hi guys just joined this group glad to be part of it I'd like to get some information I was diagnosed last August with my mastatic prostate cancer and on lupron injections just trying to get some input so that I can get my head straight I'm going to retire in 4 months and I'll have to move in with my daughter to do so thanks for letting me be part of this group I will accept any kind of positive input there is
Getting used to my new life - Advanced Prostate...
Getting used to my new life

Just Lupron?
And casodex
Do think of chemo early on and other forms of treatments, if you are in good health bodily and still able to withstand strong meds. Take care.
I retired last month at 64. Diagnosed 4/18. I enjoy the extra rest, lack of work related stress on top of the new stresses I have and I now have time to visit the gym several times a week. I just hope I’m around long enough to enjoy more of it. Good luck to you.
You will be..
Tell us more.... Age, location, where treated and doctor(s) name(s)? This info helps us help you.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 02/11/2019 7:29 PM EST
Welcome to this club of geniuses and nare de wells. I’m the later.. The horror upon dx can be overwhelming. Very good that you’ve found this cite early on. Those in the know can help direct you.in treatments. You must tailor you own path. Don’t listen to doom and gloom. You can overcome much. Still , Living with APC is initially very hard , but do all that you can now to be more healthy. . whatever the doctors tell, with effort you can do better.. Psycological and emotional issues can rush in once your casterated..either chemically or surgically.. yah I did that. Ego is the first thing to go. No man wants this. For me it was life or death. Double adt and RT put me in undect mode for the past 3 yrs. This is not to say that I’m done with the beas5 or it’s don with me. The tenacity and longevity of APC are our contenders.. This is something we carry to the end. Make the most out of any days in the sun ... You can live past a bad dx. Just value those people and things that you love in life.. Welcome to the club... Scott

I'm so thankful for finding this site so I can relate to people that know what I'm going through you get in that black hole and you just can't get out sometimes and then you have to realize that you just have to live on that's the hardest part is trying to get out of that black hole but thank God I have and I'm moving on in this new life I'm going to take with stride but I thank you people for letting me know what to do
All of us living with APC understand the black hole of which you speak. You are in the toughest phase, the beginning is horror. It ain’t no cake walk but you can live( with some luck ) for some years. Enjoy anything that makes you smile. In time you will adjust . Hold on to your reasons for living. You will figure this all out . By this time next year you’ll be giving advice to other newcomers.. Startanew is a great handle ..
Thanks for your encouragement I appreciate it
I agree that the first few months are the worst, at least for me. But hang in there and try to be positive as much as possible. Going to the gym and lifting weights is very important since your testosterone will soon be dramatically reduced- which is a good thing.
I have been in this club for 6 months now and I feel really good. Hot flashes (Power Surges) are the worst thing I have had to deal with but I can handle them with a fan by my bed and a fan by my recliner. I went snow skiing 2 weeks ago, paddle board almost every day (Orlando) and enjoy life everyday. But the first few months, every time I though of it, I cried. Who wouldn’t?
Moffit has a great reputation so listen to your doctors but also read this blog as much as you can, and take notes! There is so much here that your doctors will not tell you.
Best of luck to you!