I had 8 weeks of radiation back in 2004-5...I.'m having some hip pain. I am wondering if the radiation may have some after effects and connection now to the hip pain...thanks.
Radiation treatment - 13 years - Advanced Prostate...
Radiation treatment - 13 years

See your RO immediately.
My PSA is 1.0 - I have read that a bone scan is useless if the PSA is less than 10. Bill
No- the hip pain is not an after effect of the radiation. It is not a metastasis unless your PSA has been rising. It is probably arthritis. Does aspirin or NSAID (Like ibuprofen or naproxen) take care of the pain? See an orthopedist.
Tall_Allen...I will be getting my next PSA in Dec.
I also have sciatica...
Can be lots of things. I thought my hip was worn out. Went in had the X-ray all was fine with the bones. Turned out to be burcitis. Get a shot once a year or so and I’m good.
Same thing happened to me..I thought I needed hip replacement... bursitis in both hips,, painful..I got video and literature off internet.. “ How to unlock your hip flexors” by Rick Kaselj... $20 .. a series of moves and stretches.. It can helps solve hip bursitis but one must do the exersizes. Joints , muscles, teeth , all depleted in my opinion by adt and RT. I was happy that my hip pain was not mets... #1 causation of hip problems = is too much sitting position...
CT never found anything for me. Pelvic MRI with contrast found everything for me, even with a low PSA.
I would also agree to watch out for a rising PSA plus hip pain. That combo is suspicious for a met. Try to get an early diagnosis of either cancer on a bone, or arthritis, or bursitis. If it is cancer, an early treatment will give you another very long remission for many years. Happened to me. I had a met on a pelvic bone that was just starting, radiated it, went on xgeva, and gave me another 5 years at a very low PSA.