Is there any point in taking Arimidex during low-testosterone periods, or is taking it just when testosterone is high sufficient? Of course one also follows E2, but for setting the initial course which approach is more sensible?
Arimidex for self-directed BAT - Advanced Prostate...
Arimidex for self-directed BAT

No point in taking it at all. Why would you want to destroy all estrogen?
Thank you sir. I am with those who consider an E-2 level of about 20 pg/ml desirable, and would plan to adjust as needed to achieve that. My last test was 20 exactly.
It doesn't make sense to me, but then again "self-directed BAT" doesn't make sense to me either.
Understood, I haven't jumped in yet, still hoping to persuade one of the experts to work with me.
I think you should not take it during the low T phase as E2 drops as T drops. Supra T does cause a temporary spike in E2. If you are worried about it I would suggest start arimidex at the time of injection, stop after 10-14 days. It remains in the system for 4-6 days by which time E2 should be approaching more comfortable levels. I agree 20pg/ml is about right. The spike can go to 100. You don't want it to go down to 0.
I have not worried about it too much in my "BAT experiments" but I note that body builders who take large amounts of androgens over periods of time use it.
If you don't mind please tell me what your T supplement program is. bi-ploar -- or super high T continuous? etc
So far it has been BAT. I am suspicious of continuous supra T because not enough is known. Super hi continuous really needs careful management of E2. Body builders, who take enormous amounts continuously use arimidex and do very regular bloods.
I took intramuscular injection 400mg T-cypionate once a month until PSA started to rise then rechallenged with bicalutamide until PSA started to rise again (about 8 and 6 months), then tried to repeat. Less effect and shorter. After about 4 rinse and repeats (about 2 1/2 years) I concluded it had finally failed when there was a large spike in PSA. I had had a PSMA scan when I first started bicalutamide about 3 1/2 years before concluding all this. A new scan was very surprising - 2 lymph nodes had greatly reduced and the only other signal was a spot on a rib. My next PSA test the same time was also very surprising with a 60% reduction to what it had been. I have now zapped the mets and continue the bicalutamide. In light of that I will try an abridged form of BAT where I stop the bical for a month (to wash it out), then take a shot of T as above, then restart the bical about 10-14 days after that. Continue the bical for 2-3 months, then repeat. I have reported on most of this and the posts are on my profile. I can't draw any conclusions so far, PSA is stable and of course there are uncountable confounding factors such as the SBRT and too many supplements to mention.
Oh, I didn't use arimidex and only took notice when I eventually got a blood test for E2 about 36 hours after an injection when T is max. Through the roof and beyond. It was OK a month later when T was low again. I don't know how significant E2 is with such transient hits of T as I am now doing.
There is no need to take Arimidex if E2 is not >20 ng/mL.
If T is high-normal, no need to take it unless E2>30 ng/mL, IMO.