A friend tipped me to this site AFTER my RP. (I'd read everything my surgeon gave me, plus googled a ton of stuff, none of which made any sense to me. My MD GF, GP, and surgeon all strongly pushed RP, so I did it.) I've learned more on this site in 9 mos than I did with all the above in a year. Thank you.
What I'm struggling with (and I hesitate to say that given the awful struggles I read from other guys) is whether I did the right thing. My first biopsy was 3+3 so was AS subject to a confirmation biopsy in 6 mos, which came back 3+4. I thought about asking for a second opinion but was told the biopsy was pretty conclusive. So, I did it. I've struggled w SE's for 26 mos now (didn't help that the PT section of the hospital was essential shut down during covid...). I decided to pull up my final path report to see if it could nudge me one way or the other. It makes me think I should have waited. Only 10-15% of prostate involved w tumor, and only 5% of that was 4.
My apologies if this is taking up bandwidth, but it's something I'm having a hard time letting go of. Thanks in advance.
Pre-Op Diagnosis: Prostate Cancer
Post-Op Diagnosis: None given
Clinical History: None given
A) Periprostatic fat, excision:
• Benign fibroadipose tissue.
B) Bilateral pelvic lymph nodes, dissection:
• Ten lymph nodes, negative for tumor (0/10).
C) Prostate gland, radical prostatectomy:
• Adenocarcinoma, acinar type, Gleason score: (3 + 4 = 7), Grade group 2; Gleason pattern
4 (5% of tumor).
• Extraprostatic extension is present.
• Seminal vesicles and all surgical margins free of tumor.
• See comment and case summary.
C) The tumor present predominantly on the right side, extending from apex to base.
Established extraprostatic extension is present in the right posterolateral para-base
Applies To: C
Procedure: Radical prostatectomy
Prostate Size
Prostate Weight (g): 41 g
Prostate Greatest
Dimension (Centimeters): 4.8 x 3.5 x 3.2 cm
Histologic Type: Acinar adenocarcinoma
Histologic Grade
Grade Group and Gleason Score: Grade group 2 (Gleason Score 3 + 4 = 7)
Percentage of Pattern 4: 5%
Tumor Quantitation: Estimated percentage of prostate involved by tumor - 10-15%
Extraprostatic Extension (EPE): Present, nonfocal
Location of Extraprostatic Extension: Right posterolateral (neurovascular bundle)
Urinary Bladder Neck Invasion: Not identified
Seminal Vesicle Invasion: Not identified
Treatment Effect: Not identified
Lymphovascular Invasion: Not Identified
Margins: Uninvolved by invasive carcinoma
Number of Lymph Nodes Involved: 0
Number of Lymph Nodes Examined: 10