My mentor, Chris King, has left UCLA. Typical of him, he didn't want to abandon his patients. He asked me to reach out to any I knew to provide his personal email so you can continue to ask him questions. Just PM me.
To any patients of Chris King at UCLA... - Advanced Prostate...
To any patients of Chris King at UCLA...

Someone on Healing Well asked. I told her to reach you here.
Thanks, Allen.
Wow. Curious now if retiring, change of scenery, or just moving on to something well deserved that suits his interests. I'll be interested in keeping with him wherever he goes. Thanks for sharing.
He wanted to get out of UCLA because of conflicts with his Department chair. They've lost a lot of RO talent there in the last few years: Jeff Demanes, Pat Kupelian, and Mitch Kamrava. They added Albert Chang from UCSF, and Amar Kishan (who was mentored by Dr.King). Hopefully, they will last. Maybe this will be a wake-up call for Steinberg.
Demanes was retiring anyway, Chang an excellent Brachy RO, took his place. Didn't King have some clinical trials going with SBRT? What's going to happen with those?
Demanes is a relatively young man - he decided to take early retirement. He told me that he wanted to concentrate on pole vaulting. Chang only took his place after Kamrava decided to leave to go to Cedars.
The clinical trials will continue. I think the only important one is SBRT in high risk patients. I assume Kishan will pick up the burden. The other SBRT clinical trials did not have King's support anyway and will probably not meet recruiting goals.
Ok, interesting about Demanes, maybe there's a relationship between sticking Brachy tubes into a prostate and sticking a pole into the well for a vault. Well I guess everyone has their hobbies. Scholz says they are tennis buddies. Too bad about this turnover, have the highest respect for UCLA after Brachy tx by Chang. I was talking to King about the high-risk SBRT trial, but went ahead with Brachy.
Thank you. You have helped me “keep that Devil in the hole” these years past. Roots in So. Cal?
I live in LA. Dostoevsky fan? Since I'm holed up inside, I decided to watch a film festival of all the versions of Crime & Punishment that Woody Allen has made.
He was a funny Russian. He knew how to write about what most of us struggle with. Peter Lorie becomes Raskolnikov.
Born and raised in SFV, Van Nuys.
Yes sir ... faithful fan. You have been an anchor for me Allen, essential. With very little personnel power, ok powerless, I jumped in. Thank you. Your research and mannered ways are contagious ... and that anchor, whew, what a gift. I read (incorrectly) your message of the brotherhood regarding your mentor. I missed the part requesting ‘past patients’ ... but shipped over ‘cause I miss LA.
Pm sent. I’ll be glad to get an update on Dr. King
Hi can you send me Dr King's email? Thanks
Trying to locate Dr King if he’s still Practicing. Want him to know how grateful I am for the successful care he provided me. I want to follow him. Thx
Could you give Dr Chris King’s email address? I am a patient of Dr. King. He gave me radiation treatment 2-3 years ago and was very supportive regarding an unexplained frequent urination problem( I get 2-3 hours sleep if I sleep on my left side but only 45 mins on my back or right side). This problem appeared to be a very unusual side effect from taking Tamsulosin recommended by a local Orange County Urologist about 6 months before my radiation treatment which he said would reduce my nocturnal visits to the bathroom from 1-2 visits to zeroAnyway I have damaged my rotator cuff and can no longer sleep on my left side.
I have visited two urologists at UCLA who are suggesting a TURP procedure which they admit might not cure the problem and could make me incontinent