Xtandi and blood thinners: I am on... - Advanced Prostate...

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Xtandi and blood thinners

Magnus1964 profile image
25 Replies

I am on xtandi and will have a heart catheterization. I may be on a blood thinner for three months and my Research team told me I can't take xtandi while I am on the blood thinner. I can't seem to find a definitive answer on the web. Can someone give me an answer or anyone been in this situation? As far as I can see some blood thinner may be OK but not sure.

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Magnus1964 profile image
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25 Replies
tango65 profile image

Which blood thinner?

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to tango65

I don't know yet. But which ever it is I don't want to stop xtandi.

tango65 profile image
tango65 in reply to Magnus1964


I checked several all the anti coagulants for interactions with enzalutamide. There are 3 that can be affected by enzalutamide, they are ticagrelor, xarelto and apixaban .

Coumadin, warfarin, plavix, heparin, lovenox, edoxaban, and dabigatran do not show an interaction with enzalutamide in the Medscape medication checker.

Most probable the anticoagulants they are going to use are: Heparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, bivalirudin etc. None of these seems to have interaction with enzalutamide.

Talk with your doctors and tell them to check for interactions at:


2dee profile image

I don't have a study but I've been on aspirin for 20 years since bypass surgery and no change recommended by my team for adding Xtandi 8 months ago.2Dee

Magnus1964 profile image

Thanks Nal, I hit age 75 and I'm falling apart. I'm just trying to find a blood thinner that is compatible with xtandi. My research doctor says stop xtandi and everything I read says no problem.

Magnus1964 profile image

Thanks Nal. I'm still researching, we can compare notes. You're the best.

afab profile image

I’ve been on Xtandi for 5 year and warfarin and baby aspirin, both blood thinners, for 7 years. I’ve had an aortic valve replacement and 1 bypass in 2013. My Kaiser cardiologist and Kaiser oncologist have not expressed any concerns.

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to afab

Thank you for reply. It is interesting that warfarin in not mentioned as compatible with xtandi. More confusing with the more research I do. I think I need to call my research doc and hold his feet to the fire on this.

Madbeach profile image
Madbeach in reply to afab

Hi…I am the spouse of someone dealing with RPC and hope u can answer some questions. Did you at the beginning or any time, experience those awful side effects that are associated with the use of Xtandi? If at the beginning, how long before they went away. If they didn’t go away, which do you experience and how do u handle them? My husband will start taking the Xtandi as soon as the pills arrive from the pharmacy and just don’t know what to expect. Also, I used an on line site to identify drug interactions and found four that my husband takes that show as having moderate interactions, however, his oncologist knows what he is currently taking. The four moderate interactions were with Plavix, Atorvastatin, Glimepiride and Losartan Potassium.

afab profile image
afab in reply to Madbeach

I take atorvastatin and Xtandi with no side affects. Hot and cold flashes went away after about a year. I still experience brain fog and have balance issues. Naps and walking help.

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to Madbeach

I never had any bad side effects with xtandi. I had really bad side effects with Lipitor.

Seasid profile image
Seasid in reply to Magnus1964

Can you try crestor? I had no problem with the maximum dose of crestor 40mg per day.

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to Seasid

Were you on Lipitor and had bad side effects? Lipitor caused me pain and I was suicidal, really.

I have not tried Crestor. My experience with Lipitor scarred me into thinking that I don't won't ANY statins. Right now I am on Coleselvelam. If that doesn't work well enough I will try Crestor. Thanks

Seasid profile image
Seasid in reply to Magnus1964

Crestor is water soluble and hopefully with less side effects. Crestor is the most potent statin. You could try to start with only 5mg per day in order to avoid side effects. I never tried lipitor as my PCP recommended crestor being the most potent statin. Lipitor is fat soluble and therefore with more side effects. My oncologist Professor Joshua said that for the purpose of cancer treatment crestor is fine. I asked him this question as I had the impression that the fat soluble lipitor should be a more efficient choice for the purpose of cancer treatment. But he said that I can continue with crestor.

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to Seasid

I was under the impression that atorvastatin (Lipitor) was the highest dose statin. After I went off lipidor, my doctor gave me a choice of crestor or Coleselvelam. I chose Coleselvelam.

Seasid profile image
Seasid in reply to Magnus1964

Better if you try crestor and drop Coleselvelam.

I found this on the internet in Wikipedia:

Colesevelam is one of the bile-acid sequestrants, which along with niacin and the statins, are the three main types of cholesterol-lowering agents. The statins are considered the first-line agents. This is because of the larger body of evidence supporting statins' ability to prevent cardiovascular disease, as well as the prominent side effects from the other two types, including bloating and constipation (bile-acid sequestrants) and skin flushing (niacin). These side effects often lead to low patient compliance.[2]

erjlg3 profile image

Totally wishing, hoping, praying that you're going to be all good Magnus 🤗.I had that done. If it's any consolation..... My fear was the worse part of the whole procedure. I think they should somewhat medicate the anxiety for most people.

Always my good wishes,


cesanon profile image

I would do a private message to Poshea and Tall_allen and ask them. Poshea (might be poshea11) is especially personally knowledgeable about blood thinners and prostate cancer.

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to cesanon


Magnus1964 profile image

I am finding that Edoxaban and Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin are the anti-coagulants that are compatible with xtandi.

Magnus1964 profile image


👍, You are one of the good guys, stay well!

I am not knowledgeable in medical terms so I will just send loving kindness your way. May you be safe , may you be happy , may you be healthy. Three deep breathes - find something light and funny for the rest of this day ❤️♥️

afab profile image

I’m on warfarin and baby aspirin that keeps my INR between 2 an 3. I’ve taken those thinners with Xtandi for years and no I’ll affect. The thinners are for afib.

JNunes profile image

Hi Magnus1964

I read that when PSA rises during treatment with Xtandi, after stopping treatment, PSA may drop due to a withdrawal syndrome, for months or years. Are you aware of this?

Treatment with xtandi fail and my dad will repeat PSA soon.

Good luck for you!

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to JNunes

I did not experience any drop in PSA after stopping xtandi. But that can happen with any ADT drug. If memory serve, I think me oncologist tried that with casodex also, no luck.

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