Husband is 1.5yrs post crPCA ALL treatment (lupron, zytiga, jevtana, radium 223), PSA remains at 0.03, T at 83 (holding there). He has decided he wants T replacement, as he can't loose the 70lbs gained, brain fog, memory difficulties,fatigue, ALL causing depression. Thoughts......
THOUGHTS PLEASE: Husband is 1.5yrs... - Advanced Prostate...
73yrs old, minor lung issues (former long term smoker), Cardiac health FULL workup in Jan 2020 GOOD, normally a VERY strong, active, positive thinking man (VERY miserable right now).
2nd, most recent diagnosis 2/2018, PSA 117.92, T 517, Gleason 7. Brachytherapy done in 2006. In 2018 MO stated "destructive mass involving posterior aspect of right acetabulum and the ischial tuberosity w/cortical breakthrough and extension into soft tissue adjacent to anus and corpse spongiosum. Leision measures 8.1x8.3x4.7cm, biopsy on 2/28/18 remarkable for adenocarcinoma w/prostatic origin"
Impression: "recurrent PC arising in brachytherapy needle tract area w/extension into bone and penile soft tissues w/possible fracture of right pubic region ischium".
Treatment" Lupron, Jevtana, Zytiga, Radium 223, Xofigo. All treatment completed 3/2019.
If he has had Ra-223, he has had symptomatic metastases and he should not have TRT. It is likely to cause pain and rapid progression. Has he found a doctor willing to prescribe it?
No, we have NOT found (or looked for that matter) a dr to prescribe it. We see his MO (Dr. Vogelzang) the 14th. MO asked him to give his body a chance to bring it back, T seems to have leveled/maintained at 85 or so.
Thank you very much for your insight... he has been on anti-depressant (Zoloft) for quite some time, he has altered his diet (majority plant, limited proteins chicken, fish, eggs, has been exercising cardio and weights, been at this for a year... so far nothing
I have fought Pca for 11 years after diagnosis at age 62 and and had ADT, EBRT, Cosadex, IMRT, Zytiga, chemo, 6 doses Lu177, Xtandi. Psa is about 7 from only bone mets now and I want Ra223. I can cycle across town and back, 78km, at 24kph at 73, no aches, pains, depression, brain fog, but no marriage proposals. Docs say I am coping well.
The addiction to cycling and resulting fitness means few side effects bother me. I have BMI < 22.5, waist 95cm, resting HR < 50. I have lost some 6Kg since diagnosis but must have kept muscle weight up to get the bike speed. I am now 76.5Kg, 1.85M tall. ADT caused average bike speed to reduce from 30kph to about 25kph at age 63. Nobody over 55yo ever overtakes me on my rides around town. One doc is concerned about my blood pressure, but when I cycle 20km to see onco the nurse finds BP nice and low when I get there. A pile of good things happen when a man works his body with long periods of aerobic activity, Last week I cycled 245km, in 3 rides.
Patrick Turner.
Keep kicking ass patrick !
Pca has such a hard arse that if I keep kicking it, I might get a broken foot!I'm having a rest day after 80km yesterday.
Patrick Turner.
I can certainly endorse Intermittent fasting especially on a ketogenic program (very low carbohydrate). I have eaten One Meal A Day (OMAD) for over a year now. No hunger at all during the day and unlimited fat-fueled energy. Read "The Ketogenic Bible" or peruse free levels of websites such as I am down to 1 stable weight of 145 (12% body fat) from 188# a year ago. Keeping muscle on is still a problem with low T levels, even with lots of exercise. And I take a low dose anti-depressant for low grade depression from hypogonadism. (Helps)
High levels of T (supraphysiologic or SPT) can actually suppress the growth of PC. This has been shown in the BAT trials. The trouble is that you don't know in advance who will respond favorably to it ( PSA dropping after an initial small rise) or who will respond unfavorably indicated by a large rise in PSA. But for the latter, they can stop it and PSA quickly drops and there was no radiographic nor symptomatic progression demonstrated. Seems like careful monitoring is the key. But few, other that Denmeade and a few others are willing to try this. Maybe you could ask about getting into a BAT trial or to be treated "per protocol" of the trial if you really want to pursue it.
hi Saydeebugz ... consider checking-out ... ...
Ty for this info both of you. I'm.emotionslly struggling seeing my dad get in full body pain started radium 223 four months ago and I was starting to believe that means it's the end but both of you showed me this is not true . You have me hope on a hopeless night .ty both. As far as antidepressants ,they often level off and noonger work esp when losing hormones. Prozac is more activating than zoloft and in some causes weight loss. Speak to psychiatrist about options and also natural suppplrments for depression. I send hugs and love.
I'm in Australia. Its a hot time of the year, and will get much hotter over next two months. So I hafta cycle early, leave home at 7:30am, be home by 11am, usually that's OK. But in my work shed it was 35C yesterday arvo, very uncomfortable.
Patrick Turner.