Is Vidatox good for prostate cancer.? - Advanced Prostate...

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Is Vidatox good for prostate cancer.?

Zot1 profile image
36 Replies

My dad was diagnosed with PC last décembre, gleason 9 , grade 5, PSA 12, is it lifethreating...... .? I need my dad. Hé did 2 shoots of firmagon on December 23. Hé was told to do ADT after his CT scan and bonne scan next week. There is about 5 days, he has hot flaches, sweats during thé night. A friend suggested him Vidatox a Cuban product to boost his immun system. Any idea, opinion, ? Feedback from your experience

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Zot1 profile image
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36 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

I had never heard of Vidatox and I googled it. This came up:

It seems to make liver cancer worse. He should NOT take this.

It sounds like his bone scan/CT showed that he has many metastases? If that is the case, either ADT with an advanced hormonal drug (abiraterone, enzalutamide, or apalutamide) or ADT with docetaxel are good choices.

For the hot flashes, he can try acupuncture, estrogen patches, progesterone patches, or venlafaxine.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Tall_Allen

I did researches as well, you are right for liver ,it makes it worse but it’s good for the other cancer , for PC as well. My friend is a survivor using traitement and Vidatox since 2006.

My dad did’nt do yet his bones scan , how do you know he has métastases. You scared me....... . Thanks for your ideas and opinions. According to your experience Does agressive cancer means it is metastasized? Please let me know about it.

LearnAll profile image
LearnAll in reply to Zot1


, Let there be results of bone scan and preferably MRI see if cancer cells have got inside bones or organs. No definite answer is possible until you get the full picture with bone scan and MRI......even if it comes out as aggressive/metastatic..there are many many treatments available and life can be prolonged anywhere from 5 years to even 15 years in some cases. Each case is different. Wish you and your Dad best of luck.

I donot know anything about Vidatox. Please do a lot of research before using this type of exotic therapy.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to LearnAll

Thanks a lot for the information.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Zot1

What he is doing is VERY risky. You wrote that he already had a bone scan/ct and he was put on adt afterwards. If he had no metastases, he would have been offered curative treatment.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Tall_Allen


Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Zot1

Taking info from random internet sites instead of peer-reviewed journals may endanger your father's well-being.

Pleroma profile image

Firmagon is an ADT drug. This is likely what is giving him the hot flashes and night sweats. It is the most common side-effect of ADT. Some of us just learn to live with it.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Pleroma

Thanks for your opinion.

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to Zot1

Hot flashes are going to happen. Megase, venlflaxine, and Black Cohosh root all can help alleviate this side effect, but have side effects of their own. I only take black cohosh root and only have very mild hots when first going to bed.

Hirsch profile image
Hirsch in reply to Zot1

Is your dad seeing a medical oncologist or urologist

Recommend a medical oncologist who specializes in prostate

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Hirsch

Yes, he is seeing an urologist. This week he will have a bone scan and CT scan . Next week , he will see an oncologist specialized in prostate. This waiting time is killing me. Thanks for asking. I appreciate Every body who takes time to give me advices, ideas and infos.

Zot1 profile image

Yes , I am from Europe, from France. I can’t see any difference of writing . What do you think I am from Europe. ? Why you don’t recommend Vidatox. I already bought it yesterday with Gr2 and H1 allopathic medication. The most important is my dad’s life. My friend used it successfully . It’s natural without side’s a complementary to the treatement

. Have you heard about soursop leaves tea???? I am doing a lot of researches to help my dad.

Does thé CBD oil help ? Which product is the best to boost his immune system .

Thanks for your time and explanation.

Bebby1 profile image

This doesn’t look good

Not a lot of good info

Re your query:

"What do you think I am from Europe. ?"

The accent aigue on "décembre".

Lettuce231 profile image

Bonjour Zot1,

Écoutez bien les conseils donnés sur ce site, ces gens ont une richesse de connaissances.

Mes filles se sentaient comme toi quand j'ai été diagnostiqué, c'est naturel. Ils me voulaient essayer tout ce qui pourrait aider, mais je n'ai rien changé. Je bois du vin rouge tous les jours, j'aime le whisky et je mange bien.

J'ai eu un PSA de 150, mais après plusieurs traitements différents au fil des ans il est 0.111. Je pense ma gleason était à peu près la même que ton père.

La même question a été posée " est-il le pronostic vital " ( je pense que c'est comment son dit ici ) pouvez-vous penser à un cancer qui n'est pas ?

Votre père aura de nombreux effets secondaires à gérer, mais le soin ici en France est exceptionnel, je suis maintenant dans ma sixième année, je marche tous les jours et je suis actif, où certes il y a eu des moments où j'étais très malade, il le fera aussi.

Essayez de ne pas paniquer, ne vous laissez pas tenter pas des remèdes étranges, sois patient. Je connaissais quelqu'un qui avait été convaincu que les noyaux d'abricot battraient son cancer de la prostate, ils contiennent de l'arsenic et faire partie d'un régime strict, il est mort.

Reste forte et apprenez de ces gens.

Ci-joint sont des gens qui pourraient vous aider maintenant ou à l'avenir :-

La Ligue contre le cancer

Centre de cancérologie de ( code postale)


Our love to you.


Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Lettuce231

Merci beaucoup pour tes idées , ton encouragement et ton support. J’écris avec des larmes aux yeux, je suis déprimée. Je reste des heures naviguer pour trouver qqch pour mon papa. Je veux faire tout pour lui. Je ne suis pas contre les traitements mais j’aimerais bien trouver qqch de la médecine alternative . Que Dieu me donne le courage de passer ces moments difficiles. Merci énormément.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Lettuce231

J’ai oublié de vous demander Philippe ce que les docteurs t’ont donné pour gérer les effets secondaires des traitements.

Lettuce231 profile image
Lettuce231 in reply to Zot1

Isaiah : Ch 40 vs 29 lire ça.

Ce que vous ressentez est très naturel, c'est terrifiant, cependant mais quand vous et votre père commencer le combat ensemble votre esprit se déplace à un endroit différent, il y aura des moments difficiles, mais sweetheart essayé de ne pas être influencé par les autres.

Mon première urologue n'était pas bon, il haussait le épaules et disait quels effets secondaires, avec l'aide de La Ligue contre le cancer ils m'ont trouvé un oncologue qui offrira de l'aide. Mais tout le monde n'a pas les mêmes effets secondaires, je n'ai rien pris.

Vous pouvez recherche le médicament en ligne et être prêt pour ceux, je l'ai fait, puis j'ai découvert ce qui était " normal ".

J'espère que cela vous a aidé, vous pouvez toujours me contacter à l'avenir.


Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Lettuce231

Oui, je le lis de temps en temps. Le seul espoir, Dieu tout puissant. Amen

Lettuce231 profile image
Lettuce231 in reply to Zot1

Excellent 🙏🏻. Rester en contact, ma femme et moi aimerions avoir de vos nouvelles.


Balsam01 profile image

With Gleason 9, you could think about getting genomic testing to see if there are any chromosomal abnormalities that could be targeted with specific treatments.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Balsam01

What does the genomic test change???? I don’t get it....why the doctor doesn’t mention it during the other tests????

Balsam01 profile image
Balsam01 in reply to Zot1

It doesn't change anything but I would want to know if I was BRCA2+ because there are targeted treatments for that condition down the line after conventional treatments. BRCA2 is associated, to an extent, with aggressive cancer such as Gleason 9.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Balsam01

Sorry, what does BRCA mean.?

Balsam01 profile image
Balsam01 in reply to Zot1

It is a genetic abnormality. Put BRCA into the search box and read up.

Muffin2019 profile image

Been on this journey over 2 years, when the oncologist said the biopsy was mostly 9 and 10 that spread to the bones in 5 spots I panicked . I went home and hugged my cat and cried but after 5 minutes I realized that it was not a death sentence . When he told of the treatment with chemo and adt I did not even think about it, just set it up and do it. I should have acted about 10 years ago when the psa rose but our family had no history of cancer at the time. The chemo went well, followed his advice on meds and dietary changes , did the work. I am doing well but my sister died last year of lung cancer, non smoker and ate healthy. Now my brother is facing a second bout with bladder cancer and colon cancer but he drinks beer like a fish and loves his red meat, both contributes to the cancer. He has had 3 stokes and 2 stents due to not taking care of himself so they can do nothing, he is on palliative care. Go to the American Cancer of America website and research everything from treatments, meds and diet , it is a great tool. I have used this site and found it very useful and full of information on treatments and diet. Good luck and do not give in to the beast, attitude is very important.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Muffin2019

Thanks a lot for your infos. I am curious what did change in your diet, maybe I can suggest to my dad. Did you take any supplement for the treatments because your immune system is not the same before the treatment. Sorry to hear about your sister and your brother.

Muffin2019 profile image

I eat very little red meat, 2 or 3 times a week and slowly dropping it completely , my source of portien is chicken , turkey and fish. I take supplements like calcium, multivitamin, d3, k2 to help calcium absorption, cq10, c, tumeric 1000 mg. Scans were good so keep doing but may have to add to lupron that I have been on since 2017, only side effect is hot flashes or he may just monitor.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Muffin2019

My dad started multivitamin. He realized skin reaction. He was told due to the presence of B 12. Do you know any multivitamin without B6, B 12. How many times do you have lupron.? My dad took firmagon and he has hot flaches.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Muffin2019

Sorry , I forgot to ask you : Did you have any symptom before you were told spread in the bones. My friend had gleason 10 and cancer just was localized in prostate. Waiting for the bone scan is killing me . Thanks

Muffin2019 profile image

Yes the symptoms were peeing every 15 to 30 minutes, feeling a fullness in the butt due to the enlarged prostate and burning when peeing. I had no bone pain and was walking 10 miles a week, the prostrate was not removed due to the 5 bone mets. The bone mets have healed but never really go away totally but no activity or hot spots.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Muffin2019

Thanks a lot

Muffin2019 profile image

I get lupron every 3 months, the hot flashes are worse in the summer during warm temperatures, when you eat spicy food or warm liquid it flares but better than the alternative. I have not known of the multivitamin without the b vitamins, maybe a specialty vitamin store or just take the basic like c vitamin. I read the label on everything as I had to with my mom's issues when she was alive. Other things to avoid is anything with nitrates, limit alcohol and processed foods with all the chemicals. Red meat includes beef, pork, bison and lamb, I really do not miss hamburgs etc. Watch the soy impossible burgers for salt content . Another good source of portien is eggs, if you take the tumeric it has to be taken with black pepper to be effective.

Zot1 profile image
Zot1 in reply to Muffin2019

Thanks for taking time to answer my questions and worries.

Muffin2019 profile image
Muffin2019 in reply to Zot1

Glad to pass along my journey and help others as this site has helped me.

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