Low hemoglobin level, my father by God's grace survived covid and some spots are there on lungs which doctors said should go in 2 or 3 months time. They have checked there is no blood blotting in lungs. But one thing is there since 3 yrs the time he got his testicals removed and them cemo followed by radiotherapy along with medicines, his hemoglobin keeps coming down all the time. Inspite of him being beta thelsemmia earlier his hemoglobin level used to be 12 now it keeps coming to 7. Today doctors has done bone narrow test as hemoglobin tests seems to be normal. I have also read an article stating about different types of anemia in advanced prostate cancer survivors. Anyone has any idea?
Survived Covid, but want to know abou... - Advanced Prostate...
Survived Covid, but want to know about Anemia in advanced prostate cancer survivors

When testosterone falls to castrate levels, the red blood cells that carry oxygen decrease too. Anemia and borderline anemia are common while on ADT.
Erythropoietin may be useful:
Anemia is a symptom, rather than a disease, and can have many different causes, including his cancer. You have to wait until they do the tests.
It's bone marrow problem as per doctors and test result, its been since radiation 3 yrs back, my father kept saying about hemoglobin declining but doctors never suggested bone marrow tests since then, it was gradually rising, it could have been easily cured. Now doctor said we got to know 3 months ahead else it would have been turned into blood cancer. Now they will start from tomorrow some cemo injection kind of therapy for a week and see first. They want to control or stop it before going for bone marrow transplant after 4 or 5 months. I am so lost and low now. Why did they ignore our question of low hemoglobin since so many years then
I had anemia and low hemoglobin likely due to long term ADT, chemo and radiation. My MO suggested Iron supplements and it seems to have done the trick. I get my iron levels checked regularly to make certain they don’t go too high which can cause problems, but that hasn’t been the case so far. Check with our MO before taking any supplements.
Raisins (kishamish).
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Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 08/11/2020 6:45 PM DST
My red blood cells and hemoglobin were down also at this last visit with my oncologist. Not to that extent. I asked him what was going on and he said my body trying to make testosterone caused the low numbers. Hmg was 12 rbc was way below normal. Everyone here is trying to make testosterone or trying to kill it to 0.