After my third chemo on September 6th I start to feel the pain and uncomfortable today it is a pain you can’t say where or when all my body soften and pain
September 9 2019 : After my third chemo... - Advanced Prostate...
September 9 2019

Alas there is "no place to hide" from chemo pain. Make sure you are drinking enough. Anti-inflammatory tablets will actually help more than adding more pain killers (I used 500mg paracetamol in water) , as the pain comes from inflamed and swollen tissues that have been poisoned by the Chemo and the cancer cells also cause local inflammation. I suggest Celecoxib 100mg (Celebrex, Coxleon) 3 or 4 per day, or (much cheaper) 4 to 6 x 50mg Diclofenac. Ease off on these quantities as the pain subsides as they are hard on the kidneys - like 4 x 25mg Diclofenac a day. Be aware that these take about an hour to become effective, so take the next dose when the last dose is wearing off. Local application of a Diclofenac gel (like Voltaren and many generics) can also help when massaging those little back muscles that have gone tight like strings - they also cause great pain and can pinch nerves which just adds to the whole problem. This will all pass in a few days. Good luck to you!
Aren't you the guy who repeatedly says "Praise the Lord" ??
" O ye of little faith ? "
Sorry to hear you're uncomfortable, but just wanted to reassure you that it could actually be a good thing. I also had pain flares during chemo, and by the later cycles my energy levels took a noticeable dive. Throughout it all, my PSA and ALP numbers dropped, and a bone scan after chemo showed significant improvement:
Stay strong. Chemo can be difficult but it can also do wondrous things. If you are in any way capable of exercise I highly recommend doing all you can. It will help the chemo do its job while reducing some side effects, and it will also help with your recovery after chemo is complete.
Try and hang in there, I went through 4 Docetaxel/Carboplatin infusions, but had such bad reactions that the Doc said to hold off. PSA was down to .8 ... a month later, my PSA has gone up to 1.3 ... appointment tomorrow, so will see where we go from here.
In the movies they usually bite on a twig... I suggest you beat the hell out of a punching bag...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 09/10/2019 8:00 PM DST
Geanton, I can only add to what has already been stated. The obvious fact is that Cancer is tough, Chemo is tough , and it has to be tough in order to fight the Cancer, and You will be tough and you will get through it. I won't bother you with my history, suffice it to say there is little in the way of cancer treatment I haven't had. It absolutely is essential that you keep the fluids coming in and going out , and that you continue to eat. If food begins to taste off or metallic, then switch totally over to plasticware utensils. When I was at my worst as far as eating, cold shakes, protein drinks, jello and puddings were my salvation. Keep us posted as you move forward as we are all in your corner, Kindest Wishes, judg69