I’m Staying! : Happy 2019 Everyone! I... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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I’m Staying!

MJCA profile image
23 Replies

Happy 2019 Everyone!

I appreciate ALL your input. After receiving unfavorable news last week, I went into a wee bit of a tailspin.

Of course no one wants to die! I sure don’t - I have no death wish. We ALL have built-in defense mechanisms; that was my immediate reaction.

When my falsehoods about my own longevity were brought to light, I realized I HAVE TO FIGHT!

There ARE burgeoning treatments out there, maybe a cure will be found!!

I cannot throw in the towel and NEITHER should you! There is ALWAYS HOPE! I know it sounds cliche - but with the case of any disease, that is what we HAVE to hold on to.

For others with nmCPRC, please share any news you may have! I AM not a quitter. This thinks it can fuck with me? When provoked, I can become one mean mother fucker.

Well prostate cancer, you bitch, you HAVE provoked me and I am going to fight you with all my heart and soul!

And let’s remember, not everyone shares your same viewpoint, be kind to one another. We all have a dick; we don’t have to be one!

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MJCA profile image
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23 Replies
Shooter1 profile image

Stick around a while. Never know what will turn up or how it will work for you. Until QOL declines to unbearable you have a life and don' know what is just around the corner. My QOL was way low last Christmas and I was a complete invalid. Med changes and I'm up and around and enjoying life this Christmas and New Year. PSA 0.134 at last check and lots of life left in me. Guess i'll go out and see if I can start my Snow blower and move some snow while the temp is still below 20* and it hasn't thawed and refrozen to ice.

MJCA profile image
MJCA in reply to Shooter1

Thanks!! Everyone in this group is an inspiration!!

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to Shooter1

great news - but did they tell u ur T Levels.... during SRT I was at nadir, but T levels were in the 20s....Now, post-SRT PSA is- .19, t Levels at 421... I think the Dr will put me back on Lupron. Some say, stay away from ADT till PSA hits 2 - don't know what to do..

ken12491 profile image

Keep up the fight bud - wishing the best for u ---- did u have any treatment yet? ---- did then tell u your GS, etc ---- I had the RP, ADT along SRT and still a .19 PSA --- QOL on ADT can be a bitch, however, u sound strong and my money/bet would go on u...sometimes I wonder if a cure and others are there - but not being totally released. This is NO hit on the Dr - but my trust in BIG Pharma is questionable.

MJCA profile image
MJCA in reply to ken12491

I am going on!! I first met Lupron 13 years ago; I have not had any new treatment for nmCRPC. My RO recommended Erleuda. But there are other options as well as clinical trials. I left a message on Monday. Luckily I am in California. Clinical trials not too far at UCSF and Stanford. I can obtain lu177 treatment in San Diego.

ken12491 profile image
ken12491 in reply to MJCA

13 yrs on Lupron?- ---- did your T level ever reach a somewhat normal level --- mine when in the low 20s during my yr on Lupron...congrats to u....

ken12491 profile image

I sent one reply and then ur profile --- u been fighting and winning since 2005? You are a winner by anyone's definition. Did u take any treatment at all? ADT, anything...... I had c lost close to zero QOL on ADT, but afraid I might be going back there at some point.

If you care to share, please tell me more ---- cause, the thought has crossed my mind to let it take it's own course and maintain my QOL...best you u Ken...

NPfisherman profile image

Good for you...Keep fighting...some huge breakthrough may happen next week....who knows??

All the best....for all of us...in the new year

Bonne chance as the say en Paris,


cesanon profile image

I hope my acerbic input was of some modest help.

DakotaDon profile image

Kudos for you MJAC. Keep the towel for wiping off the sweat after exercising. I'm 82 and was dx at 59. I hope to die in a brothel. I'll be the one sweeping the floor.

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to DakotaDon

Would that be a brothel in Deadwood, South Dakota? That's where I was first arrested: 3 years old, my tricycle was impounded. Been a wild ride ever since.

DakotaDon profile image
DakotaDon in reply to monte1111

Nope, not Deadwood. I'm from NoDak, the Western part of South Eastern North Dakota.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to monte1111

My wood has been dead for years....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 01/02/2019 4:53 PM EST

Litlerny profile image

Well said. That’s the spirit! You get the “attaboy” award for the day. I had the same bout of negativity on New Years Eve day when my PSA went above undetectable for the first time in the 3 1/2 years since I got my Stage 4 oligometastatic diagnosis. I think for me it was more like self pity. With the help and encouragement of my wife, some prayers, and reading your post and the replies to it I was able to turn that negativity around into thanks for all the good things in my life and how blessed I am to have what I do in spite of the PCa. Like you, I am even now more determined to fight harder and keep a positive outlook on life. Most of us would kill to have 13 years of being on the winning side of the battle. I’m betting that you have many more years of good life still in you.

For instance, like Shooter, whose PSA just slightly higher than my 0.12, there is the hope that better drugs and treatments will show up in the near future...maybe even this year. Unlike Shooter, who is going out in sub freezing weather to blow snow, I’m facing a sunny 82* day on the golf course. 🏌️⛳️😎. Life is good.

P.S. I liked your comments about being kind to each other. I have said more than once in here that we’re all on the same train. We need to be civil to, and supportive of, each other.


joancarles profile image

Death is assured, for this illness or any other reason. But we have to fight for life. Fight, hope and life

Nicnatno profile image

MJCA, stick around. You will be here for a long time. Our brothers in this group are big inspiration to me and motivate me to keep fighting and never giving up. If you're in the Philly area, cheesesteaks, soft pretzels, hoagies and roast pork sandwiches are on me. Go Eagles.


tom67inMA profile image

What an inspiring post! Although I'm just starting on my journey, I find I do need to give the "no treatment" option brief consideration from time to time. It reminds me why I'm enduring the side effects of treatment, and clarifies for me that it's my choice and not something forced on me. A jedi mind trick of sorts.

Stegosaurus37 profile image

Winning or losing aren't what matters; it's the fight that counts. Stay in there swinging and remember all your brothers here are with you.

For when the Last Great Scorer comes

To mark against your name

He notes not that you won or lost

But how you played the game.

monte1111 profile image

Well said. And just ignore the dicks here. They're all small anyway.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to monte1111

J-o-h-n <---- once known as kickstand....now known as the stub.... 👀👀👀

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 01/02/2019 4:58 PM EST

j-o-h-n profile image

A medal for you! As we use to do as kids (and I still do)..... I Lick my thumb, I Paste it above your heart and say "Quick run home and show it to mom before it dries"...

Seriously Congratulations....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 01/02/2019 5:05 PM EST

JimVanHorn profile image

I'm glad you changed your mind. It is good to hear from you, and by the way yesterday I awoke with an erection! It didn't last long, but it was the first in 12 years. Who knows, maybe I'll be a whore again! I'll keep you posted.

Boywonder56 profile image

Ahhh....deadwood....remember when swearingen had the clap or sumin....and sawbones ran a hot rod up his pecker....my how medicines changed...cmon whores get to fu×&n

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