Lupron Holiday but I can't wear a swi... - Advanced Prostate...

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Lupron Holiday but I can't wear a swim suit.

Rockybullwinkle profile image
51 Replies

After a year on Lupron I am on a break, hopefully a long break. But the added fat on my chest and lower abdomen is a daily reminder of the Lupron effect. I'm aware the fatty chest is permanent but is the lower abdomen fat too? I appreciate all input.

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Rockybullwinkle profile image
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51 Replies
Jimhoy profile image

This lovely thing we call ADT bit me square in the ass too. I didn’t hook up on this site (or others) until I had succumb to the couch and only for not knowing better I improved my shape (ROUND is a SHAPE!,!)!! I fought hard daily once off the juice but then the gyms closed! I have a couple co-morbidities and didn’t want to push my luck. However, I made some good headway! Not trying to be much more than I was.... just not the slug I became!!! I too am worried about the pelvic fat which was not effected in that progress mentioned above!! So, I bit the bullet and got some used equipment of my own. Fortunately, have a ton of room in our empty nest and started over again!!! We’ll see.... wish I had good news for you but!!!!

Rockybullwinkle profile image
Rockybullwinkle in reply to Jimhoy

Same here with gym closing and a heart condition that does not tolerate much cardio stress. Much of the fat issue could have been helped by oncologists and urologists who were proactive and up on the latest regarding weight gain...and sex problems. For example there is a radiation treatment to counter breast enlargement but I only became aware after it was too late. As for erectile issues the same applies. Too little too late.

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to Rockybullwinkle

Definitely too little. Non- nerve sparing prostatectomy insured that.

Jimhoy profile image
Jimhoy in reply to Rockybullwinkle

We’re only supposed to be nothing but thankful! Not sure how long you have been around our merry group, but more and more guys are bitching about what the professionals DON’t tell you!!! Choices we could have had but knew nothing about! Following the Standard of Care established by big Pharm.!!!!! Yup.... we’re alive, but if the possible “quality of life” was defined, we’d know to make better decisions! Like you’re not a captured customer anyway!!!! I say this because I believe I am a rare case.... I read that there some like me, but not going into it now. Yes.... I’m bitter!!!!Jc

in reply to Rockybullwinkle

That's my pet peeve. The doctors treat the disease but not the man. They aren't the least bit concerned about the avoidable effects of treatment.

Gearhead profile image

Just this morning I was thinking: "As soon as this pandemic subsides enough, and assuming I'm able, let's splurge and plan a trip to Hawaii. But, damn... with these skinny arms and shoulders combined with this spare tire around my waist, I'll be really embarrassed to be seen in a swim suit."

Kaliber profile image

Helpful hint .... long leg Jansen swim trunks ( with the pockets ) and a color matched baggy Jansen logo shirt look like coordinated swimwear .... it’s what I do, ...... but basically at 74 wrinkled years old, white hair and walking adt hunched over one cares....... I’m invisible.

Just say’in 😂😂😂😂😂

London441 profile image

Ok well you did say you appreciate all input...we all know what these drugs do, but it’s not inevitable that we get fat. It’s hard work to stay in shape and keep the fat off. And harder than ever now. Diet and exercise already play a more important role in quality of life when we’re older, and ADT just exacerbates the hell out of it.

That said, there is no reason to give into it, and if you do it leads to serious problems, more than you already have.

Since on Eligard I work out harder than I ever have, eat well and less-and I’m still fatter, weaker and am losing bone! Sad? No, as it’s only sad compared to the standards I’m trying to uphold.

I give myself plenty of compassion. Then I get off my ass and move. The more I move, the more I bike, the more I lift the better I feel. I want a nap every afternoon, but If I rest I just get tired.

I have no hot flashes or any other side effects except the afternoon fatigue, which isn’t even every day. I credit the right food and exercise. There’s a drug for everything, but I’ll pass. Sex is strictly conceptual, but I’ve come to terms with that.

Do what you can. Every bit ofit makes a difference Forget the gym until the vaccine, bands and calisthenics work great! Sedentary life dangerous, not recommended!

dhccpa profile image

When I started Lupron over two years ago, the doc said I WOULD gain weight. I adopted a whole food plant based diet, dropped alcohol, meat, dairy, soft drinks, artificial sweeteners, all processed/refined foods, and have shed 30 pounds. I was exercising before, but I walk 3 miles 4-5 days a week and do very moderate weight training (takes 5 minutes).

I got used to everything I gave up consumption-wise within a month or two.

Seems like those changes have helped wifh hot flashes and energy levels as well.

Istomin profile image

You CAN fight it. I'm 73 and been on Lupron for more than 2 years. Dieting works, although it's unpleasant to be mildly hungry much of the time (I give myself 24 hours of indulgent eating a week). I work at home, writing, and can't starve myself more than I do because it interferes with thinking and everything else. Regular exercise also works, both aerobic and resistance/weight training. But things take time. It took me a year to lose 16-17 lbs and build up enough stamina to hike 3-4 miles every other day (complicated by a hip replacement, which went well, however). I also work with free weights and do planking on the other days. The diet continues into 2021 as does the exercise.

in reply to Istomin

Not sure if you do intermediate fasting (IF). I try to maintain a net calories intake per day of 1300.I do 16:8 IF. Its hard for me to get the calories in to maintain the 1300 net but I will tell you I am rarely hungry. I also include heavy weight lifting and 30-40 minutes of vigorous cardio a min 5 days per week. I'm certain that in addition to losing 20lb in the last 4 months I've added muscle.

I'm on eligard. Zytiga wt 10mg pred since nov 2019

Rockybullwinkle profile image
Rockybullwinkle in reply to

In addition to PC, I have cardiac amylolidosis, a rare heart ailment that inhibits any sustained cardio. I ride an incumbent bike a few times a week but my heart rate barely budges because it is too dangerous. I try to walk but on a few occasions after a leisurely two mile walk with the dog my heart rate soared to 155 pm. I am now on a Keto type regimen and using a Bullworker for muscle exercise

in reply to Rockybullwinkle

Not a fan of the keto anymore. I was on it right before my diagnosis but have since switched to a plant based diet with some animal protein.

I understand everyone is different when diagnosed and undergoing treatment for pca.

I no longer get caught up in all the supplement nonsense. Some is needed if the person is

deficient. I eat such a broad variety of foods that I'm certain I get my essential nutrition.

The only supplement I use daily is D3, calcium and a pea protein.

I try to get 80 to 100gms of quality protien a day. Pea protien has tested to being similar to whey protein for muscle building. I notice a big difference when going from 65 to 80 grams a day. I started getting my strength back.

Anyway. Good luck to you. You'll find something that works for you.

Rockybullwinkle profile image
Rockybullwinkle in reply to

My other blood work numbers have been better since Keto. A1C down a bit.

in reply to Rockybullwinkle

My A1C went from 5.3 to 5.1And my glucose went from 91 to 80 on my most recent bloodwork thos past October.

I really tightened up the fasting by getting the full 16 between my last meal and first meal. I think that is what did it since everything else was the same.

TEBozo profile image
TEBozo in reply to Rockybullwinkle

In the same boar as everyone here. T level was 718 before RP and Lupron for 18 months gave me a fat belly and manboobs. I tried Keto but any little deviation puts one out of ketosis and the fat calories put on weight. I am off everything now and my OC is cautiously optimistic that I will be "cured". My energy levels are down becuase I am now off of Predisone and man does that make a difference.

As for the ED, I have an implant. Titan Coloplast. is a good site to investigate ways to get an erection again. I swear by my implant. It is like a railroad spike. ;-)

Rockybullwinkle profile image
Rockybullwinkle in reply to TEBozo

With the reduction in size due to surgery and ADT, mine'd be more like a thumb tack spike. I'm also 73 so that is another factor. Nevertheless, my urologist prescribed daily 10mg Cialis every day for a week but I had to stop because of severe back pain. Also tried the vacuum pump and almost lost a testicle in the process. Throw in a current testosterone level of <6 and I forget why it even matters.

TEBozo profile image
TEBozo in reply to Rockybullwinkle

I understand. It ain't as important anymore and my railroad spike gets infrequent use.

Istomin profile image
Istomin in reply to

Hi, XPO1-- I also do IF, like you, 16:8 or even 18:6, for 6 days out of 7 (after reading an article in the Lancet a year ago that even w/the same calorie intake, doing it all in a smaller window is supposed to speed up metabolism). In addition, I cut down significantly how much I eat. But unlike you, I do feel hungry much of the time, esp. before lunch, when I restart since dinner the previous night (16-18 hours before). This is why I have to take a break from dieting one day a week, even though it obviously sets me back (but also allows me to keep going w/the diet). The good thing is that feeling hungry means that the fat is burning! And I work out regularly too, but the calorie intake for me is key.

in reply to Istomin

Seems we are taking a similar approach but experiencing different effects.

Are you plant based or are you doing keto?

Istomin profile image
Istomin in reply to

Neither one. It's balanced, I think, but healthful, with lots of vegetables, some lean protein (meat and fish), not much starch (pasta, bread), nothing processed, olive oil used sparingly instead of other fats, very little alcohol, maybe half a glass of red a day (good for the heart, apparently!). I do indulge during my 24-hour weekly break and will have a martini, more wine with dinner, and some dessert (but again, limiting fats).

in reply to Istomin

I'm plant based and I track my macros using a smartphone app (MyFitnessPal).

Anyway...I don't worry too much of the micros...mainly macros (45% Carbs, 25-30% Fat and 25-30% Protein. I get at 35-45gms of fiber day and shoot for min of 80gms of protein. Just sharing what I do so you have something to compare too.

Seems you are doing everything that can be done to keep the weight off.

Istomin profile image
Istomin in reply to

Yes, thanks for the update!

DenDoc profile image

I have been on Lupron continuously for almost 12 years. Sure my shape has changed and my breasts are large from estrogen I take for hot flashes. I wear a swim shirt(as do many seniors for skin coverage) and it covers up most of that. We were going to Hawaii a lot before covid and I can assure you there are many men walking beaches that have a total "pear shape". Who cares. At least I am out and about. We have an outdoor hot-tub where we live and I am out as often as I can with my shirt on.

SUPERHEAT12 profile image

After Lupron I tried to put on my triathlon wet suit...did not come close to getting it on and just had to do the swim without it. It took considerable effort with a strict diet and exercise to get my weight down but I feel much better for having done it. My weight is down but I still doubt that I could fit in the wet suit.

Dlanghorne profile image

I have been on Lupron and Zytiga for almost 2 years and got the same weight gain warning from my doctors. Discussed the Keto diet with my oncologist and he studied it and tried it and okayed for me to do it. In the last 2 years I have lost 30+ pounds (20 to go) and do not feel hungry.Hold carbs to 20-40mg per day and my monthly blood checkups are outstanding. My doctors are surprised that I have not gained weight. I am on a plateau now and will cut back on alcohol to get down some more. Keto works great for me!

treedown profile image

Within 3 hrs of being told my PSA was 156 I anticipated the need to lose weight in preparation of ADT. I did it by a lot of exercise and a plant based diet. I gained a little weight earlier in fall from eating too much nuts and dried fruit which I had prepared to replace energy bars on my rides but I dropped it quickly. Gained some more over the holidays and will drop it the same way. I have a bit of weight around the waste but much less than I started with. The muscles have declined from no gym but not the ones I use to ride a bike. Now my body looks like a right road cyclist, no hair and all. I tell my friends you need to find a physical activity you love because if you don't anything you do is likely temporary.

in reply to treedown

If you are not doing squats, even with body weight., I highly recommend doing them twice a week.. Bike riding is the worse exercise that a man on ADT can do for maintaining BMD. In addition to my bike riding, less now that 2 months ago due to the weather, I do a good amount of weight bearing exercises to help maintain BMD.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

I was and will start doing some yoga which I stopped when doing a lot of miles over the summer. Also I have been walking 7 to 9 miles on off bike days but the last couple weeks had me busy doing other things and weather has not been cooperating. I was running before radiation last January but decided walking takes longer so it might burn more fat.My Dr has not brought up BMD or concern on bone density so I guess I have not thought of it either. If all things remain the same July will be my last Lupron shot and I will stop Zytiga in October. At my last appt my Dr said he thinks I have this thing beat but I am taking that with the same one day at a time attitude and he isn't psychic approach that I would if he said the opposite. He also said I will never get my testosterone back so I guess this will become a concern on or off ADT if that is true. So your point is well taken I will consider how best to proceed to maintain bone density from here on out. At least once the gym opens I will be able to start that again . I did buy a chin up bar only to find out I can't do 1 even, I was doing 2 before covid closed my gym. Lately I have been focused on BP and HR but have solidified a means to monitor both so feel good about that and so far my Dr is not concerned and did not mention meds. So I guess its a good time to start watching something else closer.

in reply to treedown

You and I are on the same schedule. July and October 2021.

Here is a quick read

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

Good article thanks. I think my running which is trail running is a better complement to biking than walking. I also my riding is quite a bit mtn biking and gravel riding in the mtns so I think taken as a whole and basing things off the article I am not doing do poorly. It's been about 8 months out of the gym hopefully it won't be too much longer until it reopens

in reply to treedown

Probably a good idea to get a dexa scan just to get a baseline.My pcp ordered mine

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

Good idea I will mention it when I see him in a few months. Just took blood today for Cholesterol, testosterone, Vit D and B12. I was hoping B12 supplement would help with my lowish RBC but pretty sure it won't.

in reply to treedown

This is getting a little too weird.I just got the same done on Thursday. I have a physical coming up next week and since I hit my OOP for the year I asked to get it the blood work now. We loaded up since it's covered by insurance 100%. Threw in a PSA and T for good measure.

Then on Jan 20th, I get my Eligard shot and more blood work.

I've read something about HCG shots to help Kickstart the T after coming off the ADT.

I read a couple posts on this site about it. You may want to do a little research and discuss with your MO or Urologist. It's not TRT so I thinks it's okay.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

I had my Lupron Shot 12/23, PSA,CMP, CBC just prior. I didn't want 7 tubes drawn in one day and turns out it would have been 8 so glad I made that decision. Nothing for 3 months for me now. It kind of feels like letting my guard down going that long and I definitely had more anxiety this time after waiting 3 months than previous times. But this is the new normal so I just have to get used to it until it isn't anymore.

in reply to treedown

Once I hit the <0.1 twice in a a row my anxiety dropped. Still get some anxiety but not nearly as much. My last psa was even better in my opinion <0.01. Some would say they are the same but I still liked seeing the lower undetectable.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

I bet, I have been at <.1 since March.

in reply to treedown

I monitor my BP with a bp device and ftbit charge 3 for HR, HRV and estimate my 2 min HRR.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

I have been watching using a home based Bluetooth device and it records to a app which is nicer than writing it all down like I was doing. I wasn't concerned and was lax during the summer but a few weeks back took it with both arms and it was quite different which freaked me out a little. That seems to have been an anomaly so far. I also have a Kardia mobile to check my heart periodically. I wish there was a device for BMD.

I just purchased a watch to see what's going on during my rides. I know riding keeps things in check and with winter keeping me off my bike more I see it in my BP. Luckily I will be back at it by February and full on by March so I am considering this slow period as a rest. Will definitely step back into the same level of yoga I was doing last winter and spring.

dixiedad profile image

Screw 'em. Wear a Speedo!


Rockybullwinkle profile image
Rockybullwinkle in reply to dixiedad

Nothing left to put in a Speedo.

dixiedad profile image
dixiedad in reply to Rockybullwinkle


MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Rockybullwinkle

And remember the potato goes in the front.

Jimhoy profile image
Jimhoy in reply to dixiedad

When in doubt..... Show-em you're nuts!!!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to dixiedad

eww Ewww EWWW 😂😂😂😂

Kaliber profile image

Put a sock in it .......

btca profile image

I will get my first Lupron shot 1/05/2021 . The lower abdomen fat, sometimes called a "pouch" is not something I want, but haven't found any easy-non surgical way to reduce or eliminate other than just general loosing weight. ( 6 ft. 187 lb now) Liposuction would work--- but---. Doing upper body and abdominal exercise now, needed to for sure !

j-o-h-n profile image

Only go to nudist beaches....get a tattoo of a giant penis on your belly....No one will notice that you're overweigh....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 01/03/2021 7:46 PM EST

MateoBeach profile image

Ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting corrected all of my ADT accumulated fat very rapidly even while continuing on it. Happy! 💪💪👍🏼

Seebs9 profile image

I can lend you one of my extra 'onesy' swimsuites...

markoch26 profile image

Hi! Do some lightweight lifting and your fatty chest would go away. As for abdomen, do some situps.

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