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Prostate with covid positive

Kshiprakapoor profile image
21 Replies

My father is prostate survivor since 3 yrs, now he is 67.5 yrs old has come positive for covid 3 days ago the medicine is ongoing and doctor has advised to get admitted to government hospital to avoid any breathing complications which might arise on 5 or 6th day. I am positive that everything will be fine, any thoughts will help

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Kshiprakapoor profile image
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21 Replies
Kshiprakapoor profile image

Hi Nalakrats, thank you for your rely really appreciate it, doctor has started fever medicine plus antibiotics from day 1, will ask the names

Tall_Allen profile image

The only medicine so far that has shown activity against the virus are remdesivir if used early enough. It is very hard to get and very expensive. Dexamethasone, a powerful antiinflammatory drug, may help if used later. There have been so many rumors - Vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine, etc. - that have proven to be useless or even harmful. I wish we knew more. My prayers are with your father.

Kshiprakapoor profile image
Kshiprakapoor in reply toTall_Allen

Thank you, I was waiting for your reply. Everytime I see your reply I feel so positive.

dac500 profile image
dac500 in reply toTall_Allen

I understand remdisivir used to be easily available and relatively inexpensive. Now that it has been proven to be effective in treating Covid-19 the price has been jacked up.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply todac500

Demand was never this high. I read the US is gobbling most of it up. A much cheaper generic will soon be available from India:

Jack71 profile image
Jack71 in reply toTall_Allen

Hydroxychloroquine HAS been shown to help with COVID-19 in several studies in Europe and recently in the USA at Henry Ford Health. The study had 2451 patients and showed that the mortality rate was 13.5% with HCQ vs. 26.4% without it. There is also limited evidence that HCQ works even better if given earlier (before hospitalization).

"Treatment with hydroxychloroquine cut the death rate significantly in sick patients hospitalized with COVID-19 – and without heart-related side-effects, according to a new study published by Henry Ford Health System.

"In a large-scale retrospective analysis of 2,541 patients hospitalized between March 10 and May 2, 2020 across the system’s six hospitals, the study found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died compared to 26.4% not treated with hydroxychloroquine. None of the patients had documented serious heart abnormalities; however, patients were monitored for a heart condition routinely pointed to as a reason to avoid the drug as a treatment for COVID-19.

"The study was published today in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, the peer-reviewed, open-access online publication of the International Society of Infectious Diseases ( "

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply toJack71

In another retrospective analysis at the VA, rates of death in those who got HCQ, HCQ+azithromycin, and no HCQ groups were 27.8%, 22.1%, 11.4%, respectively. If they received HCQ they were more likely to die!

Why were the outcomes so different? It is because they were both retrospective studies. One has to be careful about retrospective studies because of selection bias - the patients who got the drug were the ones who doctors believed would survive anyway, or the ones who doctors believed would die anyway. Impossible to say which. That's why only prospective, randomized clinical trials can be used to assess new drugs.

A few small randomized clinical trials of HCQ have been published so far. This one showed some benefit:


These showed no statistically significant benefit:




There are about 40 ongoing randomized clinical trials, covering over 1,000 patients. Considering the mortality risks of HCQ treatment, and lack of demonstrated benefit so far, its use cannot be advocated. For this reason, the FDA and WHO have cautioned its use outside of clinical trials and have revoked emergency authorization.

Jack71 profile image
Jack71 in reply toTall_Allen

I agree that randomized critical trials are desperately needed, but in the mean time doctors need all the tools they can get to treat COVID-19. HCQ has shown in a number of cases that it can clear the virus in a very short period.

I believe the mortality risks of HCQ treatment are greatly exaggerated.

The FDA put out a warning about the risks of HCQ recently. My problem with that warning is that HCQ has been used extensively for over 50 years for Lupus and other diseases with virtually NO side effects. The doses were higher and the patients were on the drug for extended periods (years). For example, Dr. Daniel Wallace, a Rheumatologist at Cedars-Sinai has successfully treated thousands of patients for many years with HCQ without side effect issues. Treatment for COVID-19 treatment is needed for a much shorter time (days).

Why didn't the FDA warn about HCQ in the past for these other patients? Is HCQ totally safe for Lupus treatment, but dangerous for COVID-19 patients? Doesn't make any sense.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply toJack71

To be clear, there is no actual proof that HCQ can "clear the virus" faster. Until there is, you are just picking and choosing the observations that you want to believe provide such evidence and ignoring the rest.

HCQ, when given for a virus with known detriment to the heart, is a very different situation from HCQ given for Lupus.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply toJack71

You may be interested in this article about the flawed Henry Ford study you mentioned:


Cheerr profile image

Kshipra, I pray your dad recovers back to normal soon. Keep us all updated. Best wishes.

Kshiprakapoor profile image

Thank you everyone we are praying the same, please keep praying thankyou this is a hard time for entire world

fluffyfur profile image

Best wishes to Dad and a speedy recovery.

Life5 profile image

Hi Kshipra, where is your dad based ? If in India remdesivir injection is now available at select hospitals and pharmacies, based on a prescription . The injection has been helpful for a few COVID-19 positive people I am acquainted with. The prices were jacked up earlier due to a shortage of the drug but now they have been lowered with the supply increasing was what I heard from them.

Kshiprakapoor profile image
Kshiprakapoor in reply toLife5

Okay let me check that if they are already using it, yes based in India

ck722 profile image

About that hydroxy stuff. It was in the news yesterday being touted as safe and effective if used early on, according to a fairly large well managed study. In the past it was used way too late in the game to have any positive results so it got a lot of very bad press mainly for political reasons. From what I read it has to be taken before the "cytokine storm" rips your lungs to shreds. Note, I am not a doctor but if it has a lot of vacuum tubes in it I can fix it.

EdBar profile image

Agree with ck722 and Nalakrats on the hydroxy, a recent study showed it to be effective if taken early on. The reports of it being harmful or ineffective came from studies where it was given during the end stages of the disease.

This drug is cheap, FDA approved and has been around and in use forever. Ask your doctor, and dismiss this politics surrounding it.


Currumpaw profile image

Hey Kshiprakapoor!

Something I came across --lengthy--some will label as controversial. Interesting about the intravenous vitamin C infusions.

My best to you,


FDA: Approve High Dose IV Vitamin C for Coronavirus Patients!

The Coronavirus IVC Project started this petition to President Donald J. Trump and 5 others

There have been emerging reports favoring Vitamin C administered intravenously (IV) alone or in in combination with hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine as a very effective treatment for Coronavirus COVID-19 patients in China and U.S. Unfortunately, IV Vitamin C's has not yet been recognized or explored by the FDA, CDC, or HHS.

As of March 2020, only hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, and remdisivir are listed as potential therapeutics for COVID on the CDC website. They are FDA approved for "compassionate use," meaning that doctors can prescribe them for Coronavirus even though formal clinical trials have not been completed.

Based upon several recent case studies of IV Vitamin C and its beneficial effects for Coronavirus patients, we are petitioning the President, FDA, politicians, and other health officials to immediately approve High Dose IV Vitamin C for Covid-19 treatment on the basis of "compassionate use" in order to give doctors the ability to provide a better treatment for patients.

Dr. Richard Cheng

U.S. board certified anti-aging physician, Dr. Richard Cheng, MD,Ph.D serves on the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board to the International Intravenous Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team. He has been a pioneer in facilitating these new COVID IVC research studies abroad. Dr. Cheng published a review article for Elsevier Medicine in Drug Discovery Journal on I.V. Vitamin C for Coronavirus:

"High-dose intravenous VC has also been successfully used in the treatment of 50 moderate to severe COVID-19 patients in China. The doses used varied between 2 g and 10 g per day, given over a period of 8–10 h. Additional VC bolus may be required among patients in critical conditions. The oxygenation index was improving in real time and all the patients eventually cured and were discharged. In fact, high-dose VC has been clinically used for several decades and a recent NIH expert panel document states clearly that this regimen (1.5 g/kg body weight) is safe and without major adverse events" (Cheng).

3 Further Reasons in Favor of Combining IVC with Hydroxychloroquine/Chloroquine/Azithromycin During Coronavirus Treatment

1. Reported success by a New York Physician

2. Reported success at the Xi’an Jiaotong University Second Hospital

3. Endorsed by the Shanghai Medical Association

The Shanghai Medical Association (SMA), established in 1917, had recently published their official consensus on Coronavirus treatment based upon several clinical trials involving about 300 patients in China. They advise doctors use IV Vitamin C in combination with hydroxychlorquine and/or chloroquine antivirals.

For patients experiencing mild symptoms, they recommend 50-100 mg/kg of body weight per day of high dose IV Vitamin C (IVC) (Taylor). This is equivalent to about 2,500-4,700 mg IVC for a 110 lb individual or 4,000 - 9,000 mg IVC per day for a 200 lb individual.

For severe and critically ill patients, the SMA recommend 100 - 200 mg/kg IVC. This is equivalent to about 4,700 - 9,000 mg IVC for a 110 lb individual or 9,000 - 18,000 mg IVC per day for a 200 lb individual.

The full, comprehensive report can be accessed here, however, you may need to use Google translate.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) website refers to a study where IV Vitamin C (IVC) was safely tolerated up to 1.5 grams/kg body weight per day for healthy individuals and cancer patients without existing kidney disease, kidney stones, or G6PD deficiency (NIH). This translates to about 75 grams/day IVC for a 110 lb individual and 150 grams/day IVC for a 200 lb individual! The Chinese observed benefits at much smaller doses relative to these doses. We do not predict that such doses would be required for treating COVID.

There are additional clinical trials in China underway studying the effects of high dose IV Vitamin C for Coronavirus patients at dosages of 12-24 grams/day and another study at 6-12 grams/day (Saul). The U.S., however, has not really completed any research or inquiry into Coronavirus IVC whatsoever.

The Xi’an Jiaotong University Second Hospital also endorsed IV Vitamin C therapy claiming "that for patients with severe neonatal pneumonia and critically ill patients, vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission" (World Health). Eight of their patients with Coronavirus acquired pneumonia recovered following IV Vitamin C treatment, respectively.

IVC Introduced at 23 NY Hospitals

IV Vitamin C has recently had a small, but growing presence in the U.S. Dr. Andrew Weber, a New York pulmonologist, has already gave some of his Coronavirus patients 1.5 grams IV Vitamin C 3x day with good results. Weber claimed "that patients who received Vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get Vitamin C" (Mongelli et. al). Weber, along with other doctors throughout the 23-hospital Northwell Hospital Network, have been integrating IV Vitamin C in their treatments for Coronavirus patients. A representative from Northwell claimed that IVC usage for Coronavirus is "widespread" throughout their system. These New York doctors are not using IVC alone, but in combination with hydroxychloroquine and/or azithromycin. So why aren't other hospitals using it? Simply because they are unaware of it. With FDA recognition and approval, more doctors and hospitals would become aware.

IVC and Sepsis

Sepsis, is a life threatening condition where the body produces chemicals that can result in tissue damage, organ failure, and mortality. Usually, a pre existing bacterial infection such as a urinary tract infection or pneumonia leads to an increased presence and multiplication of bacteria in the bloodstream, or septicemia. Symptoms include: fever, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, and confusion.

The mortality rate is usually 30%-35% in the U.S. and even greater in 3rd world countries.

Fortunately, IV Vitamin C, when administered with Vitamin B1 and corticosteroids by Virginia physician, Dr. Paul Marik, was shown to reduce sepsis related deaths by 79% from 19/47 to 4/47 in a small clinical study (Marik Interestingly, COVID patients have and are continuing to experience sepsis, without IVC intervention. Arguably, IVC has been a clinically proven treatment with regards to sepsis and one could only wonder its potential for Coronavirus.

The Marik Vitamin C Protocol:

1.1.5 grams IVC every 6 hours x4 days or sooner if discharged

2.50 mg IV hydrocortisone every 6 hours x7 days

3.200 mg IV Thiamine (B1) every 12 hours x4 days

In this protocol, a patient could theoretically receive up to 6 grams IVC in a day.

The world-renowned, Cleveland Clinic, also studied IV Vitamin C for sepsis patients and also concluded that it significantly increased survival rate and reduced length of ICU stay (Cleveland). We have confidence that IV Vitamin C will also have great results for Coronavirus patients.

Further, we request observational research studies be conducted for IVC Coronavirus patients. An observational study means that everyone being studied will be given the potential treatment/medication. This is easier and cheaper to perform and confers benefits to every patient. Case studies can then be compiled and published online.

Interestingly, some U.S. oncologists offer IVC in conjunction with chemotherapy to improve results. We do not see why IVC cannot serve a similar purpose with respect to COVID and its proposed pharmaceuticals.

Current F.D.A. Vitamin C Recommended Daily Allowance

Women: 75 mg/day

Men: 90 mg/day

Tolerable Upper Limit: 2000 mg/day

We believe that these doses may be appropriate for a healthy individual and encourage people to adhere to these FDA recommendations. Interestingly, these guidelines were originally created to prevent Scurvy and not designed for optimal health performance or treating other diseases such as COVID.

Nevertheless, we still advise against self administering high dose Vitamin C greater than 2 grams/day without the supervision of a licensed medical doctor.

It should further be noted that individuals with existing renal disease, Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency (G6PD), kidney stones, or Hemochromatosis should avoid high dose Vitamin C.

IV Vitamin C Facts

1. Clinically proven to reduce sepsis related deaths

2. Used by some U.S. oncologists when treating cancer patients to reduce side effects and improve quality of life

3. Potency. Per NIH, "When taken by IV infusion, vitamin C can reach higher levels in the blood than when the same amount is taken by mouth" (NIH)

4. Well tolerated. Excess amount would safely be excreted in the urine as it is a water-soluble vitamin. Studies suggest up to 1.5 g/kg can safely be tolerated if one does not have kidney stones, kidney disease, G6PD deficiency, or Hemochromatosis.

5. It is relatively inexpensive to produce.

6. Hospitals usually have a good supply of it and if not, can readily order it from a U.S. based supplier.

Admittedly, We acknowledge that the success experienced with IVC for Coronavirus thus far are case studies and anecdotal in nature. They may or may not work in a larger research study, but its our belief that further exploration is well warranted! Hydroxychloroquine, although originally approved for malaria, only has anecdotal evidence for Coronavirus. As of March 2020, it is FDA approved for compassionate use while official studies are still in progress. Thus, we would appreciate it if you could please fairly evaluate IV Vitamin C in a similar manner. We hypothesize that vitamin C would improve survival rates, quality of life, and reduce length of ICU duration stay. We encourage you to do your own due diligence and if you agree with this petition, please sign!

We, the signed, request that you explore IV Vitamin C as another Coronavirus treatment option and immediately include it your online list of existing Coronavirus therapeutics for doctor usage by granting it "compassionate use" approval. Subsequently, we request further U.S. based research studies on its use. We do not claim IVC is a COVID cure, but rather, a potential, experimental treatment that requires further evaluation.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


The Coronavirus IVC Project



NIH National Cancer Institute. High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version. February 2020

Cheng Z., Richard. Can early and high intravenous dose of vitamin C prevent and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?, Medicine in Drug Discovery, 2020,

100028, ISSN 2590-0986, (

Saul, Andrew. China Treating Coronavirus COVID-19 with Intravenous Vitamin C. March 2020. Global Research

Mongelli, Lorena. Golding, Bruce. New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C. 24 March 2020. New York Post

Cleveland Clinic. Study Suggests Benefits of Vitamin C for Severe Sepsis. January 2020 consultqd.clevelandclinic.o...

Chicago Tribune. Under fire, drugmaker to drop claim for special status for promising coronavirus drug, remdesivir. March 2020

Vaccine Impact. More Vitamin C Studies Approved in China to Fight Coronavirus: Therapy Censored in U.S. March 2020

Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C, and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. Marik, Paul E. et al. CHEST, Volume 151, Issue 6, 1229 - 1238

CDC. Information for Clinicians on Therapeutic Options for COVID-19 Patients.

Taylor, Paul. Chinese Medical Team Report Successful Treatment Of Coronavirus Patients With High-Dose Vitamin C. March 2020. Dr Rath Health Foundation

Official Statement From China For Recommended Treatment of COVID-19. March 2020. World Health

j-o-h-n profile image


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 07/08/2020 2:10 PM DST

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