I'm on TRT. I don't think pregnenolone looks safe but what do you think?
What do you all think of pregnenolone? - Advanced Prostate...
What do you all think of pregnenolone?
Why worry about a driver of prostate cancer progression like pregnenolone when you are taking a known driver of the AR like testosterone?
I don't have prostate cancer but I don't want to get it. I am on TRT based on my doctor's advice. He gave me loads of studies that show that hypogonadism is bad for my heart, fertility, mood, muscles, bone mass, etc. My doctor said that the pros far outweigh any increase in prostate cancer risk (in point of fact, he said that recent studies show that testosterone might be protective and that it is estrogen that is the likely culprit).
Please re-read the question if you need to. I was wondering what people thought about pregnenolone. Not what they thought about TRT.

You are posting on a forum for advanced prostate cancer patients. It is inappropriate for you to be posting here.
So if you would like to prevent advanced prostate cancer, it is inappropriate to post a question? I have to get it before I can ask how to prevent it?
Do you know if there are any others who inappropriately post? Say, someone who had low-risk prostate cancer a decade ago and was treated.
And I assume that you are the owner/moderator/rule-maker of this site?

Yes, when you get advanced prostate cancerr, be sure to drop by.
Thanks man. You're right, probably better to get it and then try to treat it than to prevent it to begin with.

The only prevention is finasteride. If you have rising PSA, see a urologist. Your presence on a site for advanced cancer patients is inappropriate.
Just to clarify, you said you were the site owner and rule maker. Why don't you just ban me rather than dilly-dally around?

I'm asking you to act civilly. This is a site for people who are suffering. Most people have the decency to respect that.
Thanks. What about this one: smile.amazon.com/gp/product...
Your thought is that pregnenolone isn't safe to increase? Looked like it might help prevent but not treat.
How to avoid prostate cancer is the trillion dollar question. Figure that one out and you will become quite wealthy and it would help mankind (sorry girls, your not included) immensely.
Goes good on Rye bread with deli mustard...........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/02/2020 7:53 PM EST
High school girls made me hard all day. Actually, in those days, the wind made me hard all day.