Is there a way to share someone's post? I have found numerous extremely useful posts that I would love to share directly with my medical team, including my wife.
Navigating this site: Is there a way to... - Advanced Prostate...
Navigating this site

I do not know if there is a simpler way, however, I open the profile of the poster and search the list for the post or reply I am interested in. Then I do not click on that but copy the link of that post. If you then email this link, it will take the recipient directly to the post/reply in question. You can test this by sending an email to yourself first.
This way I also save links to posts I am interested in in a separate file on my PC.
You can always copy and paste the article into Microsoft word or a new message.

You can copy the URL to individual posts and email those to whomever you wish. You can also send links to all of the conference video's that are now on FYI Our community is created and run by the nonprofit, Malecare . Healthunlocked is just the platform that we use.
If you copy mine you have to pay me a royalty fee of laughter..... Fees:
Small post is one laugh.
Medium post is two laughs.
Large post is three or unlimited laughs.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 01/20/2021 5:30 PM EST
I have to guess you can save or copy it or the URL link. and email it to someone or put it on FB. I do it all the time on FB to my friends all over.