune system, the concern is not that the vaccine will harm you, rather that your immune system, in its weakened state, won’t produce enough of an immune response to the vaccine, which will make the vaccine potentially less effective.

I would speak with your oncologist about this. Get the vaccine, because it likely won’t hurt and very likely will help protect you.

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to Dachshundlove

Thank you Dachshundlove very much for replying and the information. It definitely helps. Thank you again.

Zetabow profile image
Zetabow in reply to Dachshundlove

I'm going through Chemo at moment and checked with my Oncologist first, he said I'm okay to take it, had it on Sat and no issues at all.

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to Zetabow

Thank you Zetabow, and I wish you the very best of luck.

joekaty profile image

Joe was fine except that both times he ended up with purpura on his arm. Relatively small spots and they only lasted about 3 days but it was kind of scary. After the first shot we thought it was a fluke- but the exact thing happened after the second shot. Given that there have been some who have experienced clotting issues I would just be aware that I do think it’s something that occasionally happens.... for him though the benefits (we believe) outweighed the risk.

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to joekaty

Thanks very much. I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me.

joekaty profile image
joekaty in reply to Stickingaround1


Kaliber profile image

Had my first moderna and getting the 2nd tomorrow. I’m immune compromised a bit and all I experienced was itching below my waist on both legs. It lasted only a few hours the first night and disappeared. It was very mild. Might have had a small headache. No biggie for me ... compared to everything else going on, it was laughably insignificant.


Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to Kaliber

That is great news Kaliber. Goog luck with your second tomorrow. Very best.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Stickingaround1

Thank you brother , I appreciate it. Trying to “sticktoit “ yayahahahaya. My wife gets her 2nd shot in two weeks and two weeks after that we will head out to the coast or the mountains ... been stuck in the house holed up for over a year. Some things starting to partially open up hereabouts too. Not a lot but a little is good. Relaxing the restrictions a little.

Time is ticking, thought I might “ conclude “ things stuck in the house ... same as being in a hospice or something yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. Looks like I’ll actually beat the Covid mess and get out in the world some more before my opportunity forever passes , and extend my QOL ... that’s big smile inducing when you are circling the drain. I’m an ADT zombie which complicates travel a bit, but there are plenty of workarounds and it won’t slow me down that much.

I won’t be running any marathons or be biking but I have a e-trike that fills in nicely and I know great places to go yayahahahaya. Becoming vaccinated and eased restrictions is a game changer finally. How good is that !!!! Wooooohoooooo 😊😊😊😊😊🌼🦋🌈🌻

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to Kaliber

Man, I am so happy for you that you are planning on heading out to the coast or mountains. I hope you can sit in the sand and count the waves as they roll in. As crazy as life is for most of us, taking the time to appreciate what is in front of us makes us realize how damn lucky we are to wake up every morning. Covid restrictions being lifted, bof you and your wife getting your shots = new adventure. Enjoy my firend.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Stickingaround1

Thank you brother ❤️❤️❤️

RS265 profile image

Hi,My WBC and Neutrophils are both below acceptable range but had my first Astazenica shot today without any concern and nil effect so far

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to RS265

Hi RS265. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Thank you very much again.

Bodysculpture profile image

My oncologist encouraged me to have the vaccine Those of us on ADT in England are placed on a critically vulnerable list

Which makes us a priority

I would put this question to you're oncologist

I had no side effects whatsoever

My wife just had hers

She comes in the over 50 category

That's the hierarchy here

Care homes for the elderly

Those vulnerable due to medical history

Then the ages

Hundreds maybe thousands of us with PC have had the vaccine

Without side effects other than a slight soreness of the injected area last a day

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to Bodysculpture

Thank you very much Bodysculpture. Your information helps.

mcp1941 profile image

I not only have PCa but also Multiple Myeloma. Treatment for MM included a Stem Cell Transplant in Dec. 2020. This treatment wipes out your immune system and can take a couple of years to return. As of two months ago my immune system is a no show. When I asked my MM MO if I should get the vaccine she said definitely. Had my second shot three weeks ago. No side effects.

Mike P.

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to mcp1941

Thanks a lot Mike. That is great news that you had no side effects. Best of luck with your treatments, and hope your immune starts to show in the near future.

wagscure259 profile image

My MO @Sloan Kettering highly recommended it. I had significant side effects with both Pfizer injections , of course of greater intensity and duration after the second dose. My MO recently stated he believes those with significant side effects post vaccine would get quite ill with Covid-19. Studies have shown side effects are unrelated to antibody development . After 8 years on ADT I'm presumed to have some degree of immune compromise. Seems Sloan is aggressive in getting their patients vaccinated.

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to wagscure259

Thank you wagscure. It is elnlghtening about about the word from your MO, how a significant reaction from the treatment would coorelate to a significant reaction to covid. Very good to know. Thank you again.

pete-ginger profile image

Glad you’re Stickingaround1. I’m unsure whether to even mention this, but here’s my PERSONAL experience. It is highly unlikely to be yours.

We’ve had both Moderna shots & put in our extra 2-week waiting time. Relief & gratitude, genetic virologists or viral geneticists. Whatever.

Both of us experienced mild soreness + fatigue after both shots - a few days for my healthy 79-y-o partner & profound, extended fatigue for 73-y-o, mCSPC/ADT me. (I had started lupron 6 weeks earlier & added apalutamide/erleada 4 weeks earlier than my 1st vaccine jab. The apalutamide appears to be interacting strongly c several of my other meds, especially pain meds. It has > 500 known Rx/supplement interactions.)

After my 1st jab, I spent several days with a lot of downtime. Less so, but still, after the 2nd. Everything I’ve read suggests all but a few dozen unlucky souls (out of millions, so calculate the %s) are statistically safe. Certainly, far better than acquiring a COVID-19 infection. Similar to most, if not all, vaccines, I conclude. But opinions vary.

My personal anecdote just FYI.



Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to pete-ginger

Thanks very mucvh P&G. That is a lot of drugs in your body in a short period of time. I am sorry about the downtime, and hope you have bounced back. Thank you again.

keepinon profile image

I Have had radiation and I am at the end of 2 years of ADT. I actually had Covid about 7 weeks ago, not very bad thank goodness. I am having my 2nd Moderna shot tomorrow. No side effect except a sore arm on the 1st one.

FinalBossMatt profile image

Moderna #1 was fine. Mom had the 2nd a few weeks ago. She's 86 and had nothing. I'm not sweating it myself.

About the only reason why I'm getting it myself is so one day I can see my girl in Thailand again because I want to marry her. I thought I would fly her over here to America when business for my marketing company picks up more but I figured if that's not an option, Thai's are going to want to make a Covid Vaccine a permanent requirement to enter the Kingdom until they get lazy about it and don't care anymore.

dadzone43 profile image

The vaccine contains nothing that would put "us" at risk. The altered immune state might not give us as robust a response and as robust a protection, but it cannot harm us.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to dadzone43

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to dadzone43

Thanks a lot dadzone. That definitely helps. Thank you again.

j-o-h-n profile image

Thank goodness you're finally here after 2 years..... we had an APB out for you!!! I had the 2 Pfizer vaccines with absolutely no side effects..... However, the rumor is that in 10 years our dicks with fall off....(ladies not to worry).... I am developing a small mahogany casket/box with a glass top to hold and display your "Keepsake"..... I hope to market it soon......

BTW How about Stickingaround this time!!!

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 03/23/2021 5:45 PM DST

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to j-o-h-n

Hey j-o-h-n. It is damn good to be back. Thanks a lot for checking in, and possibly the best humor of the month. Let me know how your marketing plan works out for the evential missing piece. Cheers to you my friend, and will be stickingaround this time for sure.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to j-o-h-n

did your ast and alt rise or just your libido?

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to GeorgeGlass

No libido sits in the county morgue......waiting for a transplant..........

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 03/24/2021 4:52 PM DST

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to j-o-h-n

lol - join the club

GeorgeGlass profile image

Stickingaround1 profile image
Stickingaround1 in reply to GeorgeGlass

Thank you. I will check out. Appreciate it.

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