I have approximately 96 (250mg) of Zytiga pills and 88 (40mg) of Xtandi pills if anyone is interested. Unfortunately, both are open as my husband was taken off these drugs when they stopped working. The Zytiga has an expiration date of 07/2020 (so only a few more months) and the Xtandi does not expire until April of 2021. I am happy to send them to anyone in need!
Free Zytiga and Xtandi: I have... - Advanced Prostate...
Free Zytiga and Xtandi

Hi Melia Quinn
I may be in need of Zytiga real soon, as Iost my job and my health beneifits May 1st. I might have to get Cobra but dont know how much they cover. Stage 4 Gl 7, with bone mets. My email is dkasper333@yahoo.com
Wings aka Dan in So Cal
Hi Dan,
Did you receive the Zytiga I sent. It was suppose to arrive this past Friday. Let me know if you didn't get it as I have a tracking number.
Yes, Thank you so very much, it arrived Friday. Such a blessing! I did not know when I could afford a new insurance after mine was cancelled, on leave currently. Thank you and your husband for paying it forward, I vow to do the same one day. You are angels on earth, Keep the Faith!
Wings aka Dan in So Cal
Hi! I am new here, My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer a month ago, with widespread met in his bones. We are from Venezuela and there is no Abiraterone or Enzalutamide here, and our 10usd salary don't let us even think about it, but his MO recommend it urgently. We are already under treatment with Leuprolide and Bicalutamida, the SOC of public health in Venezuela (they are free of charge), since two weeks ago.
Any help would be very welcomed. We have family in USA, and they are going to send us some supplements next month.
Thanks in advanced, this is My second message here, and I am very happy to have come to this site and read carefully all the good people around here. It was very helpful to control my anxiety about my father.
My email: olloredao@gmail.com and WhatsApp +584129926717
Hi Oscar,
I am truly sorry but the drugs I have are already promised to others who contacted me before you. I hope for the best for your father, this is a very hard journey.
So good that you are doing this 💕
I desperately need the XTANDI as I am still struggling to get disability approved. My name is Billy Johnson and my address is 307 N. Main Street Poplarville MS 39470
Thank you and GOD BLESS!
Hello Melia, I know the struggle and challenge you and your husband are facing with his cancer. It is so disappointing when medications stop working. I hope you will continue to find care that will help your husband.
The unused Xytiga you have would be very helpful to me to hold off the advance of prostate cancer that has been spreading in my nerves. Cancer most often spreads in organs. In my case it is spreading in my nerves. I would be happy to send you a shipping label making it easier for you to mail them to me. I can be reached at markw@aaent.com. Thank you. God bless you and your husband.
I am truly sorry but the drugs I have are already promised to others who contacted me before you. When my husband first started Zytiga we contacted Jaansen the manufacturer and we were able to be reimbursed about 8,000 dollars for his first prescription. After that our out of pocket maximum was met. You may try contacting them to see what they have to offer.
I applaud your generosity Melia. There are forces out there that would like to squash sharing since it may eat into their outrageous profits. These forces care not that many have a dire need. They'll say that drug sharing is dangerous and that we must trust and abide by the rules of the "system." Having under-treated cancer is dangerous. We must take care or ourselves and each other. The "system" will take care of itself.
Hi, I am not in need of meds but i see your husband is at UC Anschutz.
My husband has one of his oncologist there. Dr. Kessler. We really like her.
We live near Ft. Collins so that is where he receives treatment. He starts xofigo on weds. He just finished provenge in march so hoping there is some sort of synergy between the two.
Just wanted to say hi from a neighbor! best of luck! kacy
Hello - My husband was only able to do 3 Radium-223 treatments. He passed on March 13th. He had a pretty aggressive cancer including bone Mets in his skull that the treatment did not work on. I hope the treatment works well for your husband.