With the recent diagnosis of my husband and the possibility of this cancer passed onto our children & grandchildren. Which companies are the best? I have a phone interview set up with FORCE Peer Navigation Program. Does anyone know about this or have any experience?
Next questions/advise: Genomic Testing: What companies are the best for this type of testing. Since we are finishing up chemo on Jan 21/ Scans Feb 11th..trying to be pro-active on which kind of treatment will be next or what will work. I want the best for my husband and not play around with let's try this until it does not work, etc. Want to know the exact make up of the cancer cells.
Details of Diagnosis: Sept 13, 2018 PSA 50, Gleason 9, Mets to bones & nodes Advanced Prostate Cancer-No Pain which is a blessing..He is young- 63. weight- 179, Healthy other than the cancer. We are on a Ketogenetic diet. Try to walk everyday and working on an exercise program. We pray together and have lots of support from our family & friends. Making changes to our current life by downsizing our home. Hope to plan some trips as he loves to travel once we know the next treatment plan.