My sister has stage 4 crc . We are going top try the fenbendazole regime. Does anyone know where to get a good quality cbd oil?
looking for cbd to start fenbendazole... - Advanced Prostate...
looking for cbd to start fenbendazole regime???

What does her oncologist say about fenben for her ? You always need to run everything by your medical support team to make sure the people you are trusting with the responsibility of her life are on board with it and that it’s not contraindicated by her other treatments.
From what I’ve seen here Fenben has had limp mixed results ... of course this is a group for men ... haven’t seen any female reports here.
Cbd wise ... here where I live , you just walk into corner stores to buy the prized cbd - thc product called emu420 magical mystic mango Oil. It’s the best and only about $125 for a small bottle. It not usually available off the shelf in corner stores here often tho, you have to order it from home delivery services after shopping their stores on the web.
Just go to the “ search “ feature at the top of this page and type in “ cbd oil “ for dozens of informative posts. In the Cen Cal / Fresno area ... google “ tiny weeds Fresno “ to see the latest menu or type “ cloud legends 420 Fresno “ for another source. There are 156 delivery services here that probably have it.
Typing in “ fenbendazole” in the site search will get you piles of info too. Look at a member called Greatjohn posts for a lot of info.
When I was a kid.... they used to call me marijuana j-o-h-n... I used to think that name was cool until they told me that it meant "a little dope from a white poppy".....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/28/2020 5:35 PM DST
Now they call you “ pot = j-o-h-n “ .... ( thankee wing man yayahahahaya) ...
White poppies are rare , faded blueish “ hens and chickens “ or the giant blueish 4’ Afghans’ .... that’s what the “ big boys “ want ... I guess , probably read that someplace or other ..... ah ..... yea .... read that yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.
Here in Central California there is a massive hmong and Thai population... enormous. Certain ethnic groups are allowed to grow traditional tribal medicines in their yards or farms and the authorities just ignore them. It’s not unusual , certain times of the year , to see the heads of a stand of massive fist sized poppy bulbs sticking up above back yard fences.
There are traditional ethnic healing shops by the many hundreds here .... Hmong, Thai, Cambodian, Pakistani, Indian, Mexican and others. Walking into those is an adventure of aromas and textures.... pickled spiders , bats , rare herbs and lizards ... just about anything you need for that “ special “ brew or remedy. Some stuff is under the counter or in the back and you have to ask for it .... even better is when you can bring a basket of something special to barter. Everyone loves that. Free market power is tops.
🙈🙊🙉 😂😂😂😂
I get my depends at a wet market.............
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/28/2020 7:03 PM DST
Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya ... they are always more comfortable and softer when broken in properly. None of that harsh paper chafing. Best when wetted by professionals.
Well I buy the used women ones..... sort of titillating you may say... (please don't tell my wife)....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/28/2020 9:51 PM DST
Yeaaaaaaaaaal .... I was gonna head off in this direction on this post or a similar one the other day .... but I knew if I cut loose Like that .... that Darryl would surely be those footsteps I heard sneaking up behind yayahahahaya. Back when I was talk’in about sitting on them with your iPad yayahahahaya.
Know what I mean ? Wink wink nudge nudge ....😂😂😂😂
Dear J-o-h-n :))
Always Always making me smile and this time LOL!! Thanks, Buddy.
A - l - a - n
Lots of choices.
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I get high concentration IN OLIVE OIL with 50% off coupons always available.
I use drops on 1/2 oyster cracker under tongue to help control specific pain.
No side effects...