I have been told that my Prostate Cancer contains Intraductal cells. I’m wondering if anyone has information on this. How different is is to normal. I know it’s generally associated with aggressive cancer that has a high rate of re-occurrence but am wondering if there are any specific differences like how it spreads or responds to treatment etc. And is this different to ductal?. My PSA post operation at six months is starting to creep up now 0.05 up from 0.035. While my PSA pre-operation was 4.04. It had increased from 3 the previous year but I’m told should have been higher given the cancer was locally advanced. Seeing the consultant tomorrow.
Looking for information on Intraducta... - Advanced Prostate...
Looking for information on Intraductal PC

I was diagnosed with intraductal prostate cancer. It's been a pretty steady battle. Highly aggressive. Although it responds to treatment the remissions have been short lived.
Has the treatment plan been the same ? Does the PSA test reliably show when you come to the end of a remission as it’s the main way they monitor PC her in Ireland or do you have scans of some type on a regular basis? I will read all your posts when I get home.
Doc doesn't rely on PSA anymore at this point. They do a routine CAT and bone scan every 6 months to monitor cancer activity. If lesions look like they are changing growing or if new ones sprout up they change treatment
Thanks, I thought as much but the consultant had the view the last time I met him that as my PSA had gone up initially we would know when it increased again. He didn’t rule out scans though. I will push it with him tomorrow. I read your posts again and you have really been through a very rough time. The level of strength and fight you have is amazing and I will try to follow your example. I hope things are a bit better for you at the moment.
Why is my Oncologist telling me that chemo is the only thing I have left after the lynparza fails? She doesn't talk about anything new. She never talks about what's been discovered and she refuses to utilize anymore ADT therapy other than Lupron because she says that they wont help me. I tried to get her to prescribe Dostinex to cause lactin deprivation based on this from the ncbi ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl... and she refused and the drug is FDA approved. Even if it's off label who cares I'm going to die anyway and what could it hurt? What could be worse than the side effects from chemo. This is why I dont trust the medical industry.
Are there any trials that you would qualify for?
This guy found one that worked for him.
Thx Nalakrats
You are indeed a super mensch.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 11/15/2018 7:49 PM EST
How are you doing? I understand what is involved living with intraductal. I was diagnosed with a BCR with intraductal in 2021…My PSMA as of last month indicates nothing outside of prostate. My lesión is inside the prostate as of now. Possibly will again go on hormone therapy in the near future…I would be interested in what is happening with you.
I had surgery five years ago & stereotactic radiotherapy to one lymph node four years ago. PSA now 0.67 & getting the results of a PSMA scan tomorrow. Since the surgery it’s been slow growing. I haven’t been on hormones yet but possibly soon. Depending on the results of the scan. I will let you know. Best of luck.
Firstly, the good news is that the radiotherapy I had five years ago appears to have worked as there’s no visible cancer in that area on the PSMA. It’s good to know that intraductal Prostate Cancer responds to treatment. Unfortunately for me, the scan showed Cancer in one other area possibly two.
If the cancer is only in 1 or 2 areas can”t they use some form of radiation on those places? Curious, was your intraductal found after the surgery on a biopsy (or before). I guess that the reason for the radiation was your PSA was going up or did they find a BRC. Or was it only because your PSA was increasing…
My intraductal was found in 2021 though my initial treatment (EBRT) was done in 2004-5 ( 16 years prior). In other words, no one knows when it first appeared. I am glad that your intraductal is responding to the radiation. However, did you also have some kind of hormone therapy as well.
I have had ADT in 2022 and the PSA went down around .09 that’s the goods news. I may have to go back on hormone therapy sometime in the near future.
The intraductal leaves us in “limbo”. Since having the recurrence i haven’t done any salvage procedure. I only have had ADT…
The intraductal was found on the biopsy following surgery. My psa at diagnosis was only 4.08. I had my first reoccurrence within the first year. Yes my PSA was going up and I had stereotactic radiotherapy. No hormone therapy. I decided against it. This time I haven’t seen a radiation oncologist yet but what’s been suggested by a multidisciplinary team is stereotactic radiotherapy to 3 areas together with hormone treatment. There’s no avoiding hormone treatment at this point.
How and to what degree did the radiotherapy stop or eliminate the intraductal cancer cells? In the states they call that kind of radiation SBRT…It was recommended by my oncologist but since i already had external beam radiation (2004-5) i didn’t want it…After surgery radiation is seemingly the SOC….
i suppose the only way to be on the certain side is to have another biopsy!??
They won’t biopsy a lymph node in Ireland. Perhaps if it was in an organ and had an impact on treatment, but to my knowledge, there isn’t any specific treatment for this type of cancer.
That is one reason why i don’t have salvage. Another one being because of the SE’s in salvage treatments after initially having radiation…I have had consultations with doctors about , HD brachytherapy , SBRT and Cryotherapy…Doctors seem to down play the SEs…There are many possible ones after having salvage.
At this point in time a lot of research and study is going on….There are plenty of articles about these salvage possibilities, some of which you may come across! I will need to be on ADT and see what else is in my future…