Has anyone had experience with venlafaxine 37.5 mg for hit flashes while on lupron. My oncologist is happy with my psa being 1.9 as long it states under 4, it has reached the nadir level.
New meds experiences, veniafaxine - Advanced Prostate...
New meds experiences, veniafaxine

Bad Bad Stuff.
More than doubled my hot flashes, aggravated my neuropathy, took my eye sight from 20/30 to 20/300 in second month. Not a good experience. Got back on megestol acetate 40 mg four times a day and Black Cohosh Root 540 mg 3 times a day and never another hot flash until I once was running out and cut back. Mostly recovered from Venafaxine 37.5 mg. New glasses and gabapentin for neuropathy.
Seems to work for most people but was horrible for me. Just about every side effects listed as rare was me. Good luck.
My husband was on it for about a month but it made him feel very compromised (brain wise, that is). It did work for the hot flashes but ...
It made me so drowsy I couldn’t drive or think straight. Napped all day and slept all night. Didn’t change the hot flashes any in those 3 days either.

Been on it 3 days, nausea,headache and withdrawal symptoms are rough, thinking the hot flashes are not as bad at least do not get headaches and nausea, your thoughts.
I stopped after those 3 days, the hot flashes are annoying but I can wait them out with a fan, the Drowsiness from the Ven. Stopped me from doing anything all day. I’m off ADT now so I’m hoping for relief soon as my T goes up.
I have been using it for 7 years at the 75-mg level. Significant reduction in hot flashes and sweats. No side effects.
If you ever go off of it you must taper very slowly.
How about alcohol, do you have a drink each night or did they advise against it ?
I have been on it for only 3 days but have nausea when trying to eat, mild headache, tired and yawning. I read the symptoms when you quit and not that much fun, I am tempted to stop before it gets too far. I can live with the the hot flashes, at least I have no headache and nausea plus lupron causes constipation then add another med that causes the same side effects. If I stop now the withdrawal will not be bad, still getting the hot flashes.
Husband on Venlafaxine starting at 3.7 and then on step up two months later. It stopped working after about 7 months for him so decided to stop. Did a three week taper down. He is still experiencing lots of ‘brain zapps ‘ and some dizziness and from what we read those withdrawal side effects may last two or three more weeks. Harder to stop than we knew when we started. Moving on!
Moving on! Paint your wagon and come along. Now that song really says where most of us are. Enjoy.
I guess that took the stuffin out of your muffin....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 08/15/2019 8:45 PM DST
My MO recommended this yesterday, but it's starting to seem like the benefits don't outweigh the side effects.
I have been on it for 18 months and it has worked but the reduction of dose withdrawal is scary as is the brain fog. If I had to do it over again I would have and may till try acupuncture.