DIDNT EXPECT THIS : It all started with... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Bodysculpture profile image
79 Replies

It all started with a bit of discomfort in the lower spine As a bodybuilder I get these little niggles so I didnt think it would continue 3 weeks later I sneezed and fell to the floor unable to get ro a standing position Had an emergency Xray yesterday that cleard any injury the found nothing wrong my PSA remains 0.55 and my bloods were all good

Doing a more in depth MRI scan today

Just finished my treatments 3 months ago

I am on active surveillance

Lower lumbar on the right side wake up fine by 8 pm I can hardly walk

Doing so well now this

So soon after my treatment

Any suggestions would be appreciated

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Bodysculpture profile image
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79 Replies
LearnAll profile image

This is strange. Can not say anything as you need to provide details of the event and facts/labs/MRIs etc. What is the difficulty in walking ? Are you falling or you have intense pain ? Give more details please .

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to LearnAll

Stage 4 Gleason 9 diagnosed Nov 2019 Started hormone therapy right away metastics ribs ,small amount in the right shoulder small amount lower spine

After docataxal and radical radio therapy to the prostrate oncology told me I had a very good response and a small residual amount in 7th and 8th rib

The pain started about a month ago and gradually got worse while sitting

I sneezed and that did it

I can walk and nights are worse

Had and xray yesterday and they found nothing unusual going back on thursday for a further scan

LearnAll profile image
LearnAll in reply to Bodysculpture

Thanks. The possibility of Spinal Cord Compression can not be ruled out with certainty until your MRI results are back.The classic way spinal cord compression presents is that the pain starts in back and keeps worsening for 3 to 6 weeks leading to difficulty in standing up or walking. This is considered a true medical emergency because in some cases this can lead to lower body paralysis if not treated right away.

Once MRI shows that the localized bone met is pressing on the spinal cord and distorting its shape..the treatment is started with Steroid meds..most commonly dexamethasone or Prednisone. Steroids reduce the swelling and thus removing some of the pressure from the spinal cord. This release leads to decreased pain and improve function.

If steroids do not do full job ,next thing is localized Radiation to the vertibrae overlying the met which is causing problem. Rarely, people need spinal surgery.

I am not saying you have spinal cord compression UNTIL it shows clearly in your MRI as there are other conditions which may cause such symptoms.'

In your case, I see something positive even if its spinal cord compression...and that is that you are still able to walk and possibly have no neuro symptoms such as loss of sensation, touch or movement . In such cases, with treatment ,almost 92 to 95% fully recover. This is only for information purpose not a prescription.

My best wishes to you, BodySculpture.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to LearnAll

Thank you

Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to Bodysculpture

Hey Bodysculpture!

Sorry that you are going through this. The ex-ray showed nothing. Did someone such as an orthopedic doctor or chiropractor look at the ex-ray? You are going for an MRI but what type? A 1.5T or a mp 3.0T? I hope that shows you to be clear cancer causing your intense discomfort.

Sometimes these things come together and we don't know the cause, in your case is it because your back is out of alignment or the cancer? When young I worked construction. Ninety pound jackhammers, throwing chunks of concrete onto a flatbed truck like getting a basketball through a hoop, hustling four to five hundred pound concrete saws, hoisting 100 pound bags of sand to fill sand blasters. lifting 175 pound propane tanks to fuel the joint sealer --simple stuff like that! All day! In the heat or sometimes cold depending on the season --a three season job. The company repaired and sealed expansion joints at airports and on roads. Also cut expansion joints in new construction and sealed them. I was doing this work during the day and once when bending over and picking up my rather small cat I immediately went to the floor in pain as a vertebrae in my back misaligned. An orthopedic doctor, not a chiropractor, but I was lucky this doc knew some stuff, he popped the vertebrae right back in, realigned them and suddenly I felt as if nothing had ever happened!

Many chiropractors today use a device called an "activator". It has a rubber tip and is placed where there is a misalignment. The patient is unaware of just when the activator will "fire" and doesn't tense their body in anticipation as in manual manipulation. That is why the low amount of force that an activator uses can realign bones. When my chiropractor first started using one I said, "Hey, what are doing with that? Let me see that!" I embalmed people for some time. There are three ways to close a mouth when embalming a body. One way, the best really in my opinion is the needle injector which is used by doctors to close the mouths on patients with a broken jaw such as happened to Ali in his first fight with Ken Norton. The "activator" has a different tip, a hard rubber tip. The tip is the only difference between that of an activator and a needle injector. The amount of force can be adjusted simply by turning a cylinder on the outside of the device increasing spring compression. I would advise you to find a chiropractor that uses an activator. It has been about 15 years since chiropractors have been using activators therefore some chiropractors are quite experienced using the activator particularly on elderly people with weak bones.

Another possibility is that fluoroquinolones, Cipro and Levaquin could have harmed you. I have damage fluoroquinolones and the repeated use of them by a urologist after I had reported an adverse reaction to him. A chiropractor that I use has seen this before. The warning label brings up Achilles tendons first but old injuries are like low hanging fruit for these drugs. My right shoulder shredded just doing a warmup with 145 lbs. for incline presses. All I did was un-rack the bar and my shoulder audibly shredded. My uro said do some therapy. I had been and ultrasound too. He used them again and a month and a half later a ligament in my back that had been healed since 1988 literally floored me by ripping when I got --out of bed!

I wish you the best.


Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Currumpaw

Thank you still waiting for the results of my most recent scan I will keep you posted

Bodysculpture profile image

Definately my back I felt it right away

Thank you

Bodysculpture profile image

Thanks again Nalakats Pissing me off as I cant train

KingNeptune profile image
KingNeptune in reply to Bodysculpture

I agree with Nal. I was a serious gym rat when younger and was doing some serious poundage (all natural, no juice). Now I have off again on again back pain, sometimes mild sometimes severe. I think doing heavy squats probably contributed to this, when you’re young you think you’re invincible.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to KingNeptune

I have had minor niggles with my back throughout my career but nothing serious This is one sided and hurts when I sit

We will mo more after the scabs

Magnus1964 profile image

Have you had a bone scan? That should tell the story. It may be something other than cancer.

LearnAll profile image
LearnAll in reply to Magnus1964

Bone scans are not specific enough for cancer . They can light up with inflammation, scar tissue and other abnormalities (other than cancer)MRI is both sensitive and 96% specific for detection of mets. Better to have either CT or MRI.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to LearnAll

I believe that coming next

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Magnus1964

I am hoping it is curable

LearnAll profile image
LearnAll in reply to Bodysculpture

We can't know until we know what we are dealing with ? Can't wait for MRI to tell the inside picture of spine.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to LearnAll

Thank you They are pretty thorough I believe the MRI will be next

They've just ruled out abnormality or injury

Bodysculpture profile image

Yes it can Alot of spinal and rib response suddenly jolts those old injuries

You forgot about

I’m sorry that this has happened to you .. My hope is that you can find relief now from pain and a fix to the problem too.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to

Hopefully never had pain quite like this cant do shit right now Anything that interrupts my training effects me greatly

Try to do a bit but I pay the price each time

Gonna keep quiet for a few days that may help

I dont think its muscular

in reply to Bodysculpture

I just want you walking with no pain.. it boils down to that brother . First you walk .. adt and treatments destroy the man ,muscle bone tendon ligaments ,even the heart . I’ve had so much pain and so many random injuries since treatments that I now try carefully not to hurt my self .but I always still do . After I go work in the yard . The next day I pay . Joints screaming . Jane Fonda we will call it . Lifting is one thing ,walking is another . You’re a pro at training ...please don’t go down emotionally with not be able to train .. I couldn’t work out for a year and a half . I lost it all and have retrieved very little muscle strength stamina or agility . I think that you’ll find out what is wrong and fix it . 🙏

Lettuce231 profile image

So sorry for you, you have been doing really well too. This may help a little, not long ago I lifted a double radiator off the wall, it was a real pig to move and as I lifted it the pain in my lower back was incredible, I too could barely walk or lay down to sleep. It turned out to be a compressed vertebrae, what helped me more than anything was a really good back support, it took the pain away immediately. I am okay now and only use the support when lifting heavy objects, so that leaves my wallet out of the picture.

Really hope the MRI shows a possible result for you.


dadzone43 profile image

Betting on herniated or torn disk ... Let us know, please. Wishing you good luck.

Kaliber profile image

About 6 years ago a brother in the local MC club , I’ll call them “ heavens helpers “ , .....a very robust guy with the colorful nickname of Dirty Dan .... was sitting on his $80,000 custom SE big bore harley at a traffic light here on the main drag in town. There was about 7- 8 brothers in the group. He suddenly fell over and pushed his hog away and it fell over too, causing several thousand dollars damage to the chrome. DD was just laying there screaming in pain until the ambulance arrived. DD had prostrate cancer that was being treated with adt and was in remission, he was also receiving zometa. He had been having adt for about 3 years. While sitting there holding up his hog waiting for the light to change his left femur shattered and a couple of vertebrae compressed too. He had surgery and got back to walking with a cane after a long period of very painful rehab. Pain never went away. Doctors said it was a combination of mets wreaking the bone , adt making it thinner and Zometa making it brittle.

The point being that you never know when chit is going to happen with APCa but its good to be alert of the possibilities and adjust your life style accordingly. A bone density scan is always a good idea as well. We all can be tough guys but APC doesn’t really care what we think , plus different guys respond differently ... that’s just how it is. It’s something to consider.

I sold my HD dyna super glide early last year , it was heartbreaking .... I had spent years and a fortune grooming it ....but I had to face reality. DD lasted a little over 6 years, a good run his doctors said ... he seemed pretty good but looked a little weather worn ... but ok ... however he just suddenly took a turn and croaked ... not even any hospice time , just gone suddenly in about 60 - 70 days.

Just say’in 💪💪💪🦃🍗🦃🦃

Doseydoe profile image
Doseydoe in reply to Kaliber

What a sad story, he sounds like a salt of the earth kinda guy. You must miss him heaps. Keep the shiny side up brother.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Doseydoe

Yayahahahaya Yayahahahaya well in his own way he could be a good guy if he wanted but that wasn’t very often. He could be a little pushy and abrasive even long before the cancer hit him, but he was a dependable friend that always had your back. He was the life of the party most of the time, and I do miss him.... he’s gone and now I have my own problems I guess. Times change, ......


Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Kaliber

My condolence Kaliber

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Bodysculpture


treedown profile image
treedown in reply to Kaliber

I was cycling today and thinking about the future and it occurred to me I would rather walk into the afterlife as opposed to being rolled into on a gurney. Sounds like your friend did that maybe.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to treedown

Yep .... ole DD woke up dead one morning at home in his bed, the very best way to go if you’ve gotta.

Doseydoe profile image
Doseydoe in reply to Kaliber

Times change......., life's hard, here's your fuc...ken Christmas card...🎄🎅, 😎

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Doseydoe

I hear that brother yayahahahaya I used to agonize for the brother as he wasted away but he was having fun ... now I’m agonizing for me and I’m having fun too .... life’s is f’n ironic


MateoBeach profile image

A very sad tale. I still ride my Africa Twin Adventure Sports ADV bike. 600 pounds with fuel and have to balance without feet fully down due to its tall nature. But OH is it fun! I know that some day I will probably have to give it up and ride Harley. 😂🏍️

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to MateoBeach

Yea my dyna had about 150 ft pounds of torque coming off the line at a light ... riding one of those was fun and a workout , its why you see a lot of hog enthusiast with such large upper body development . It would pull the skin back on your face accelerating thru several gears. I’ve owned several Honda gold wings / aspencades , ...... helmet comms, 6 cylinders, on board compressor, entertainment system, heated everything ...the works ... big as a car and difficult to turn in tight corners around town. They weren’t worth a dang in town but owned the highway when out on the road ... smooth ...power to spare, very comfortable and well equipped . Loved those too. Much more comfort and power than a bagger hog. The Harley screaming Eagle street machines were a totally different machine, intended to drive light to light in town ... small .. just a seat, frame , gas tank , loud pipes and a massive motor ..... pretty much a drag racing character to them.

Just keep an eye on your bone density and you should be ok as long as your balance is still good and the adt weakness hasn’t gotten to you. For me , my first diagnostic DX suggestion was inpatient hospice ... the fact that I’m still here and doing well on adt has stunned my medical team. Besides being one of the people that have the totally debilitating SEs from adt .... I didn’t want my wife to be stuck trying to sell off my 30 year retirement accumulation of toys . I sold off nearly everything .... Im unable to use any of it anyway so it’s no biggie. I bought a e-trike I call my Hardly a Davidson that I drive now. Seemed sad at first but times have changed and with the trike I can still get out and enjoy the hike and bike trails ... enjoy being outdoors again. times change yayahahahaya

Peace brother 💪💪💪👍👍👍🦋🌻🌸🌼🌈🦃

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Kaliber

Wow Kaliber. 150 ft # torque must be amazing. I only have half that and 97 horses. Seems like more than enough. I may have to try that just for the visceral thrill of acceleration My brother has a Gold Wing and swears by it. Commutes in the SF Bay Area splitting lanes. Seems like an un-sexy if capable and comfortable bike. I want the open road, the mountain twisties, gravel roads of interest and bike camping. I work out with heavy dead lifts and squats so that my skinny puny physique can lift my Twin if /when I should drop it. Not ready to give it up just yet....

The trike sounds fine to Keep the adventure going. Something like a CanAm or Harley based trike?

Aside note: Last summer I built out a new KTM dual sport to pro motocross specs to try out dirt biking since I live in Baja half the year. Way too much for me to handle at 70 years old! Crashed 7 times in two months so decided that ship has sailed. (Wife very happy when I sold it to a real enduro pro at a loss.)

Also have a pair of nice e-bikes for wife and me. Reuse -Muller full suspension off or on road capable cruisers. I Realize now they are 90% as Much fun as my motorcycle. Ride on, As best you reasonably ( safely) can for as long as you can. It is a celebration of life. Paul

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to MateoBeach

Yea it was the S&S t143 motor which is a bolt on for a dyna. About 162HP and 150 ft pounds of torque. I bought it used for half price and still ended up spending around 11K on it getting the race commander tuned , FI , dyno’ed , pipes etc. it was a handful of excitement ... mostly just a sensory experience more than anything. I’d ride it around town an hour or two and go home and change my shorts yayahahahaya. It wasn’t a highway bike that you did long trips on. It was stressful to ride. Uh .... dunno about white line-ing on a gold wing , wow ... that’s manly. I always drove aggressively and smacked a lot of mirrors on my little narrow dyna .. those big wide gold wings would be ripping mirrors right off and peeling paint yayahahahaya I’d smack a mirror and thunder off in a cloud of smoke and noise, they’d catch me at the next light ... I’d just lean over and blow them a little kiss ( sneer at them ) ..they would usually never make eye contact with me or turn before they got to the light.

I used to ride dirt , I placed 56th in the pro-am ( I was the am ) at the 1976 MX at fort hood Texas . My friend “ lightening rod “ laid out the course for the committee, I drove it a bunch of times and had an unfair advantage and still only got 56th. I had three trailered two strokes, I drove extremely modified Yamaha 250s. ( like everybody else did yayahahahaya). Those were fun days.

I love e-bikes ... I just sold the mouton 1000 fat tire dual suspension mountain bike and the addmotor fat tire 750 my wife rode. I did the whole works ... including taped rims tubeless conversion filled with latex goo puncture sealer. Those fat tires seemed to hunt down punctures ... like they were paper thin. I had the transport racks for the trailer hitch on back of the silverado , several batteries , ac charging and dc inverter charging off the truck or a little Honda generator. Even in good times I fell off the mouton a few times mounting or dismounting it ... it was high off the ground and tricky to get off of sometimes.

My etrike is basically an electric moped 750, looks just like a moped from the front. a ebike with two rear wheels. Its modified to go 18 mph ( legal limit here is 20 ) and has a 750 motor ( also the biggest allowed legally ) plus it will switch down like gears to go slow to accompany someone walking or jogging and even lower , 1 mph or less , to drive around inside supermarkets like a mobility cart. It gets looks inside stores but no one ever says anything. Yayahahahaya

I agree that ebikes can be as much fun as a Harley in their own way. Looks like we have a lot in common.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Kaliber

Road a Goldwing 1000 back in the day Smooth as it gets I loved that bike it floated but way too bulky

Moved on the dirt bikes scrabblers and off road bikes

Loads of fun

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Bodysculpture

I always thought the goldwings was an ultimate highway machine ....dirt is great fun too, in your case just make sure you keep your bone scans up to date. If you have mets on the bones or are taking a drug like Zometa your bones are at serious risk now. You’d probably want to forget about that riding these days. Close consultation with your oncologist and your bone scans is the best way to go.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to MateoBeach

I got into kayaking and biking equally enthusiastically, I frequently took people to do the exciting “ ride the tide “ in the estuary at Moro Bay and did tours of the west side reeded wetlands that are covered , literally paved, with waterfowl in the winter. If you ever go to the beautiful Mediterranean central coast at Monterey, you can stay quite literally on the water at the affordable luxurious Tides hotel and the beautiful maintained and manicured central coast hike and bike trail runs right across the entrance of the tides. You wake up and have that room service in your room while looking out at whales and dolphins having their own breakfast ... then take your ebike down the elevator to the trail and ride south along the stunning pacific and quickly hit beautiful Monterey. Ride thru savoring the breathtaking flowers and scenery ... then onward to famous 17 mile drive and the coastal trail. It’s a world class experience that you’ll never forget and return to year after year.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Kaliber


MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Kaliber

It’s been a few years since I’ve been to Monterey, 17 mile drive and Central Coast 101. Also did yoga weeks at Esalen but hassled me about my service dog, Mateo. Since it was destroyed and now being rebuilt better I may head that way again post COVID. Certainly will take your suggestion on the Tides Hotel. No mets in my bones yet - thankful for that. Paul

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to MateoBeach

The city and county has spent millions extending and sprucing up the bike trails , Monterey is well worth a return visit after covid. We are charter members of the aquarium and still support it. My wife just retired a couple weeks ago , but Monterey was her territory, we were over there often.... never get enough of that exotic location. Dunno about esalen anymore ... it had gotten a kinda reputation as an expensive trendy plastic place. If you are serious about yoga, you might look up Mount Madonna institute up near the world class Mt Madonna County park overlooking the coast near Monterey. ( giant yellow banana slugs , coastal redwoods )

The tides was a gem that wasn’t all that well known. Now the millennials have found it and it’s all over the web. The rooms are smallish, always ask for a room on the ocean side. The 4th floor restaurant has some amazing taste buds working there ( the Cioppino is shocking ) and the bar in the fireplace great room with the view windows is jaw dropping. The heated pool - spa deck is outside, on the quiet side, and recently remodeled, hardly ever crowded. They sell wood at the desk to build your fire on the beach. The rooms are literally on the sea wall holding back the ocean and breaching whales and surfing dolphins are common out your window every morning. On the lower floors,at high tide, spray from windy heavy surf days can hit your room windows yayahahahaya. Rooms on the first and 2nd floors can be a little damp in winter but refreshing in summer. Room service is great too ... eating breakfast on your little table , watching whales feed is amazing. Of course you’ll want to wait until Covid is over as much of the hotel , like most hotels, is probably down right now.

I’m hoping to get back over there too ...before my time runs out.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to Kaliber

About 30 years ago I trained in SF and rented a convertible Mustang and drove down the coast to Big Sur. Not looking at a map but thought that was the same general area. Anyway it was beautiful if it is. We have to get on boats to see whales and dolphins in my neck of the coast but have done that a few times.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to treedown

It IS the same place ... stunning or better than S.F pier 39 but no where the foot traffic. See my post in this thread about the Tides Monterey.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to Kaliber

I did. If I ever get back that way I will check it out. We have a favorite hotel at the beach south of us, much lower key than yours but still great called The High Tide Inn.

in reply to treedown

Big Sir is so desolate and beautiful .

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to Kaliber

Being outdoors is a must for me, period. 2 hours is my minimum ride right now. I could never be as consistent indoors. Hit my annual goal today 4000 miles. Had a 16oz IPA to celebrate. Now just another 400 and I will beat last year by a full 1000 miles.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to treedown

Leaving the house is extremely dangerous here right now ... the Covid is going wild here ... people dropping like flies. My wifey “ the hammer “ watches me close doesn’t allow me to take risks at this point. She’s under the impression that if she turns her back , I can get into trouble almost instantly yayahahahaya...it’s a bum rap. I also have some unfortunate intestinal issues , right now, caused by metformin toxicity. Going out at all can be messy. Just going to Kaiser is a serious challenge and I have to go there several times a month. Yuck ... I can ride the trike for a couple hours in its big comfy seat tho, when I can get out yayahahahaya.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to Kaliber

Your blessed to have her. I know you have a lot on your plate but when I read your posts I see you as a superman. Your in my prayers.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to treedown

Thanks brother I appreciate the kind words, Im always gonna be my best as possible , ain’t nudd’in to it. I hope you are spending this thanksgiving day with your loved ones , feeling ok painless and staying high and dry from the Covid bugs brother. The hammer and I spent most of yesterday morning in the kitchen holiday baking. Made 3 dozen Jah Kush cookies from flowers that had been age decarbed for over two years. Still sticky and gooey. When we laid them out to harden up , she ate the crumbs and fell asleep on the den couch and only woke up this morning .... “ still “ fried a little yayahahahaya yayahahahaya too bad I can’t eat any of ‘em ( or anything else ) because of my DAP tests I have to take at Kaiser under my opiates contract. Oh well yayahahahaya chit happens but the wonderful fragrant intense aroma still drifting in the house a day later ... making me want some .

Best holiday wishes 💪💪💪👍👍🦃🦃🦃❤️❤️❤️

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Kaliber

Regarding our e bikes, we have a matched pair. Yes they are tall for off pavement. Wife fell off a couple of times but has it dialed now. Reese &Muller Delites have dual battery version with over 100 mile range. Fat tubeless tires. Full suspension and sprung (frame mounted) pannier racks. Good for B n B touring, etc. 27 mph pedal assist at 4 levels - Econ, Tour, Sport and Turbo. Rolhoff 14 gears fully enclosed in the hub. Bombproof. The moped trike sounds like a hoot! Rgds for Thanksgiving. No keto restrictions for me today!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to MateoBeach

100 miles range is stunning. I installed racks to carry an xtra battery but 30-35 miles ( for both batteries ) was pushing it with very little pedal assist yayahahahaya. Sounds like you had motors mounted on the crank types ... ours were the hub motor types. For several years I was the only electric bike on the local h&b trails ...then suddenly they were everywhere. Used to be NO ebike shop in town , now there are three . Wow.

Same with my etrike ... I zoomed around the neighborhood h&b trail and up to the bigger cross city trails. I also zoomed up to the shopping center, bank etc. I had the only etrike for about 7 months ... now there are 5 more in the neighborhood that I have seen, 4 of them same brand as mine. I guess all the holed up ( from Covid ) locals thought it looked like a fun / good idea and jumped on the bandwagon. They are great neighborhood fun. I’d like to transport mine but it’s hard to find a 60” long power lift for the back of my silverado and there’s still Covid.

Backatcha brother for the holiday , c-ya.

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Kaliber

Yes the crankset mounted motors can’t be beat for efficiency and smooth power. The HS ( high speed) extends assist up to 27 mph. We call them “Whee bikes!”r-m.de/en-us/bikes/superdel...

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to MateoBeach

Yea I had a buddy with one of those and it was clearly better and could go up hills better and was faster than mine. You could upgrade to bigger motors easily too, I always liked that.

in reply to MateoBeach

100 miles? Wow!

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to treedown

Thank you

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Kaliber

What is your dosing of the metformin? I’m on 1,000 but thinking of upping it to 1,500. I’m not diabetic or insulin resistant going it for metabolic and possible cancer benefits.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to MateoBeach

I’m supposed to be on 2000mg of metformin along with 1mg of glimepride. I have the 500s time release , the plain 500s and the regular 1000s. I have been experiencing explosive unpredictable uncontrollable diarrhea for months now. Even going to Kaiser can be a messy unfortunate adventure. Yuck ... It’s hard to imagine the volume / bulk the human body is capable of power expelling at one time ( TMI yayahahahay ) ’m trying all kinds of combinations, no glimepride ... 1500 metformin , two time releases and a 500 regular , 4 500 s , two twice a day etc. ... I ve gotten things kinda under control now, but have been eating Imodium and gut plugs ( opiates ) like candy trying to get things stabilized. You “ do not “ want to get caught up in this trap, just say’in.

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Kaliber

I was on 8 immodium per day and have slowly weaned down to 2, decreasing by 1 every 3 months. Just must remember: Never trust a fart. 😆😆

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to MateoBeach

Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya and ewwwwwwww

Tell me about it , sometimes a fart is more warning than I get ( TMI ) .

On that happy and “ uplifting “ thought, have a great holiday weekend brother Mateo. 😀😀😀

in reply to MateoBeach

I’ll buy the twin when you’re ready? Happy holidays .

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to

Nice to hear from you Scott. I’ll ride it over to your house in the Spring and you can take it for a test spin. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Paul

in reply to MateoBeach

Peace and good health to you Sir .

j-o-h-n profile image

I know what it feels like to work out and suddenly are forced to sit on the sidelines. Your endorphins are waiting at the starting line and you can't fire the pistol to get them running. Please DO NOT push yourself to work out while you're in your dilemma. An ounce of prevention is worth not going to the hospital.......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 11/25/2020 6:11 PM EST

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to j-o-h-n

Many cautions So I wont john

As difficult as it is I cant worsen my condition

Watch and wait

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Bodysculpture

Good! This is the time to use your brain and not your brawn.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 11/25/2020 10:35 PM EST

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to j-o-h-n

Really worried about it john very uncomfortable sitting is an issue and it seems I have to twist to walk without pain over a month now and seems to be worsening I would know had I injured myself I am sure

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Bodysculpture

I recently fell and fractured my L4 in my back and ever since I've had trouble sitting, climbing stairs and walking. I know you didn't fall and you didn't injure yourself but I wonder if you strained yourself. Just lifting weights is a strain (all the time). Many years ago I went to a pain manager who gave me an epidural injection (what women get when they're delivering) and it was a God sent from heaven. So I know that you're thinking what I would be thinking, which is "oh God I hope they find something on my MRI and God I hope it's not serious".... Worrying is a bitch....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 11/25/2020 11:02 PM EST

in reply to j-o-h-n

Go Johnny go!

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to Bodysculpture

You should have your MRI results and answers by tomorrow. Probably has already been read. Here in your support amigo.

j-o-h-n profile image

BTW Are you taking anything for your pain?

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 11/25/2020 11:05 PM EST

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to j-o-h-n

I asked my doctor , Dr Bennyboombah, what I should take for my pain ....

He replied “ about $2 “ ....

Just say’in 😂😂😂😂

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Kaliber

I asked Dr. Bennyboombah's wife Dr. Pennyboombah what you should get for your pain?

She replied " new writers " ....

Just say’in 😂😂😂😂

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Thursday 11/26/2020 3:52 PM EST - Happy TGD.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to j-o-h-n

Yayahahahaya 👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to j-o-h-n


Patrick-Turner profile image

I worked as a carpenter in construction from age 19 to 47 and I lost count of the number of bad backs I had which immobilized me, sometimes for weeks. This was all well before getting awful Gleason 9 diagnosis at 62. My neck often gave troubles if I put up a ceiling.

I found local doctors, physio therapists and chiropractors all useless and getting me fixed quickly.

But on local doc, a lady of about 67, tried some acupuncture with me sitting still for15 minutes with 4 needles, and that cured my bad neck within a day.

I had another bad back, and lady doc was on leave, so other doc sent me to an acupuncture man who had learnt in China years before, and back was so bad I needed slow release morphine tablets for the pain. He used a laser pointer that felt like someone gently poking me with a blunt pencil, and 2 days later I was completely fixed.

The acupuncturist could not fix all my ailments such as a pair of worn out knee joints or my Pca, but for where a body gets all muddled up after lifting something badly, acupuncture was for me The Best Cure I have ever had.

At 73 now, with stage 4 Pca in bones, Psa 7, I am headed forRa223 after getting 2 year benefit with Lu177.

All bone mets are small.

So I managed a 98km cycle ride this am at average speed 22.5kph, and I saw countless other cyclists out and about, and only about 45 over took me.

I don't have a body builder type of figure that leads to ppl thinking I could lift 1/2 a house.

Most humans did not evolve to lift heavy weights. Most evolved to run well enough to outrun animals which became dinner for the tribe. This required use of brain, not braun, and we figured out good ideas for stone axes, digging sticks for digging up root vegetables, and spears and bows and arrows for hunting and defending our tribe against another tribe, or for attacking another tribe to plunder it for food and women.

Right through pre-history we were all skinny and athletic.

I have a slim efficient figure that is as fit as I need it to be, so I can do all jobs at home OK and have BMI 22, waist < 95cm, resting HR < 50, and all blood test numbers looking real good except one darn number for Psa at 7.

If I could run, or walk, I would. But a motorcycle at age 19 mucked up my left ankle, and so I walk like an old man of 90, and never run after dinner, but I ride a bike real well.

Its inevitable I still must lift things over 30Kg, but I manage without doing damage to skeleton, yet.

Diet is mainly vegetables, with fish and eggs, and read meat makes some arthritis places a bit sore and inflamed, but this all subsides when I get up and going for the day.

Patrick Turner.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Patrick-Turner

Thank you Patrick

Fanger1 profile image

You may have developed an annular tear in one or more of your lumbar disks. The MRI may give a clue if that is the case. I suffered for 18 months not knowing why I was having low back pain as the MRI reports found no evidence of metastatic disease. After several MRIs taken over this time, the radiologist met with me to discuss the possibility of annular tearing at L5-S1. That area on a T2 weighted image showed the signs of a tear in what is called the high intensity zone. I had additional CT imaging with radiotracer in a provocative discogram procedure that confirmed the tear. It also showed the disk above at L4-L5 was torn. That area didn't show any tears on the MRI. I saw Dr. Tony Mork in Southern California for the discogram and subsequent minimally invasive procedure to repair the tears. Please google Dr. Mork to view videos of annular tears. Best wishes for getting an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to Fanger1

Thank you

in reply to Fanger1

Go Mork !

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