Has anyone developed a list of medications and supplements and specifically why we take these things. I read a lot of long explanations and studies but not one or two sentences with a backup study to support the statement (S). I take Metformin a long with many other drugs and supplements. Can't tell you how many times I am asked why are you taking Metformin you are not diabetic and I have a long answer but not a very specific answer. Can we start a list?
Need some specific information - Advanced Prostate...
Need some specific information

That's because there are very few definitive studies.
As far as supplements, are you talking about doc recommendations or ones we take on our own? Bill is on one regular med.... Flomax...to lessen getting up at night.... he has no bladder control issues.. Is post surg. I’ve never come across a suggested list though or been given one at appointments. The only twovsuggested by internal med was vitamin D and b 12. B 12 for memory.. both supplements even if labs are within normal range.
Docs prescribe these things but never unpresribe. Diamox for altitude sickness is still on my doc's list of stuff I take even though our high mountain trip was three years ago. It's real tough to get them to take something off.
These posts from the recent past may be helpful:
You will want to search through pjoshea13's posts. He has done extensive research. Go to pubmed.gov to search on subjects like "prostate cancer and metformin" or "prostate cancer and berberine root". Pubmed.gov will be your go-to website for serious answers to your questions.
Good luck. CalBear74