My husband shared this link today about the very high mortality rates for cancer patients, active or in remission, who develop Covid-19. (This is separate from some studies showing that ADT may offer protection from contracting the virus.) Just passing it on so that we continue to take maximum precautions to protect one another with social distancing, masks, avoiding large gatherings.
Mortality rates for cancer patients w... - Advanced Prostate...
Mortality rates for cancer patients who contract coronavirus

I did see another report that noted age was an important factor in cancer patients, so far as COVID survival. (As I recall, it said older patients without cancer were still at far higher risk than younger patients WITH cancer, if other comorbidities were excluded, but I can't recall the relative risk or exactly how "young" and "old" were measured.)
This totally makes sense to me. We had prostate cancer in the first place due to Dysregulated Immune System particularly impaired cell mediated immunity. In blood test, most PCa patients show lower lymphocyte counts than people without Pca.
Immune system regulation is very important to protect us from severe Coronavirus infection .Besides a regulated Immune system helps slowing down of prostate cancer .
So to keep Immunity optimum...these are the things I take:
(1) Vitamin D 10000 IU or lying in bright Sunlight 30 minutes every day.
(2) Anti oxidants and Anti Inflammatories ( Cooked tomatoes, Ginger, Onion, turmeric,garlic, Limes, saffron (for carotenoids)
(3) CoQ10, Liposomal Glutathione, NAC, Ionozed nanotized Zinc with Quercetin.
Besides these, Good quality double mask, Isopropyl alcohol hand wash frequently, Deep breathing relaxation exercises and of course my old, 5 miles a day walks.
Latest Data shows that about 50% people have almost no symptoms after getting infected by coronavirus, 30% people have mild symptoms(can stay home) , 15 % people have Severe symptoms requiring hospital admission (in regular ward) and remaining 5% people require ICU admission and Ventilator use.
With good care, if we can avoid being in bottom 20%, we have done a great job.
Just more shit to worry about............
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 06/01/2020 10:43 PM DST