Well I presume this is not new to anybody in the ADT situation. I was never circumcised as a child. And now really have extra skin. Before the prostate cancer I wasn't a porno star, but not shy about myself. Now my brother joke with me " remember to put your tweezer in your pocket". Is it wise to have circumcision now? Sorry for the gorry subject.
Shrinking of genitals due to ADT. - Advanced Prostate...
Shrinking of genitals due to ADT.

I'd not even think of a circumcision. If you are eligible for the Restore Study that Malecare is sponsoring get signed up and participate. If not, we can pass along that the most important lessons are "use it, use it, use it". In other words masturbate, use a pump, do kegels to strengthen all the associated muscles, and if your doctor approves get viagra or cialis or whatever the doc feels is best and safe for you. Some shrinkage can be overcome, not back to 100%, but good enough to enjoy.
I think you get to a point with PC that masturbating doesn't work any more. I'll mention it to my urologist on Friday. I was fixed in 79. The past 10 years everything has gone down hill to the point I need tweezers. My wife and I try just last night. Very unhappy could not achieve anything. Wife very understanding. I've had no treatment what so every psa 30.5 last week. Gleason 3+3=6 last fall.
While like many prostate cancer ADT side effects, shrinkage seems to be randomly selective. The good news is that for some (many?) it seems to come back over time.
Good luck, and keep using it!
Is your ADT a temporary or permanent thing? How old are you ? You already know about the bad parts of ADT...The good news is after a couple of years you won't care anymore....
I am on a generic Casodex of 100 mg a day. For the past five months my PSA is lower than 0.03. My bone mets disappeared more than a year ago. It is very tempting to stop the Casodex now and just continue with a good diet and Moringa powder. But I think the right thing to do is to carry on for another two years before dropping my first line treatment. I am 62 years old.
Yes, as you said: after a few years you don't care anymore about the bad parts of ADT. More important to stay alive and be thankful for every day.
The loss of size and girth is thought to be the result of penile tissue atrophy from disuse. You can pump daily to increase cell oxygenation.
Thinius asked, "is it wise to have circumcision now? Sorry for the gorry subject."
Fair question, and I for one am not afraid to answer it.
Without any testosterone, the testicles shrink a lot. Then after maybe 3 years of ADT your Rodger length will reduce a lot even when invited for some nice TPD, ( temporary pussy destruction ) The non aroused Rodger Length will reduce a bit, but not much. I found all this occurred at about 65 after 3 years on ADT.
I was circumcised, but soon found that even if I let Rodger play with Mrs Palmer and her 5 fingers, all ability for pleasure or orgasm vanished, and where skin of Rodger's head where it joins the shaft became so tender it tore easily, so I'd keep your Rodger Bonnet if I were you. And my erections still occure, after years of ADT and RT etc, but Rodger has bend toward toes that make it quite useless for insertion to a willing and able Ms Fanny.
There can be a serious mental disappointment in the mind of the dear lady who owns Ms Fanny. Loss of partner sex can cause a divorce. It sure can be a test of a marriage, but then some ladies would be quite relieved especially if Ms Fanny has paused from men say 10 - 20 years ago, ie had her menopause and both you and her have accepted Time the Dismantler invading both your lives so each of you can say "the older I get, the better I was", and smile about such a concept that is so darn horrible for ppl under 50 to consider.
The porno stars equipped with an extra 2" length and 1/2" diameter are somewhat erotic to behold by some folks, and some women as well. But as they say, "long and thin, goes right in, but short and thick does the trick" and after Pca treatment both are irrelevant. Most good women will never complain about the average length of Rodger, more or less as us men would never complain about the appearance and function of Fanny. We must adapt to who we fall in love with and while sexually functional a man must realise that size does not matter, its how you use it, and that must include who well you persuade Fanny to blush, and invite if not crave an invasion by Rodger.
I never stayed married for long, the ladies could never stay on the porch, and al, had plans to travel and root many men one after the other, despite proclaiming their unceasing love for me and Rodger. So I got to know how to get two humans, me and her, happy, at least for awhile, and I don't feel deprived of having had not enough sweet crumpet, or if you like, vibrant intimacy. I have had no partner now for 13 years. Last time anyone female had deep feelings for me were a doctor and a nurse who poked a finger up my Mr Arse to feel the size of my prostate gland, because at that time my PG had become Puff The Magic Prostate Grenade, and likely to explode any time soon.
I might suggest some ladies might be delighted by you wielding a technicolor strap on vibrating Richard, with variable frequency and flashing lights etc, but really, maybe 95% of ladies prefer a whole man and to try to Muff Dive may still not satisfy some ladies. I am unable to advise further because I am not a Pharquing Expurte any longer.
People who grow old and stay together and happy without sex deserve a medal, its a noble thing for couples to achieve.
Pardon my 20c worth of "gory" information about the ingloriousness of losing the ability to be able to have Rodger play with Fanny.
Patrick Turner.
Thanks P-T, I'm forwarding your post to the Ladies Sunday Communication Group.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 06/17/2019 5:08 PM DST
Ah, the LSCG. They've been chasing me to hang me for years, but on most sundays I was not at home when they called for social correctness to be applied because I was down the road somewhere on me bicycle, without a mobile phone, so I could not even be tracked by GPS.
As time goes by, I have often thought a bone marrow transplant from a female might stop Pca in its tracks. Ah, but from whom? which female would be important. Maybe a tiny amount from Germaine Greer could have a huge effect if allowed to multiply in the bone marrow, such a more feisty quality of immune therapy substance against any masculine property could be difficult to find, but capturing our dear Germaine and persuading her to donate a little something for an irresistible amount of dough so that we could clone up the cells would be indeed a delicate procedure. But Big Pharma has the dough. I've paid that mob many full wheelbarrows of money, so they ought to have a persuasive PR lady, to get over the obvious problems that would stump most blokes.
Just imagine a JG white cell chasing after a Pca cell. Pca cell would have no chance. It'd just lay down and die with loud applied female rhetoric.
All I can say is that I usually waited to be invited for TPD, ( temporary pussy destruction ) and I got many invitations, but as the dear ladies went over 25 the number dwindled so that virtually nothing happened much in my 40s, 50s, and 60s, and certainly not in my 70s. But up to my 60s, I was fully capable and fit enough. That's the nature of Nature.
And after 30 I kept meeting ladies with so many problems and needs for funding that any kind of relationship was financially ruinous and maybe a PIA due to dramas. I could not secumb to the temptation to have a lady where both of us would be worse off over time. "Prove it won't be so" I would be thinking. I've never wanted much in my life, and certainly not as much as many females, which was often more than could be had, and the most uncool thing they had to face is that No, we can't afford that holiday to that place for that long, and besides, I'm in the middle of a building contract. And I'd know that if I paid for such a thing, they'd come home and return to being irritable and cranky. But when this built up to such a high level, off they'd scurry with their own money power, and then often end up in a worse position. I just let them go, they were dragging me down, and I continued building work, and paid off the house loan, and my success at being settled and able to care well for myself was just another boring thing they disliked me for. But these dear ladies did love for awhile, and I was grateful for a few crumbs of love that rolled off the table of love.
And as years went by I saw how many around me flourished with a good lady, and others crashed, and I thought "well maybe a bicycle will do".
Recently adopted the neighbours' cat. There was a couple next door with
3 kids who had all moved out as they headed into 20s. Well, the man got lung cancer, and had a most horrible fight with that for 2 years, and he kept working for first year, to keep paying off the huge mortgage on the house extensions they'd done 6 years ago. But nothing much worked to hold back the cancer and finally he decided to die at home. A white un-marked van with black glass windows arrived which was the palliative care nurse with pain killers to ease him out of this world. His kids came and went a lot, and they cleaned up the neglected garden for once.
He soon died, and then a whole lot more work was needed to fix roof leaks that had damaged the house and extension works. There were insufficient funds to previously do extensions properly. I thought they'd chosen the worst builder in town. So his widow raced to get out of the house, because her wage at about age 60 wasn't anywhere near enough to keep paying mortage costs and within 2 months it was sold, and it seemed like there may not have been enough dough left for a small flat, so she moved in with her son in his tiny rented place, where there was no room for the cat.
I said I'd look after the cat, a frequent and rather surly daily visitor.
2 months have gone by, and Storm is realising I ain't such a bad man after all, and that no, the ppl she had lived with were not coming back. I feed her real meat instead of the junk-food pellets the previous had fed her. And the winners in this tragedy were the lawyers, real estate agents, greedy builders. Storm is getting less surly.
So this shows yet again how ppl can get into bother trying to build impressive castles to maybe impress nobody much for very long, and then it all has to stop. I am so lucky to not have chosen to go down that path.
I had a sister who also could not handle men or money, bankrupt at 56.
Often told me how to live, but I thought it all BS, lacking basic commonsense and love ideals.
Oa took her at 60.
We can all be walkin talkin tragedies and I dodged the worst that could have happened. So when I have to depart this world, I won't regret vanity, or frugality. I hope the lady in the white van is kind, but this could be many years away, so meanwhile I love being alive, a bit like the cat, because if I hadn't adopted her she'd have been taken to a vet and put down.
I'll head out to lunch today at a nice local cafe, smiling faces and a few hellos and maybe some chatting, I can read the papers about ppl not as well off as me, and think, "There but for the will of Nature go I", and be grateful for the sunshine. I miss my bicycle now, my hip problem is getting no better, but I see my local doc next week for Lucrin shot and chat about talking to another hip & knee doc because the last one seemed to be "a bit out of it" and not able to explain enough, and I heard he's retiring soon. But he could not explain all my symptoms and all the sentences on the MRI or X-rays.
I had both knees in far worse condition than my hip, yet I could ride 200km a week for years. Walking was painful but with a car I could minimise that for shopping. Other day I felt no pain on the bike, but afterwards I was nearly crippled, so I need the perceptive doctor, not one who basically offers a hip joint or nothing, which may not give me better mobility. There are plenty of ppl who have hips done, but still have trouble and pain after.
Do try to have a nice day. I hear Spring is underway in the North, but here in the South we are going into gloomy winter.
Patrick Turner.
Thank you for your informative and funny post. Sad you can't ride your bike...it's like oxygen to you... BTW a couple of my neighbors had hip replacements and were up and around in a couple of weeks of physical therapy. They are doing great. Both had operations at the world renowned 'Hospital for Special Surgery' here in NYC. So hang in there and watch Storm, they have a tendency to be like women, they scratch...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 06/17/2019 8:39 PM DST
Trouble is that my hip area is radiation affected by EBRT and any surgeon cutting around in there may have trouble stopping the bleeding. Radiation doc said I would have no worry and that his hospital did many ppl in my situation. But MRI shows a cyst on a tendon, a kind of repetitive strain injury. I had several on my hands over last 6 years and I needed a cortisone injection to the cysts to ease the pains at night.
I was so busing crafting stuff in shed plus hangin onto bike handle bars, vibrations, working brake levers, 240,000 km on bike over a lifetime.
Injecting a cyst in hip area is difficult, surgery even more so, but I think that is my problem now. Sure, I got arthritis but not as bad as knees I think, before getting them done.
Patrick Turner.
Bad knees = Kneemonia....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 06/17/2019 9:57 PM DST
I could swear I heard my knees moan every time I went for a walk before I had the joints replaced. Now I am hearing a few more "F--k youse" coming from various other parts of me, and from other ppl, with bigger problems than mine.....
I am forced into being a Grumpy old bar stud.
Patrick Turner.
You know we all are grumpy old bar studs.... Some more grumpy than others... so I fight the bastard with my so called humor..... you used to do it by riding your bike.... see my other post... of 7:22 PM
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 06/18/2019 7:23 PM DST
I'd go to a bar in 1979, just after a disastrous marriage and take a good look around the joint, and ask meself "Is there Enny Wunne I could marry?" Well, no, but a few were there who were able to fulfil a less lofty ideal than marriage, and be My Rute for de Knight. Unfortunately, booze hadn't ruined my memory, and a voice in my head would say "Mate, she was draping herself all over some other dude last week, and a another this week and youse don't need her draping over you, OK", and I'd agree, and have two small beers and by midnight I'd hit the sack after getting home safely, fairly sober because roads filled with drunks late on Saturday nights. Happy? goodness me NO, I wanted. I wanted whatever.
Now I really don't give a F--k for so many things. If I could time travel back to 30yo and have the body I had then, but the mind I have now, I'd have even less success because the dear ladies would be wondering, "What's wrong with this man, he looks so fine and feels divine but he's just like a grumpy old bar stud when I talk to him"
Maybe I'd re-learn things I have unlearnt that I did at 30.
Just try to survive. Enjoy what's on offer, and make the most of it, and that's all that ever worked. I've got more dough now, so I'd treat dames better, but that wood knot mean the divorces would be any cheaper.
I'm just considering the impossibility of happy existentialism while young.
Patrick Turner.
Get a dog to go with your cat... best friend you'll ever have...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 06/18/2019 8:45 PM DST
Yes, true I guess. But I wood knead to spenda fortune on fencing to keep a dog on the property, and at the moment I could never take a dog for a walk. A dog and cat combo is likely to need a very good referee to try to control their activities. Vets are expensive. A cat will do.
I'm too late to have a dog, and from the time my knees went kaput at about age 50, I hated walking any long distances. OK plodding on a building job for awhile, then plodding in electronics workshop until I had bilateral arthroscopy on both knees, that brought knees to good enough to cycle on in 2006, but long walks were no good, besides I have a stuffed ankle. So since about 50 I have been semi-disabled, and no wonder the shielas didn't want me, no long walks on beaches at sunset in some tropical paradise resort ( at eye-watering expense ).
Nice lunch today.
Nice ppl to talk to for awhile.
Nice weather.
Pain not good.
I may have to begin with pain killers tonight.
Patrick Turner.
You're right, a dog is definitely out of the picture. Turtle maybe?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 06/19/2019 9:12 AM DST
Nah, not a turtle, which needs saltwater. Not a tortoise either, they like being in a muddy creek full of bugs to eat. Much better wood be a female robot, a kind of fit version of Marilyn Munroe without all her mental defects, and able to carry me outside wrapped up in a sheet
and put into 10 foot deep hole in the back yard so nobody will know WTF I have gone, and she'd just vamoose some place to get a good price for her-it's self, delete all records of ever being with me. But while I'm alive, she could be fitted with two nice boobs, maybe Glen Fiddich from one, and cappuccino from the other. Must be able to be discreet, drive the car, take me shopping, clip the hedges, mow lawns, wash clothes, tidy up, calculate tax forms, and renovate 2 rooms where she would live. Ability to perfume massages with happy endings not needed. I'm living in the wrong century maybe.
Patrick Turner.
Hopefully she would have a twin sister.....
Goldfish maybe?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 06/20/2019 4:28 PM DST
A sister for my robot? A gold fish? Nah, fish in tanks don't really do much for me.
Maybe you meant Gold Finger, from the James Bond movie.
Well, no, all those gals in Bond movies seem like they could never be happy if domesticated in a simple suburban bloke's house, and they'd all be ruinously expensive to fund, and not be able to stay on the porch.
But then I'm a bit vague about who Gold Finger was, as the memory of all Bond movies fade away and the characters all get old, and the message of those movies became irrelevant in today's world. The past recedes to just leave us with a present, and a shorter future.
To make the best of it is all I can manage. Instead of getting fancy houses and cars, and willing women, its now all about health fixes and dealing with pain.
Patrick Turner.
The sister was meant for me...
Definition of "Gold Finger": A gynecologist with an office on Collins Street in Melbourne. (Collins street = 5th Avenue in NYC?) Hopefully you got the humor, if not, forget it...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 06/20/2019 7:25 PM DST
I thought 'use it or lose it' was a myth until recently.
We've had a sexless marriage for a decade or more. That's another story that I don't plan to tell. I've learned to live with it. (without it?).
In the last 5-6 years, my testosterone has been barely low normal. I'm 79; in the last couple of years I hardly have enough penis to point when I pee. These days it's kind of a 2 finger procedure, like holding a cigarette.
Now comes this PC diagnosis. I tell my docs that i'm already nearly at castrate level so we should be able to move pretty fast with this ADT. In fact, I haven't had any of the side effects that are reported. I think they might be associated with an abrupt drop in T from way up there where most guys are. Since my T didn't have far to fall, my body hasn't been protesting.
"Testosterone? Oh, I used all that up. But I had a great time doing so!"
I've also told them to move forward to orchiectomy, mostly to save money. But I've learned that some testosterone is produced extra-testicular anyway so I guess I'd still need ADT. Instead of orchiectomy saving money, it might be an added un-necessary expense.
Having your Smurfish Orbs removed will have about the same testosterone reduction as chemical castration with Lupron etc. The drug companies try to convince us that the drugs work better than the op.
Some testosterone is made by the adrenal gland, and the castration by any means can't reduce this low amount of T. So ADT alone is not a perfect way to supress T to stop Pca from growing. But if T is reduced by say 95%, then you should get a long time for Pca suppression, and the small amount of T from adrenal gland may not make the suppression time much shorter. But with ADT, Pca cells learn to get by with less T, so make more receptors for T to get more T from a lower amount in blood supply, and that allows the slow growth of Pca and then the Pca mutates a bit to make its own T, and Psa rises as Pca grows. But at the end of ordinary ADT suppression time its possible to stop the small amount of T from adrenal gland for a year or more with Cosadex, Zytiga, or Xtandi, all expensive, but they don't help forever.
If you are 79, you might get maybe 6 years of T suppression. I did, after initial treatment at 63. PPl say older men who get Pca tend to have slower growing Pca, younger men tend to have fast growing Pca, "high risk"
Well, maybe.
So after having the orbs removed, T should go very low, but then Psa might go very low and Pca will not be a threat for years. If Psa did not go low, or if it rises after time then you could have blood test to measure T level which then might need to be supressed with Cosadex, Zytiga or Xtandi. That all means more talking to your doctor, and these drugs cause side effects on heart rates.
I've been through all this and at 72, need a lot more future treatments.
Patrick Turner.
If I was going to 'sell' a solution or treatment to a patient, I wouldn't start with the bad news.
The testicles shrink and might never return to function again.
If you had RP, you've probably lost between 1 and 2 inches, fill fill the 'void' that the old support system used to provide.
If you've had any ADT, you've lost your libido and 'junior' is in a full time out, perhaps, never to return.
Age is another factor - you were losing 'T' anyway.
It can be quite the non-functional combo.
There is an effort to do 'penile rehabs' - before and after treatment.
THAT is worth investigating.
Cialis and viagra don't work or are risky for some.
Your old plumbing system (and ejaculate) are permanently sent packing.
OK, so - now what ?
What did THEY tell you ?
Not much ..... ?
Solution(s) ?
There's a few - so that's good!
You'll need to (re)learn a few new tricks with 'different' expectations - but there's lots left if you give it time and learn some forms of new/ old intimacy.
Penile pumps DO work, but there needs to be some 'practice' and loss of spontenaiety to make it happen.
Tri-mix (an injection) works for about 90% of patients.
In fact, BOTH combined, is a sure fire for success (if tri-mix only gives you a partial, but long(er) lasting erection).
Toys anyone ?
I don't know about the circumcision thing - just wondering why EXCEPT for the foreskin causing the pump to not work.
Anyway, I had a BAD case of ED but it is improving.
Time, withdrawal from ADT and following my own advise seems to have helped.
I have finally, after nearly 1 year after having my last 3 month Lupron shot, starting to feel the 'tingles' again in the groin area.
There's a buzz in the air - spring has finally arrived in the Great White North !
Thanks for the reply. The specialist that did the biopsy in Jan 2016, was honest and said basically the same as you. My oncologist waited two years. I like the guy, he made the right decisions at the right time, but didn't spent too much time telling me the negative impact of Lucrin injections.
Well actually, this site is for men in the first place, and we are happy to have the odd woman aboard. My Love still likes a good muff dive from time to time and I am happy when she is happy. Ok, this is getting into the bedroom now. At least I have a very supportive wife.
But you guys helped me made up my mind: circumcision is not the way to go.
If you have ADT for longer than about 3 years, penile atrophy occurs, and fibroids form in penile spongy tissue so Rodger can't stand when Fanny presents herself. afaik, its a permanent problem, but after age 55 I never ever met any shiela who had a Fanny which could demand or handle Rodger. So I coped real easy with sexual extermination. And I preferred a 2 hour ride on a bicycle than riding a shiela for 2 hours.
I get along fine without any woman partner or any female friends who have almost nothing in common with me.
I also had EBRT with ADT as initial treatment, and the two make ED complete. RP can also have complete effect on ED.
Blokes usually end up having sex alone if there's no willing shielas around.
I never went to a brothel, because the idea of paying a gal after someone else just had her was complete turn off.
I doubt many men could solely depend on shielas for their erotic satisfactions, and I found it easy to wave bye bye to sex alone.
Patrick Turner.
to Thinus,
Your user id tells us all we need to know "THIN us". Circumcision is a healthier way to go but you'll miss that ole helmet and playing peek a boo with your wife. Tell your brother you don't need tweezers cause you've tied a string to it. Pull it out and show him and don't forget to use the beer comb to push it back in your pants (use his favorite beer). Buy a blow up doll (like mine) and play naughty naughty with her. Technicolor, flashing lights and whirling dildos are dangerous, make sure you're grounded when in use. If you wish you can get some kicks out of posting your escapades on youtube or facebook. Anyway
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 06/17/2019 5:02 PM DST
After RP surgery in 2016 left little Joe limp for life, and then 2.5 years of ADT, lets just say I have to pay very close attention when at the urinal to avoid pissing down my leg.....very sad, but Im afraid also very common. I would say I have lost at least 50%, maybe more in penis size and Im not even sure where my testicles are anymore.
Geez easy answer... You can find your testicles where they're looking for your penis.
Pissing down your leg solution.. In the men's room go into a stall, take off your shoes, socks (underwear is optional) and pants and stick your leg in the toilet and then let the piss run down your leg right into the toilet.... avoids splashing too...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 06/17/2019 5:49 PM DST
But why not just sit down to piss? do as the shielas do.
But after all these years I'm lucky to not look like someone has chopped Rodger off. I got enough to find him, and aim him.
But I wake up to pee 4 times a night, and sit to pee, and have fallen asleep a couple of times. I don't care much about the size of things any more.
Sex is over. Nothing more to do with any woman any more, except nurses at hospitals.
Patrick Turner.
Good Idea.... but my solution was funnier..... (I think)...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 06/17/2019 9:55 PM DST
Look, You are welcome to get the prize for funniest solution but wood ya step one foot in the toilet after I'd been there and forgot to pull the chain? Perish the thort.
For a long time after my diagnosis 2009 and initial EBRT and ADT treatment in 2010, I thought I'd become incontinent. I imagined I'd have to use a condom with a tube to a bottle on the bike frame when I went out cycling. Then be careful not to confuse it with a water bottle.
But one guy I once rode with during lunch hour group rides in and out from city centre did carry a bottle of his waste products on the frame, and one day a car driver cut in front and nearly killed him, so he chasses and catches this guy at next set of lights, then sidles up to the guy, wants to talk, and the driver winds the window down. In goes the bottle of mixed sewerage into the driver's lap, and I'd reckon that would have wrecked his afternoon and the 6 of us following could only smile.
Better than crying around a hospital bed.
Now we might not have done this in US or there might have been a mass shooting of cyclists and I wood knot be here now.
Anyway, what to do about incontinence on a bicycle? well, I heard fighter pilots on long missions use a condom and tube. But I heard they are available from continence suppliers. But if Rodger has shrunk and a man has become, er, expanded, ie a bit over size in relation to an undersize Rodger, then the condom might not fit, or keep sliding off, and be a darn unpleasant thing to have to wear. In my case the flacid state of Rodger is same size at it ever was and I am not over weight so a condom might have been a good idea, but I've been circumcised so wearing a condom for long time irritates the fragile skin, so it can't be worn all day, and maybe not for a 4 hour bike ride. But I am sure many blokes may have tried this solution to manage their pissing bothers.
And how many blokes have no pissing bothers after being treated for Pca? Maybe nearly all of us. We never get a good night's sleep.
For every problem, there will be a man who looks to solve it. But we must just live with some problems.
I used to cycle with a friend who had an RP. He leaked a bit, and I was a bit faster then him so he mostly rode behind me. He'd leave a damp spot on the chair at the café stop, "Be surrepticious" I suggested.
I didn't mind he leaked but it bothered him more. He's now 79, Pca does not look like it will get him, but it probably will get me, and arthritis is the runner-up.
Lovely sunny day here. Was -3C last night. Hip a bit better today than last night, when it was seriously painful. Lots to do on PC, and its not possible for me to just go out to prune the wisteria vine, leaves have fallen, but I am putting it off.
I look forward to driving out in car for a sandwich at lunchtime.
Patrick Turner.
Mr P-T my free advice to you is get a bike with a motor on it...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 06/18/2019 7:22 PM DST
Well, I could do that, and am tempted to get a 350cc AJS single to howl around the town on but this kind of bone shaking to seek euphoria of speed will have me aching so much afterwards its not worth the risk.
My reflexes are good on a bicycle, but at 4 times the speed maybe questionable. KE = M x V squared, where KE is kinetic energy, M = mass, V = velocity. Now you can easily break a leg on a bicycle in a fall at 30kph.
But at 120kph, the energy released coming to a quick stop is 16 times greater. Lots of oldish dudes are now looking kool on their Harleys until they have a prang, and a big Harley does terrible things to a man if it falls on top of him in the prang. Anyway, I bin there dun that in my 20s and early 30s, rode a Harley for awhile, luckily I never pranged it. Then I rode a BMWR/75 for a lot further and faster, but also lived to tell tale without bone breaks. The BMW pulled better chics than Harley. I even married one, to learn about disastrous relationships and futility. I also had a number of tiddlers, 100cc and 250cc singles, and a Bultaco Metralla was quite exciting with fine handling, but it chucked me off 3 times and again I was so lucky to not be badly injured. I sold it soon because I knew it'd kill me.
And now, with ADT + age weakened bones, if I crashed someplace on a motorcycle the medics could not use a stretcher because I'd be such a bag of little broken bones they'd need a kerbside rubbish bin to get me to a hospital where a champion at jig saw puzzles would be needed with a team docs with a large range of stainless steel wires and many screws.
As long as they had me all screwed up by next day, and the anesthetic was GGGGOOOODDD, then I'd be laughing. "Didja see that Pca fella while ya worked" I'd ask the docs? "wack him dead with a spanner on ya way around in me?" On the other hand, I could find myself floating on a small cloud, carrying a harp, frightened because I don't like floating up so high, cos I could fall down, and a nasty old man, and I mean really OOOOOLLLD, bellowing at me to "Git ya self together man" band practice in in 10 minutes.
I'd be tinking, "How did it ever come to this?"
Patrick Turner.
Electric bike?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 06/18/2019 8:42 PM DST
Yeah, thought about that some pedaling is still needed, but my hip has become so bad that any pedaling is just not on. I have to tough it out and maybe take painkillers until some doc decides he can do something,
after he reads my scans and Xray reports better than the last doc I spoke to last week. I have another doc in mind.
Health benefits can only be optimal if there is no motor. One just needs low gears to get up steep hills.
I know I have a big problem, but the solution is obscure right now.
Patrick Turner.
Just thinking about your hip is giving ME pain..... Take it slow as you go...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 06/19/2019 9:09 AM DST
I had a day of less hip pain today.
There now, I dun ya favour because your pain is less
I think the pain thing was due to eating some red meat and having a bottle of Shiraz last week, a kind of back sliding way of celebrating getting Psa down to 1.6. Bad move. I MUST stay on the Strait and Narrow.
Patrick Turner.
Good that your pain is less.... but I bet it has more to do with the weather conditions than your appetite.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 06/20/2019 4:26 PM DST
I am not sure. There's a sentence on MRI scan report that talks of a cyst on a tendon in groin area, and that could well be causing the pains.
I had knees with far worse arthritis than in my hip, yet I could ride a bike OK with little pain. But when I walked, knees were bad.
I also had cysts on tendons in my hands - trigger fingers, all from doing so much work, caused by repetitive strain. A cortisone inject fixed those pains to allow better sleep. So at the moment I need a doctor who ignores the hip cyst and only offers a new joint, something I may not need for awhile. There's another doc at hospital where I had knees done, so I'll get a referral to him. I spoke to one friend here who had been to him in January, he's doing real well, and another friend is having a knee done at 79, and seems this doc is younger and more idealistic and holistic in approach. So, more waiting, and Psa is trending down, and weather sure is cold, -5C last night, so I'm writing to all here now before getting out to shed to do some electronics work at maybe 10am when sun might get through the heavy fog. I am keeping warm enough,
but because electricity is so costly I don't use central space heating, or air con - these are luxuries. Its OK to be a bit cool, you burn more calories and stay fitter. I'm having zero side effects from enzalutamide,
resting HR is fairly stable, and 52, even though I ain't cycling to stay super fit. I found it better to take the enzalutamide after dinner, not in morning. I've reduced prednisolone down to low and so I ain't having to take pain killers.
But a week ago I ate some red meat, and had a bottle of shiraz over 4 days, and these triggered much more pain in following week.
So I am continuing my athlete's diet to stay lean & mean.
I never would buy any take away food, and 95% of food at supermarket is poison to me. But the other 5% of good fresh food is just real good.
I don't need vitamin pills except for some vitamin D due to being indoors so much in winter and not getting enough sunlight.
Patrick Turner.
-5c = 23 degrees Fahrenheit. Now that's cold. As you said better to a bit cool, but working in a shed without heat can play havoc on your joints..and your knees. What kind of electronics work are you working on? Fresh food is the way to go but in the OZ I assume fresh fruits are hard do come by in the winter. My favorite fruit are bananas. You can tell from their skin whether they are ripe or not (or overripe), and you can eat them with dirty hands, and no pits or seeds and high in potassium... You have plenty of issues on your plate but you seem to have a good grasp on what to do about them. You're a good man P-T. Enjoy yourself and keep on keeping on.
p.s. I wish I could give you advice on your fight against "the monster" but I know as much about Pca as I know about trigonometry. Anyway -
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 06/20/2019 7:17 PM DST
I quit the shed by 7pm and don't go back till next day when its +5C, and have some extra thick warm wear under trousers, 2 skivvies, jumper, jacket, gloves with ends of fingers aout, and a 500W heater under the bench.
I'm doing stuff on tube and SS amps right now, taking my time.
Most work is sit down work, so I don't raise a sweat. But up til last year if I had an early winter morning appoint with a doc at hospital I'd cycle 19km at -3C, and felt hot. I'd come home in +1C, feel OK. No snow here, so I could cycle all year.
Keep well,
Patrick Turner.
Hi Thinus. No I'm not going to get into the Biggus Thinus jokes. I do have a very very happy pair of tweezers. Enjoy.
I had small pepe from the very beginning and haven't had any issues in my sexual live at all.