Has anyone been treated with Veyonda ... - Advanced Prostate...
Has anyone been treated with Veyonda in combination with Lu-177? - Appears to be some exciting news.

it seems effective in cancers progressing after docetaxel and cabazitaxel and 2 of the new anti androgens. Link to a paper published last May
Being blocked by political big pharmaceutical companies
Being blocked by political big pharmaceutical companies
Sounds bad. How did you find out?
Veyonda, an Australian drug, is available in Australia on compassionate grounds for pretreated mCRPC at Theranostics when having Lu 177. Google Theranostics for more info.
The press release in businesswire refers to the study tango65 provided a link for. In there it says:
Patient summary
Addition of NOX66 to 177Lu prostate-specific membrane antigen 617 is safe, and further studies are needed to assess its potential to augment the anticancer effects of LuPSMA-617.
So no statement whether it has any effect against the tumor. There would have to be a trial of Lu177 compared to Lu177+NOX66 to get that information. I doubt that there will be a significant difference. Until then I would recommend Xtandi instead:
I had 4 shots Lu177 Nov 2018 to May 2019 but not with added Veyonda. Psa went from 25 to 0.32 maybe because of Xtandi. But Psa then bounced up, so I had 5th shot Lu177last 24July, and I was given free Veyonda and after just the one shot, Psa went from 30 back to 10, and I am having next 6th Lu177 next week 2 October 2020 and will have Veyonda again. So the drop of Psa with Veyonda was much more than without it. I'm still taking Xtandi, which may / may not also helping to boost PsMa to get more Lu177 to gather at Pca sites to blast the Pca to bits.
I've written a lot here about Lu177 in other posts, do a search, maybe you get to know more. Patrick Turner.
Thx Patrick. Any side effects?
I live in Canberra, 300km south west of Sydney where I get my Lu177 from Theranostics Australia who are administered by Genesis Care at Waratah Private Hospital at suburb of Hurstville.
Lu177 infusions are 8 wks apart, and cost usd S6,816 for each infusion. 4 infusions are often needed. You will need PsMa Ga68 PT+CT scan plus a doctor's referral before you can get Lu177. I pay usd $500 for scans, because our Medicare funds most of the cost.
I am not insured, so I pay full price forLu177. I doubt insurance would cover cost because Lu177 is not fully approved in Australia yet, and probably will not be until US FDA approve it. It is approved in Germany where the Lu177 was invented and is where many US men go to get it. But international air travel is now not operating.
Patrick Turner.
Thx Patrick ! Always appreciate your responses.
How old are you? How long have you been battling PCa
I was diagnosed in 2009 at age 62, about 4 years too late, because I had Gleason 9 which didn't make a high amount of Psa. In 2010, docs opened me for RP, but there was too much Pca wrapped around PG so they took biopsy samples, removed a couple of Lymph nodes and my seminal vesicles. Docs could find no spread anywhere until 2016 when ADT failed and I had first PsMa Ga68 scan. Many things failed, but Lu177 is so all that is really killing Pca cells. I am now 73, and still cycling 200km+ a week around my city average speed of between 21kpH and 24kph. So I am fir and healthy despite being at stage 4, lots of bone mets. I'll be lucky to live another 3 years.
At 23, some work mate said to me "Youse is the man they can't root, shoot, or electrocute..." I felt quite flattered.
I seem to just keep going, and don't let any personal entanglements bring me down.
What else can a man do when not one of the girls I dated ever wanted to care about me?
Who cares if doctors have converted me from Hot Rooster to Feather duster?
Patrick Turner.