age 76 prostate cancer for over 15 yrs Gleason 9--tried medical --did not work--been on a protocol from Asia for many yrs--PSA still very low- stays around 1.5 to 2.4 --alk phos is well in range -glucose levels also in bounds--
control prostate cancer with ease - Advanced Prostate...
control prostate cancer with ease

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not sure what you mean??
yes--i order it out of Asia--not cheap but it works --can i give you their website address? i am new to this site and i do not want to over step my bounds.. advise Fred
they even have a money back guarantee for psa --no these products are not even close to the product pc spes--much better--i tried that yrs ago and it stopped working--
What is it made from? Is it herbs, or amino acids or? Is the start-up cost one month worth? There website doesn’t seem to show anything about the product just the ‘testimonials’. Hmm
tried medical what? Did you live in Asia at the time of diagnosis?
they only disclose less than 40% of what is in there products--this worked for me when the drug provenge falled.
this products has the highest remission rate i have every heard off --
contact these people at their website--they will answer any question you may have--Fred
Hate to say it Fred, a 98% remission rate is absolutely shady. In fact if I was in business, I would not report that. Where did they get that number? Why did the company have to leave the US? My first stab at why would be the 98% claim. Have you had any other treatment other than Provenge? The other thing is is a no for me when there are testimonials used. Where is the study they boast of? References? Fred, also, most people post their story and participate before promoting a product and this was your first post ever...There are a lot of people out there that are just not as trustworthy, have to be on guard against that kind of stuff.
It seems Nutrition2000 claims to reduce Psa in 90% of men who try it. Whether it reduces Pca tumours anywhere in body should be able to be verified by CT scans before taking N2000 and just after. Initial cost is $598, plus monthly costs of "maintenance" doses at $140 each, so about USD $2,278.00 per year, maybe for rest of life, so it could be for 20 years, and this could be a huge amount less that what the cost of mainstream medical procedures over the same period.
Now maybe more than 50% of men have an RP and that's the end of their problem.
But maybe 40% have a "recurrence" ie, some PG cells that were not cancerous were left behind in op, so they become cancerous, or else some PG cells with cancer are left behind in op which just continue onwards, so this is where the horse bolts, and and the man and his doctors chase the horse at huge expense, high side effcts for up to 20 years, and still don't catch that runaway horse which eventually kills 30% of all men diagnosed with Pca.
So maybe the N2000 is good value, but without the dough, you can't have it.
It is not without side effects, and nobody seems to have fully examined the condition of a man who has been taking N2000 for say 5 years, to see if liver / kidney function and other things appear to be working well. I am suprised nobody has has a portion of the monthly
dose fully analysed to find out what chemicals are present; all plants and herbs and mineral salts are chemicals.
Obviously, the guys who run N2000 don't want the real info about it known because then many will try to copy it and sell at reduced price and then the product quality can decline in a race to bottom.
N2000 raises more questions than it answers.
Has anyone had reduction of bone mets withb N2000?
Patrick Turner
What protocol from Asia are you on ? Are taking anything to control the cancer and keep PSA low ? Please help. My dad has almost same cancer with Gleason score of 9. Many thanks
Sorry Fred, not necessarily questioning your use of the stuff, but followed the links, no resaearch and the claim is outrageous. I am seeing this as a scam.
What was your psa when you started PC Hope? And your latest test results on your cancer? No other treatment? Sounds to good to be true but will check the website and product. Thanks.
We must be aware that there are many estrogen based supplements out there and med such as proscar that can lower psa. As to there effect on pc, not sure. MIGHT even obscure pc progression. Rocco
Worth looking into? Tried most of these ingredients. Rocco

Clearly an example of "buyer beware" Please review EVERYTHING you do with your doctor(s).

Grateful for this example of a scam. Whatever this product is may indeed be helpful to one in a million and Fred may be that one. I do not challenge his sincerity or success. But for all of us, this is very expensive bs. And it could make some of us worse off.
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