Hi all. Not so happy to join the group! 😂
46 years old, feel great besides...a couple of months back an ultrasound showed a hiatus hernia which was causing the increased acid reflux and lower chest pain. Prescription cleared it up quickly! That ultrasound also indicated an enlarged prostate. Family doctor does the Digital and recommends a PSA test. Few days later Dr calls and says he’s going to refer me to an urologist as the PSA is elevated (doesn’t tell me the value). I’m a little concerned but will worry when it’s time to worry. I also had chest X-ray and CT scan an nothing of worry was indicated on them.
Met with urologist and first did the urine flow test. He informed me it was very poor (which is probably the only thing I noticed over the last year or so). He brought up my info on his computer and asked me about the PSA test, and if I new the results. I tell him my Dr said ‘elevated’ that’s why I’m here. He says 54!! ‘That’s worrisome’. I’ve done enough research in the previous weeks to strongly agree!!
Cut to the chase...biopsy 10/10 positive with Gleason 8. Bone scan all clear. Cystoscopy all good. Previous CT scan shows nothing definitive outer regions.
My urologist has strongly recommended and shuffled the schedule to have radical prostectomy in 2 weeks. This includes removal of seminal gland and lymph nodes. Life’s really about to change forever!!
From what I’ve read extensively to this point, this is the proper course of action, especially consider my age. Is it??
Based on my PSA and Gleason, it is not likely to still be confined to within the prostate, but there’s a slim chance they can get all out. Right?
Again, I’m 46, athletic and in pretty good shape. Married with a beautiful 8 year old daughter! Living and longevity is first for them...my way of life a close second!