This is an interesting article about Nitric Oxide (not to be confused with Nitrous Oxide/laughing gas) and how it benefits the lungs and breathing and improves cardiovascular health. It occurs naturally in the lungs, but administering it to patients with pneumonia from Covid19 has shown benefits. There is a study now at Massachusetts General Hospital, The article also talks about how we can increase our own Nitric Oxide. The article is from Marks Daily Apple.
Nitric Oxide, potentially helpful aga... - Advanced Prostate...
Nitric Oxide, potentially helpful against Covid19

The first thing that occurred to me, I wonder if there is any NO production during typical mechanical ventilation. If not, and being on a ventilator could mean getting less NO instead of more, that might partly explain the poor outcomes of so many patients on mechanical ventilation.
Thanks for your insights. Can one buy these supplements at a regular health food store? After being diagnosed with Pca, my husband has had a coronary artery stent, and now his breathing is very bad, doctor says probably due to congestive heart failure. He knows contacting Covid would not work out well for him. I think he should do whatever he can for his lungs now. Would he take the amounts suggested on the supplement containers? Or do you have a recommendation?
Would have been good to know about the performance enhancing aspects of these supplements a few years ago. Won't do us much good now
Keep each other safe!

Thanks Whimpy=p,. We are doing our best with whatever gets thrown our way. After radiation, ADT, a heart stent, back surgery, congestive heart failure one can't give up. You are an inspiration...I love the closeness you have with your family and puppy, and love your humor!!! Stay safe.
Thanks Nalakrats, we will do our research before adding any supplements.
My interest in nitric oxide [NO] took off when the Siemens/Graham Phase II paper came out in 2009. I thought I'd have a problem getting a nitro patch, but not at all. [1]
15+ years ago I was taking a ton of L-Arginine before each of my salvage radiation sessions. Otherwise, I had no interest in the stuff. In fact, I assumed that it could only help tumors that were outgrowing their blood supplies.
But when I looked at HIF-1alpha, a hypoxia-inducible factor - a major reason why treatment resistance occurs - I realized that sometimes one should be kind to our tumors.
After a break of 11 years, a new paper from the same lab [2]:
Inhibition of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1α Accumulation by Glyceryl Trinitrate and Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate
The Louis Ignarro / Nobel Prize connection is interesting, of course, because of the Alfred Nobel / Nitroglycerine / Nobel Prize fund connection, & the fact that Nobel suffered from angina & his doctor recommended nitroglycerine in 1890 - it was declined then.
However, in 1896, Nobel wrote:
‘My heart trouble will keep me here in Paris for another few days at least, until my doctors are in complete agreement about my immediate treatment. Isn’t it the irony of fate that I have been prescribed N/G 1, to be taken internally! They call it Trinitrin, so as not to scare the chemist and the public.’
Seemingly, little was known about how it worked & it was more than a hundred years before Ignarro got his Nobel for NO in the body.
Very interesting, although complicated information! Is Nitric Oxide still being considered/used as a tumor growth inhibitor? Also very interesting history about nitroglycerin and Nobel. Hard to believe it took over 100 years to discover Nitric Oxide in the body, and how Nitroglycerin gets converted to NO.
Hey cajeffrey!
One of the amino acids, L-Arginine produces that. Most became aware of it with whey protein which goes back to around the year 2000. Before they figured out what the whey was good for--they used to throw the whey---away! Excuse me--couldn't help myself! It wasn't waste from a product any longer, whey became a product! making mucho $$$$!
Long before that, while the pro bodybuilders had been eating dessicated liver pills by the handful and --eating baby food before, during and after their workouts as they felt it to be an easily digestible source of protein that wouldn't interfere with their workouts--oh yes! I believe I still might have a copy of Muscle & Fitness that has an article or a mention about the baby food! I was blending a drink with organic seeds, raw eggs, a banana, some yogurt, raw wheat germ, wheat germ oil. cod liver oil, tart cherry and among other things--SOLGARS BREWERS YEAST! Solagrs has the complete amino acid profile as well as B vitamins and some minerals. That was in the early 80's.
Today with the computer enhanced images who knows how much vasodilation one the supps the bodybuilders take supplies. Being veiny is today as important as being muscular it seems--duh??? Oh well! Frank McGrath who did videos and ads for "Animal", he and his forearms made the veiny appearance sought after--so--another breed of supps hit the shelves!--The N. O. supps! $$$$$
It always amazes me that body builders are on the cutting edge of new nutritional and supplemental information. When my son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and wanted to try a low card diet, lots of information was available from the body builder sites. Of course everyone is into low carb and keto these days. I also found it hard to believe that they used insulin, an anabolic steroid.
So that's where the veiny look came from! Incredible. Thanks for the interesting and informative reply. So much to learn on this site!
I was into Brewers Yeast in the 80's as well.
Hey cajeffrey!
The bodybuilders were eating the baby food while I had started using the brewers yeast 18 years before whey was marketed. Where the bodybuilders were ahead but a little on the "weird side", another issue had an article about the guys in California adding "grass", yes, the stuff similar to what you trim with a lawnmower, not the stuff that gets "rolled up"-- into drinks for the --I think to get the chlorophyll from it. Some of the "green drinks" today have grasses in them. Another issue from the mid 80's featured a multi-page article on yoga! Way back then!
They missed the aminos that are in brewers yeast. Surprising! Sort of beat eating baby food from those little glass jars!
Muscle & Fitness as we knew it is no longer! RIP! There is an online version. I will receive another publication until my subscription ends--I'd rather have some money back! I scanned the first issue of the "substitute" magazine. Nothing I'd buy or even give more than a quick perusal even if stuck in a dentist's waiting room!
Here's something new from LEF:
"NitroVasc™ Boost includes a patented complex of the amino acid L-arginine and silicon that stays in your blood longer than regular L-arginine for better nitric oxide production support."
I've been taking it for a couple of weeks. I feel like my workouts are better.
Thanks for that information! My husband needs help getting back to exercising after being away from it for awhile.
Hey Catherine,if my wife hadn’t gotten me up and going I wouldn’t be here now. Crack a little whip. Get him up walking. Of course pain can deflect exercise.. 🙏

A whip, some black leather boots, I like it! Worth a try
You’ve got to try . I like the boots ! That might just help❤️ None of this is normal . We suffer .. good thing that he has you ... You two have had more time with pc than I have . There is a failing trajectory for us fine fellows . Thanks you posting . I feel this is a great outlet for us to talk to others in the similar shoes .. hang in there .. APC is a bumpy road .. From A-Z it’s grinding and grueling .. Keep the faith .🌵
I drink beet juice prior to my 80-100 mile bike rides. It is a rich source of nitric oxide, helps dilate the blood vessels to bring more food and oxygen to the muscles. I would get cramps toward the end of my rides before I started using beet juice but not now.
Amazing rides you are doing! My husband used to ride fairly long distances, and kept it up during radiation and ADT but is finding it much harder these days. I like the idea of using something natural like beet juice before trying the supplement. Thanks for the info.
Let the Beet go on! Isn’t that high sugar content.. ? Whatever works! Keep it up . You’re doing fantastic! ✌️
I swear.... till this day when I eat, my spoon sounds like an airplane....
Good luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/21/2020 5:48 PM DST
Yes, you are right about the sugar content but when you are riding those distances you need all the energy you can get!