its gonna get you now if you don't die from a heart attack or a car wreck, I thought my URO was bad when he told me if you live long enough you will die from PCa. I asked him how long is long enough and that Nakakrats had prayed for me, at which point he said I will be killed by a Gator in 33 days. I thought I would be safe by staying away from the water until I saw the Pic of the last guy Nalakrats prayed for. The guy was drinking a bottle of Gator Blood 7X in his back yard. I made an appointment with a Zambezi Witch Doctor who said he can remove The Curse of Nalakrats.
Guy Has a BCR after RP and Urologist ... - Advanced Prostate...
Guy Has a BCR after RP and Urologist Says

The link you attached to your post is a wonderful testimonial of encouragement and God’s grace living in the moment! Thanks for sharing!
Watch out for Nalakrats and the gator blood! You don’t want to end up in the gator’s mouth like the photo!
I look forward to your posts... I liked your post and the article and got a chuckle out of the picture also...
All the best,
A little VUDU in the medical field wouldnt hurt.
BTW the idea is to live long enough to die from something else. So whoever this nutjob is he has it wrong.What he meant as you get older your more apt to have the disease.
The older you are when it shows up the least likely you will be to die from it.
Younger persons may have more aggressive forms of the disease.
Really liked the article. The comment on suicide caught my attention. So now another option taken off the table. My plan was to go to the zoo and throw myself into the gater pit. Geeez, thanks gusgold.
Caution: Beware of the Hippagator, the meanest animal in the world.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 01/24/2019 6:00 PM EDT
having Nalakrats pray for you is the perfect suicide method....100% chance you will be killed by a Gator within 33 days no matter where you are located...last guy thought he was safe because he was on a plane but he forgot about Gators on a plane....a 20 foot Gator broke out of the cargo hold and killed him