Will Zytiga affect the hair on my head
Will Zytiga affect the hair on my head - Advanced Prostate...
Will Zytiga affect the hair on my head

I have never heard that it does. I did notice that my hair (what is left) seemed to get frizzy like never before. I even imagined that my hair got a little thicker on top (it didn't). On the other hand, my body hair has pretty much disappeared.
It may get thicker without testosterone. You might lose body hair.
Cited from this article by Higano:
Another physical change that physicians should discuss with patients is the change in hair that may be triggered in patients on ADT. The loss of body hair is surprising and distressing to many patients. Some patients report increases in scalp hair, as well as softening of the beard and significant loss of body hair. Patients may report that they shave less frequently. As with many other side effects, after discontinuation of ADT on an intermittent regimen, facial and body hair may return to normal within 3 to 6 months.
It's the minoxidil of APC treatment
I was on zytiga for 3 1/2 years and Robert Redfielddid not experience any loss of hair.
How are the side effects with Xtandi

I did not have any side effects with xtandi either.
What are you taking now? I have to make a decision on zitiga, xtandi or chemotherapy because my PSA is now four . I don't think there's any other alternatives are there? Sharing your thoughts as much appreciated.

I am still on xtandi even though the drug trial ended. I have avoided chemo all these years. But that's just me.
Thanks Magnus:
My MO suggested we start on Lupron + zytiga or a Mayo trial of Lupron + zytiga + ZDK 46.
So zytiga worked for 3 1/2 years for you? Did you have to take 5 mg of prednisone too?
Sure appreciate the input.

Yes 5 mg of pregnisone just replaced what zytiga takes out of you. No moon face.
What do you mean moon face?

People who take higher doses of prednisone gain weight and their faces have a round look to them.
10-4. My doctor said 5 mg twice a day. I have gained 10 lb on ADT and I'm not going to gain another ounce.
188 is as high as I'm going to go.
Thanks for your explanation
Sure appreciate your input
if you have androgenic alopecia, the tretment with ADT and zytiga may stop the progression of the hair loss.
Only if you pull it out while worrying about hair loss. LOL
Crazy thing but lost almost all of my body hair but beard and head are thick and grows faster. That should be the least of the side effects your going to experience. If you worry about them they will get to you so think positive the meds are keeping you alive. The side effects are tolerable. Im on ADT almost 3 years now. Leo
Only if you already have hair on your head...........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 09/27/2020 6:50 PM DST
BTW Tico Taco............ If you have prostate cancer would you please provide us with your bio.... Age? Location? Scores psa/gleason? Treatment(s) to date? Treatment center(s)? Doctor's name(s)? Thank you !!!
All info is voluntary but it helps us help you and helps us too....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 09/27/2020 6:54 PM DST
I have been on Zytiga for 2.5 years I lost my under arm hair but my head of hair if as full as ever. My only side affect is hot flashes. My PSA has been steady at 0.02. I Love Zytiga!