As some of you know I’m 29 months into stage 4 with Mets. Had my scans Monday and met with the doctor yesterday. He won’t give me a all clear but said that I am doing good. No new hot spots so will look forward to at least a few more months . 🙏🙏🙏
Good news yesterday. : As some of you... - Advanced Prostate...
Good news yesterday. an early present.....happy holidays, amigo....
Always great to hear wonderful results here. Fight On. Mele Kalikimaka
Give thanks & be Joyful....for every day!
Just got my PSA from yesterday’s blood test. <0.05. So can breath now. 🙏
were all in the same boat...I have 3 months...nalakrats 3 months + 7 days...a gypsy pulled this card showing nalakrats fishing in florida
Only took a minute to find this in my old and dusty Far Side collection. Two gaters sunbathing on the shore, articles of clothing strewn about: "That was incredible. No fur, claws, horns, antlers, or nothin" ... Just soft and pink."
Enjoyed that one (I'm stealing it). Two cannibals eating a clown... one cannibal says to the other "does he taste funny to you?".
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 12/20/2018 6:55 PM EST
Yah f that thinking in months.. You put this thing back for years !

I’m ready to start thinking of years but hard to do. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year. May a cure come sooner than later ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
For me, no past no future . I’m living for today, Thank God ,today is beautiful.. Last week I was in bad shape.. no respect.

Find and finish that bucket list. What ever makes you feel good,do it 😜😜
Great news!
Drinks on the house....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 12/20/2018 12:27 AM EST
Bloody bewdy Cobber.
That is awesome news.
I'm gunna have a Bundy rum to celebrate for ya!
My next Onc appointment is in February, and I am hoping to be at or below .05, so we will see!
Have a great Xmas and new year.
awesome news Larry keep it up God bless !!!!!
Great news, Larry! That’s what we like to hear!! 😃 I know we all go through the anticipation of of our lab results with a lot of anxiety, and it is always a huge relief when they come out good. I’m really happy you got an early Christmas present... better than anything that could go under the tree. 🎁🎄
I go back up to the Mayo in Jax on 12/31, hoping and praying 🙏 to end 2018 and start the new year with a good report. They always do the labs early in the morning, and the results are already posted to my patient portal before my meeting with my M.O. a few hours later.
Wishing you a blessed and beautiful Christmas.
I read one earlier post with tears streaming down my face. I read this post and I feel such happiness for you. Such a roller coast of emotions. Congrats!
The other day I made a land mark.. I was crying and laughing at the same time.. welcome to menapause ...I feel APC is like a roulette wheel ..not just for you and I,but for all of us.... treatments are like pinning the tail on the donkey.. there are some miracles for sure, the rest of us are going to suffer.. tales of any success we applaud . End stage out of control, nobody wants to be there. I pray for mercy for our members in dire straits... Not all female attributes are bad. Compassion for others, #1 .. Im the same as you. Human.. we’re going thru the same sh!!..peace ,enjoy this day..
Great News, Larry!!
Great news, Larry. I hope it keeps up! Happy holidays / Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas! dammit I’m happy for you Larry. Let’s fly under the radar as long as possible.. celebrate now.. APC has a mind of its own..let’s disrupt its clock..

Like the way you think. Merry Christmas to you 🙏🙏🙏
A few more years sounds better.
Great news, Larry!😁