Here is a beautiful video about a Father (metaphor) explaining to Corona, his son why he is being sent to Earth. In French but with clear subtitles. Worthy of contemplation.
COVID is sent to Earth: Here is a... - Advanced Prostate...
COVID is sent to Earth

Wow Mateo! Fantastique! Imagine !
Hi Mateo Beach,
For some reason, I can't see that video. But the idea that a father is explaining to a son called Corona why the son is being sent to Earth has triggered my bullshartium detectors.
C19 was here in wild animals for a long time, but the insatiable appetite of Chinese to eat anything that moves and much that does not move, all from animals, gave us C19. The doctor in Wuhan who tried to warn the Chinese Communist Party was told to STFU, and things got out of hand, and this doctor died. It will happen again. One might argue the Chinese didn't mind losing a few comrades, if they could paralyze the West for awhile. Send us broke.
Just think if this sort of thing happened every year.
There was a theory that God sent his son to Earth to save mankind, and women kind, and the its and in-betweens, but then all Gods are only imagined; they don't actually exist, and I see no evidence an eternally old male god had intercourse with young Mary to give us Jesus.
IMHO, we should try to see what Jesus said and did, and forget all about gods and miracles and all the add on fake information in bible of old and new testaments to make the stories more dramatic, and have us FEAR god.
Jesus = Good Message, Theology = BS.
We need to see the evil in ourselves, and fear that instead of any god.
Patrick Turner.
You need to see the video Patrick. Produced by a man called Fred Zanghi - search for him and the video in you tube. No problems with you views on religion, but the video has nothing to do with Christianity or any other organised faith.
Just to clarify from my personal perspetive. I did not take this nor share it from a religious perspective. Rather:
It is just a virus. For me, I just took it as a literary device or dramatic construct. Dialogue between what is actually nature or earth or the the universe being given voice, human voices (pure artifice) to reflect on the human impact, in ethics and especially in ecology. No deities. No punishments. Just raising the question “What are we doing? What have we done?”
Well I tried to see video but could not, maybe try again later.
Indeed ppl wonder what we are doing, what we have done, and maybe where we are going, and then maybe courageously stating a manifesto for what has to be done if the future children are to have a world as good as the one I have known.
When C19 all fades down and goes away, we will just forget all that, and business as usual. Homo Wrectus is a terrible species.
Patrick Turner.
Thank you MateoBeach for sharing this truly amazing and inspirational video. The simple, carefully worded text coupled so beautifully with the visual images capture the very essence of the interconnectedness of our relationships with nature and each other......and John Lennon's 'Imagine' provided a fitting conclusion. The virus, like the content of the video, certainly provides some challenges for contemplation.
Hey MateoBeach!
Some people always try to place a "spin" on things. I watched a bit and that was enough. "We" destroyed that which sustains us! That isn't news to me.
Every species, given the opportunity to boundlessly proliferate causes environmental changes. Man was the precipitator in eradicating the wolves from Yellowstone. The trees, the saplings, were then decimated by elk. As each generation of elk increased in numbers without the balance that nature had provided by predators young trees eaten before maturity. Introducing the wolves back into Yellowstone changed that within years. The trees are recovering.
Comparing the Coronavirus which has caused over a 100,000 hideous, painful deaths and left grieving family members behind to Christian's belief in the Son of God just makes my mind vibrate with disbelief that someone could possibly see a connection between the two.
In my state there are perhaps hundreds of cots set up in a gymnasium, row after row, all collapsible with a thin mattress. My governor has said, while the local media's cameras pan over the cots -- paraphrased, "These are not just cots set up in a gymnasium. This is a high tech medical" --whatever. It looks like cots set up in a gymnasium to me. My eye doctor tells me I have better than 20/20. The fact of the matter is, the prisoners in the state's correctional facility have more privacy than the people that might be in those cots. Somehow--the YouTube video posted yesterday by Northcaptain about how diseases such as the Coronavirus are transmitted comes to mind. If someone in a cot near you has, shall we say, the garden variety of flu, do you think that could present a problem? Wow! One disease from China on top of another! Do you feel lucky? Well do you--? Just enough space between the cots for nurses and aids to place a bedpan under you or whatever? You get to see how health care workers respond to a code too! How many toilets are there in this gymnasium? Doesn't sound like a place I want to be. High tech? Uh huh! such as, the public doesn't need respirators, just the health care workers. That changed.
First mistake is we stopped walking on all fours.... next the discovery of fire.... followed by the discovery of the round wheel....followed by the discovery of sex.... followed by the discovery of the remote control....discovery of the microwave oven.... followed by French toast,,,,,,..followed by plastic.... followed by bottled water..... followed by propaganda films.....followed by a bunch of people singing "Kum ba yah' while wasting electricity in air conditioned studios..... Thank goodness I live in a house powered by solar panels and drive a car powered by who says I'm a skeptic about propaganda?
Have a great stay at home Easter....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 04/12/2020 1:21 PM DST
Hey j-o-h-n!
Is that a revised version of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?