Fenbendazole for prostate cancer. - Advanced Prostate...

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Fenbendazole for prostate cancer.

20 Replies

Regarding fenbendazole:

Happy Healing...or Feben Lab? Which has the more pure product?

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20 Replies
Kaliber profile image

Ask GreatJohn about it … he’s kinda an expert on fenbendazole.

greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to Kaliber

I quit taking it after about 4 months of no positive change. I will say everybody’s body is different, so what works for one might not work for another. I’ve heard a lot of positive things about it. Argh, bark …growl

in reply to greatjohn

Thank you, GreatJohn. I hope that fenbenzadole works for me...and that whatever you are doing works for you.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to greatjohn

Yea I’ve heard it mentioned a lot, but never heard back useful reports. Guess you wouldn’t hear that here anyway. I knew you got into it seriously for a while. The dog fun we had with it was great. I’m kinda bummed right now … I’m pretty sure that Tom’s passing is screwing with your head as much as it is mine. We both “ get it “ only too well don’t we. Young and only lasted 2 1/2 years ….. well .. not much you can really say is there ….. just damn I suppose , …..and fight off the seemingly nearly irresistible urge to look in “ that “ mirror.

Welp on that cheerful note have a good one buddy … grrrrrrrrrrr woof woof ..🐕🐕🐕


greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to Kaliber

Yes, it did hit me really hard. this past week The nurse from my health insurance who I know very well and knows my case history very well came out and gave me Hospice’s phone numbers and names. That didn’t have me in a good mood already. I think because of all the transfusions I am having she feels I need to stay on top of it. I hope I’m not quite ready for hospice yet! His death came right after her visit. I feel blessed that I have been on this journey for almost 8 years now. Neighbor a couple of days ago asked me how I was doing and I told her I honestly, and she replied “John you need to be positive.” I wanted to bludgeon her to death with a shovel because I feel as though I’m the most positive person I’ve ever met. But I am also painfully honest. I actually even thought about doing another run with the BIRM. I didn’t get bad results from it I just got no results that I could see and it was very expensive(and taste it nasty). It seems silly to be worrying about money at this stage of the game. LOLhugs,


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to greatjohn


Schwah profile image
Schwah in reply to greatjohn

Any thoughts on Provenge? I did it recently. Virtually zero side affects. Works well with some and no real risk profile if your Insurance will pay. I’ll give you some inside tips if you decide to try it.


in reply to Schwah

Schwah, I've not heard of Provenge. I just did some research on it. I'll have to mention that to my urologist...especially if the fenbendazole has no effect.

Seebs9 profile image
Seebs9 in reply to greatjohn

It got rid of your worms , right?

in reply to Seebs9

Seebs9: Ha! Yep, my veterinarian says that I no longer have ringworm. But it's those cancer worms that I worry about. The fenbendazole worked for Joe Tippens, so I figured that if it can't hurt me, I might as well give it a try. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep; but I have promises to keep; and miles to go before I sleep; and miles to go before I sleep."

dhccpa profile image

I use the Safeguard liquid from Merck. I've talked with the owner of Happy Healing and been impressed. I've heard very mixed things about Fenben Labs absorbability unless you use DMSO with it.

in reply to dhccpa

dhccpa, Thanks for the input. My next order will go to Happy Healing. I just received 90 capsules of fenbendazole from Fenben Labs. I'll finish those first. I still have a few packets of dog de-wormer from Safeguard too. I've been using DMSO (liquid) on my lower back and shoulders daily for sore muscles. I've just started working out again as I recover from spinal fusion surgery and hip replacement surgery. Both within the past 10 months. At age 76, I'm starting to feel like a new man. I just need to get my metastatic prostate cancer under control. :)

dhccpa profile image
dhccpa in reply to

If you decide to use Fenben Labs tabs, perhaps you could work them in every third or fourth day. I've never used but have read many comments about their effectiveness (I've heard this more specifically about the pure powder from FL).

in reply to dhccpa

Good idea! It can't hurt to use both Safeguard and the Fenben Labs capsules at the same time. When my supply of both is exhausted, I'll then switch to Happy Healing tablets.

Dropzone profile image

To me the only sure thing is Merck Panacur C or Safeguard products purchased from a reputable pet supply company. Joe Tippens does approve of the Happy Healing Store but not Fenben Labs.

Dropzone: I have confidence in Joe's opinion. I just wonder why Fenben Labs has such a poor reputation. Fenben Lab claims that the capsules, that I just received, are 99% pure. ??? I have no problem switching to Happy Healing's products. Thanks for your input.

Javelin18 profile image

I found a couple articles relating to fenbendazole that might inform your decision. I'm not ready for treatments that haven't gone through human trials, but understand the desire to keep trying when standard treatments have failed. After my Lu PSMA treatment, I'm planning to look into other trials.



Schwah profile image

Read my post fromLast night. The impact trial broken into sub groups by PSA at the start, showed the lower the start PSA the better the impact. Under 22 PSA people for example showed a 14 month median life extending

Grumpyswife profile image

My husband’s disease progressed after a year on Fenben. Perhaps slower then without it but who knows.

CAMPSOUPS profile image


You sir Hardhead in a matter of under 2 days have saturated the health unlocked stage 4 prostate cancer support site.

Your references to PC hope and the email of a nutritionist have invaded almost every thread of every post the last 36 hours.

Ok, what are the "real bad side effects" your friend is having from Lupron?

And apparently you already have the answer for your friend: PC Hope and DA-330 from Thailand. Throw in some ivermectin and Fenbendazole so it doesn't become obvious you are promoting PC Hope.

Also this site is for us with stage 4 prostate cancer. Does your friend have stage 4 prostate cancer?

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