im not for certain but let me give it a whirl. 5+4 grade 4,5o5 cores pos. tumor 80% of. perineural inv. Left side Adenocarcinomagleason 9, combined large duct and acinar types grade 5, 6of 6 cores up to 10mm tumor length, tumor volume 85% with perineral invasion present. cat scan showed incidental anyuerism of right iliac 2.2 cm.mild dependant opacities at lung basis likely atelectasis. bone scan shows, there is tracer activity in shoulder joints, tracer activety in femur articulation of joint replacement probably from hip being infected in past. pathology. Extraprostatic Extension not identified lymphatic/vascular not iden,High grade pin present, intraductal carcinoma not identified, Basal cells present at ducts and present around lining of ducts with large duct carcinoma POST RRP shows metasis to lymph nodes with EPE andSVI. lymphatic vascular cancer cells in blood. Intra duct, yes. Large duct carcinoma is rare. I understand we all want to liva a long life but? the large duct carcinoma brings a whole new ball game to the table. When symptoms started in 4-12-2018 they were painful as hell to pee, would not want to come out and had to do that all day long. so what years are left started than. What I guess I am saying is another 6 months worth it. Already incontinent and impodent. Give me your opinion of my prognosis, no boloney and I forgot to my wife of 35 years left a few months back and I am divorcing her, found out she was very permiscuos, that is embarrising to say but it is what it is. Not a person who knows her would have guessed and broke and is still breaking my heart.
gleason 9?: im not for certain but let... - Advanced Prostate...
gleason 9?

Welcome. You are not alone. You have found a great forum with lots of info and help. Not sure where you are at, but put your location and many people here can tell you where the closest, best Oncologist is based on that location. Info on supplements from pjoshea13 and Nalakrats (read their posts). Here is a list of clinical trials--see below:
As for that heck with her, man....hanging on, surviving, and kicking her butt in court is a great motivator. Daily exercise helps and being at normal weight. Changing your diet also.
Good luck,
Thank you, since surgery I have spent a total o15 minutes with my oncologist. I don't think that was his fault, we agreed on Lupron and I suggested zytiga with prednizone included, but I thought we were looking at a cure. After more reading I saw there rarely is a cure for what we have. When I said 6 months I was referring to how much time treating cancer might add. After robotic surgery psa was 1.2. What concerns me as much as anything is the large duct carcinoma and of course metastis of lymph nodes. Today I am going to see Dr. Molina Hematologist and Oncologist. I will go over all thouroly. Ido not have any idea of where Im at PSA wise, we have not done any testing except for PSA of 1.2 but I am sure we will today. I live in Des Moines Iowa the hawkeye state. When I get some answers I will let you know. Respectfully Paul Andrew
Go Hawkeyes!
What has it responded to so far? Hormones? Radiation? Do you have an oncologist who has seen cases before? What city are you near? - maybe I can suggest someone.
It might be worth a trip to chicago to see Maha Hussain at Northwestern. She's treated a huge volume of diverse patients - if anyone has dealt with patients with large duct carcinoma, she probably has. Also, it may be closer to head out to Omaha. Several patients have spoken highly about Luke Nordquist.
Again thanks, I responded to NPFISH
I agree with Nal .. choose life.....infidelity is like a knife in the heart. Pull it out and concentrate on living not dieing... don’t kiss you ass goodbye just yet.. hang out and suffer the rest of us.. Accept help ... on the other hand’s your life ... none of us can decide for another man life... I’m pulling for you to have an epiphany and value life and be here for years living with some joy every day... refusing treatment is suicide.. get around some positive people ... we are all fighting. Don’t give up....join the club!!!
Hello duckman,
Your cancer is serious but you may at least be able to get some relief from your urinary symptoms. There are procedures such as TURP, or the newer REZUM, or self catheters, that may help. It's also possible that you've got a urinary tract infection (UTI) or a kidney stone, both of which can cause the symptoms you're experiencing. They may be fixable just with some pills. I suggest calling your urologist about the problem.
Best of luck to you.
First, Listen to Tall_Allen and Nalakrats and get yourself a good Oncologist who specializes in Pca. Next change your ID to Fuckman52 and that should be your attitude with your cheating ex-wife... Like "Hey Fuck Man" may a blind rattlesnake crawl in bed with her and her boyfriend....Get over her and concentrate on your health. I hate to be so crude but that's what I was taught in Sunday School.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 01/09/2019 5:09 PM EST