Power of prayer: The first picture is... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Power of prayer

Godschild62 profile image
63 Replies

The first picture is back on Feb 10 2018 when my husband was told two weeks earlier he had two months to live. He was bed ridden, on oxygen constantly and lost about 45 pounds.

The second picture was taken July 1st 2018 almost 5 months later on our road trip from Toronto, Canada to Virginia Beach.

We're blessed and thankful God has put the right medical team in our lives. Blessed and thankful for all the prayers. Don't ever underestimate the power of prayer!

God bless y'all!

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Godschild62 profile image
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63 Replies
cesanon profile image

Yes, and everyone don't forget to pray to the right god. See, for example, most of these folks pray 3 times a day, when they are not being shelled, and look how God punished them:

Casualties of the Syrian Civil War


Personally, my faith tells me to pray for others, not one's self nor one's own economic self-welfare. But at least in the United States that seems to be a minority practice. But I guess mileage will vary.

Godschild62 profile image
Godschild62 in reply to cesanon

My post is not meant for your disrespectful remarks. If you have nothing positive to contribute, please refrain from commenting.

in reply to Godschild62


What great results! There is power in prayer and in good medical care. We are just starting our journey. Your story is encouraging and I wish your husband continued success.

cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to Godschild62

Dear God's Child

How is it that you get to come brag about (some might say pretentiously flaunt & proselytize?) the efficacy of your faith and your particular persuasion of faith healing... yet I don't get to talk about my faith?

I was just reminding people to give consideration to the idea of praying only for others and not one's self. That might work better.

I am going to hazard a guess that you wouldn't expect praying to Lord Vishnu (4 arms) or Lord Brahma (4 faces) to be as effective in faith healing as praying to our presumably shared monotheistic Abrahamic God. No?

Well, that's sort of what I believe about praying for yourself as opposed to others. Why would that belief be entitled to any less dignity than yours?

I think reminding people to pray for others instead of themselves is a positive contribution and most other Red Letter Christians would agree. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-L...

MontyB profile image
MontyB in reply to cesanon

Hey cesanon,

I pray for myself that I may be a blessing to others.

Is that so wrong/bad according to your religion?

Take Care,


cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to MontyB

Monty, Who am I to say your practice of your faith is wrong or bad.

I am just sharing my faith.

There certainly are no shortage of opinions and persuasions in this area.

Schwah profile image
Schwah in reply to cesanon

I sure hope you unintentionally came across wrong. Because as I see it, what you said was disgusting and offensive to most of those who visit this site. You said “make sure you pray to the right God”....”look how God punished them...”. The obvious message we all got was that you believe these people (and children) are getting what they deserve for not praying to the same God you pray to. I sure hope that’s not the impression you wanted to give and I urge you to set the record straight if I’m misinterpreting here. FYI, Many Christians are being slaughtered over there along with their Muslim countrymen. And why put a downer on this poor woman’s joy? I don’t get it.


cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to Schwah

Well there was a bit of sarcasm interleaved in there.

I must admit I don't have a high tolerance for fools, hypocrits, or Pharasees.

I do seem to get along ok with those who are seeking help, or those who have substantive contributions to make to help them.

Syria is way way way too complex to discuss in chat. If you are a native speaker of English it is statistically unlikely you have a good grasp of what happened there and why. But that discussion belongs in some other forum.

Schwah profile image
Schwah in reply to cesanon

Agreed. You do have a lot to offer on this forum. For that I thank you. And agreed Syria is not an appropriate subject on this forum. Then why on earth is this woman’s thankfulness to God and for the people who prayed on her behalf poke you low “tolerance for fools, hypocrites and Pharisees”? Causing you to imply Syrian slaughtered children are getting what they deserve. We all have bad days and say things we regret. Hopefully that’s the case here. Again I ask you to let the group know that that is not how you really feel and to apologize to this poor woman (that you attacked for expressing her joy) and the other participants on this forum who were offended.


cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to Schwah


"expressing her joy" Well that is one way to look at Gods child's original post.

And that is embedded in her post somewhere. But at this point, I think both you and I know you are intentionally refusing to filter out the sarcasm, to make your point.

I was responding to the other portions of Gods child's post. I think you must know that, it just doesn't fit into your argument so well. But sure, go ahead.

Schwah profile image
Schwah in reply to cesanon

This is going nowhere.

Godschild62, I will apologize for cesanom (as he apparently will not) for dropping rain on your parade. Congratulations on your success. May it last a long time.


Godschild62 profile image
Godschild62 in reply to Schwah

Thank you for your love. No need to apologize for him. He's battling his own demons. I just ignore people like that and pray for them. Only God can change their hearts and mind.

Wish you all the best in your journey as well.

MontyB profile image
MontyB in reply to Godschild62

Well said!

No question we live in a fallen world today and you unfortunately encountered an example of that here. I'm sorry for that.

I agree that your approach to just ignore people like that and to pray for them is the best.

Take Care, Monty

MontyB profile image
MontyB in reply to Schwah

Well said!

MontyB profile image
MontyB in reply to cesanon


You are absolutely correct...there are no shortage of opinions in this area.

I was just asking for your religion's or faith's opinion of one's praying to be a blessing to others.

Not for me...not at all...to judge you or your faith, regardless of the answer.

Could you share your faith's opinion on that subject...is it ok for one to pray to be a blessing to others ?

Take Care, Monty

MontyB profile image
MontyB in reply to MontyB

No reply...well, that is an answer in itself.

Godschild62 profile image
Godschild62 in reply to cesanon

Whare in my post did I say he prayed for himself? We've had hundreds of people pray for my husband, even if we did, that's between us and our God-Jesus Christ.

Your comment was rude and unnecessary- does your religion teach you love and kindness? I'm sure it does, it's the base for most religions. I would kindly suggest you start practicing it.

cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to Godschild62

God child,

You mean like Jesus love for the money changers and the Pharasees?

You brought up the subject of prayer.

We each contributed what we had to say about it.

There are many bad things going on in the world, bad things happening to children, on the US southern border, in Syria, in Africa. I would submit that modern day Pharasees, allocate little or no prayer to them. What do you think?

Brbnbrn profile image
Brbnbrn in reply to cesanon

Why are you busting her chops? Everyone here paints with a different color brush. It's for us to be supportive and not judgmental. Take your commentary to a different forum that supports this type of dialogue. I'm also surprised as you are usually informative and factual.

nad95 profile image
nad95 in reply to cesanon

My god such a foolish comment..God bless you and please refrain for commenting as we dont need your stupid and cheap views..so better fo

cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to nad95

And I would encourage you to express your views, on the subject of prostate cancer.

It seems you come here only to take. You have now learned enough to start giving back to newbies here.


YostConner profile image

I am glad you found a great medical team. I hope your husband continues to do well.

Dan59 profile image

I am so happy to hear he is doing so well, I will attest to the power of prayer!

Ignore angry people that post here who argue about anything with everybody , It must be hard to be so angry, may God bless him too.

So now I'm curious. What treatment(s) did he receive that produced such excellent results? I hope he continues to do well.

Godschild62 profile image
Godschild62 in reply to

Cabazitaxel and prednisone

cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to

Yes, I think that would be useful and helpful to most people here.

auroracham profile image

I agree in praying to Hashem. He has brought a great clinical trial to me that may reverse my cancer. I believe it may actually happen. Day 1 cycle 1 was yesterday. We all need to pray for each other. Good bless you all.

Apollo123 profile image

What an amazing result. God wants us to ask for help at times of need and to give us strength to shoulder our burdens. If ever I pray It includes my family, friends the world and for a miracle for me. No matter what God we believe in prayer is a way of sharing our burden. You must be overjoyed with your husbands recovery. 👍we live in a world where many different Religions function but the under pining ethos for all is kindness and love for each other. I respect all religions around the world🌍 the photo shows what is possible through a good medical team and the positive Faith you have. 👍

dadeb profile image

This is fantastic!

MelaniePaul profile image

That's wonderful news! I am so happy for you both! Seems like the right medical team as well as the right thoughts/prayers have come together to make this happen, and of course your husband is a real fighter and seems to really want to live. That's wonderful! Keep it up!

EdBar profile image

Prayer is probably the most important of my therapies, God works miracles. My reliance on him allows me to deal with this difficult disease.


Cmdrdata profile image

As a Christian I too believe in the power of sincere prayer to our God the Father and Jesus Christ. I have fought my PC since 2006 (radiation, chemo, ADT and now on Zytiga). Prayers from my friends and family have been a blessing to me. In turn I pray for others daily. Externally and spiritually I am fine. I feel good and able to play tennis weekly and about to spend a couple of weeks in Alaska visiting our our grandkids. I have had mets to my spine (L3) and lymph nodes. Not currently detectable (2018), and have had many scans (standard, high-contrast, F18 and ferumoxytol MRI, bone, CT). I am not afraid of dying, but I stay informed and pro-active in my treatment. Someone once wrote that we individually are a patient of one, and no MO have more time to pursue and learn the latest PC treatments than ourselves. Blessings to you both and stay positive.

GarrickR profile image

It is so great to hear you have some good news and things are going in the right direction for your husband health. Enjoy every moment.

RonL profile image

While I don’t share your faith in prayer I’m happy for you and your husband.

Godschild62 profile image
Godschild62 in reply to RonL

Thank you for your kind words.

whatsinaname profile image
whatsinaname in reply to RonL


I consider your comment to be one of the most pragmatic on this thread thus far.

Thank you and all the very best.

Darryl profile image

Diets and dieties/ theology (complimentary) treatment discussions form our most volatile threads. Just a brief reminder that everyone and everyone’s ideas and beliefs have value here. Please (continue) to post with empathy and or respect.

Schwah profile image
Schwah in reply to Darryl


GeorgeGlass profile image

God's child. Good post. God bless you both. Can I presume that your husband already used all the other prostate cancer protocols before the chemo? It's good to see the chemo is working well. I've had a very poor persecution of late stage use of chemo but maybe it can be useful. Do you know what the Gleason score and part treatment doubling time your husband had? Keep praying and enjoying life. Good has a plan for you two, here, and more importantly, in heaven for eternity.


zenbee13 profile image


Prayer is indeed individual, as is our relationship to whatever we perceive God to be, or not be. I understand both Godschild and Cesanon's points.

Godschild's point is that prayer from others for us is very powerful, and can affect miracles. She does not see this as proselytizing, but rather as pointing to a successful outcome, and while not overtly stating a Christian background it is easy to assume that is her background.

Cesanon's is that there are many belief systems and none of them are wrong, and that in almost all of them prayer for self is not as effective as a prayer for others. It appears to me (and this is an assumption not based on fact) that Cesanon has experienced the hypocrisy, and ignorance with which many American Christians practice their faith, and was simply providing a counterpoint.

My personal view is that a prayer should not ask, but rather give thanks for an outcome. Further that as the Buddhist views state; As we lift anyone we lift everyone. For the most part that has been my experience on this website. We are all trying to lift each other as we support and, or deal with this beastly disease.

Our struggle is real, our love and support is real. Regardless of belief we are all human; a mix of the material, the mental and spirit trying to remember what we came to learn in this lifetime.

Be gentle with each other, for we are all we have right now.

Peace and love,


MontyB profile image
MontyB in reply to zenbee13

It is my personal view that it is okay for me to ask to be a blessing to others and it is okay to ask for strength for this fight in addition to giving thanks, asking to be forgiven, and praying for others.

I hope this view is not too hypocritical or ignorant.

Take Care, Monty

zenbee13 profile image
zenbee13 in reply to MontyB

Hi Monty

Every time we are a blessing to someone else we lift the whole world Monty! Keep being that blessing, just don't forget to act on it after praying to be it!

And who am I to judge? I've given what I understood, and what I have experienced. That is not to say that some one else's experience and needs aren't different.



MontyB profile image
MontyB in reply to zenbee13

Hey Bees,

Thank you for the reply...was just stating my view.

There would be a big hole in my prayers if I didn't ask for help in being a blessing to others. I understand others may not have that need. No worries.

Take Care,


Congratulations! On your husband's recovery. I hope he continues to do well!!!

cesanon profile image

Wow Everyone.

Am I the only one here who thinks there is something not quite in alignment with the Bible for a Christian to pray for special rewards and treatment from God for himself/herself instead of for others?

Especially if you are a privileged member of the first world, where you are able to take for granted clean water, food, health care, and physical safety for yourself and your loved ones?

And you want to demand extra special favoritism from God, having already partaken in a life and a life expectancy that others can only hope for?

When you follow this logic, you end up with what is often referred to as the "Health and Wealth Gospel" also known as "Prosperity theology".

"Prosperity theology has been criticized by leaders from various Christian denominations, including within the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, who maintain that it is irresponsible, promotes idolatry, and is contrary to scripture. Secular observers have also criticized prosperity theology as exploitative of the poor.":


The "Health and Wealth Gospel" is famously mocked by Janis Joplin here. Go ahead and listen to it:


I have to admit, seeing someone proselytizing faith healing and the "Health and Wealth Gospel" may have triggered me. Yeah.

I find claims that you can use prayer to bargain with God to engage in faith healing for you and yours to be..... well sort of self-absorbed and blasphemous.

Personally, I consider followers of the "Health and Wealth Gospel" to be modern day Pharisees. And in the U.S. today, as a demographic, they are doing no less damage than the Pharisees of Jesus's time.

In case anyone missed it, the title of this proselytizing post was "Power of prayer". I profoundly disagree with the theology that was being proselytized. It is in my opinion wrong. So what.

I came to this site to seek hope and support for my dad. To learn and understand what’s going on with him. In turn I hope that I can do the same for others in this situation someday. Having said that, it is most unfortunate and frankly extremely disappointing that Godschild62 post turned into this circus.

What, who, how, etc helped in getting him from the first pic to the second is not what matters-what matters is that he’s getting better......I’m very happy for that and I hope he continues thriving.

cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to

"it is most unfortunate and frankly extremely disappointing that Godschild62 post turned into this circus"

Hopeseeker, I agree. There are more important things on topic relating to the treatment and diagnosis of prostate cancer for us to be discussing, in my opinion.

I think you will find that the quality of on-topic content on the subject of prostate cancer to be probably the highest you will find anywhere on the internet, the next best is the UsToo forum, but in terms of quality, it is a far second place.

You will often learn about things here before your own oncologist does. And some of the people here are more knowledgeable than many oncologists. The only problem is that sometimes the information can be a little hard to absorb.

cfrees1 profile image

I'm curious as to why any doctor would give a 2 month prognosis when they still have treatments in front of them? If he hadn't done chemo yet, the doctors had no business saying he had 2 months to live.

Godschild62 profile image
Godschild62 in reply to cfrees1

He had failed docetaxel within a few months and Zytiga in 1.5 months. His cancer spread from bone mets to his lungs microscopitly. He lost a ton of weight in a few months. I guess he felt like he had no more tricks in his bag. We live I Canada, where we are a little more limited and behind in treatment. Thankful his care was transferred to Princess Margaret hospital-Canada's which is a research clinic.

roseanduwe profile image

Such an inspirational story for those suffering without much hope. May I ask where he is being treated in Toronto? My husband just finished cycle 3 of docetaxel today. Praying for some good results soon but unsure whether we are under the best care in Toronto.

Godschild62 profile image
Godschild62 in reply to roseanduwe

He was originally at Credit Valley hospital, now he's being treated at Princess Margaret hospital. So blessed to have the #7 Cancer research hospital in the world, right in our back yard.

roseanduwe profile image

Interesting you say that. We are also being treated out of Princess Margaret. I know it is a wonderful hospital and know of many success stories out of this hospital but feeling a little discouraged as there have been so many errors right from the start in my husbands care there. Looking for some positive results as his treatment continues.

Godschild62 profile image

So sorry to hear that- we've been very satisfied so far in his care- he's under Dr. Sridhar. Where is your husband being treated now?

roseanduwe profile image

He is treated by Dr. Hanson at princess Margaret. Was under Dr Chung until his PSA skyrocketed this May to 675. (50 in December) within 3 weeks it doubled again to 1300. Dr. Hanson is the chemo oncologist. He has multiple bone and lymph mets. After his round of chemo hopefully the cancer won’t be as aggressive as the past few months. Once he is finished 6-10 rounds of docetaxel we are looking into the LU-177 trial in the US. All blessings to you as caregivers need support too.

j-o-h-n profile image

To Godschild62, It is just amazing to me to see the before and after pictures of your husband. May you both enjoy a long and a happy life together.

Good Luck and Good Health.

j-o-h-n Saturday 08/04/2018 1:48 AM EDT

BTW: I pray to anyone who'll listen and I pray for my family, myself and for anyone who was born on a day that ends in "Y"..

Chiquis profile image

I pray he continues to do well.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.🙏💛

arete1105 profile image

I did read through all these posts re: your original one. I am going to take a different approach. Just for the record I am agnostic. So this response could be as popular here as a turd in a punch bowl.

You mentioned he had medical treatment and you also recommend prayer. These are 2 variables mentioned as part of the success he has received. But what one does not know is what would be the results if one or the other variable alone would be used. By using more than one variable in a test situation, it would be hard/impossible to determine which one was beneficial. I am guessing that you would not use prayer alone as your main treatment, and yet you credit prayer as being part of the success. But we already know what the benefit is by using medical science for the treatment.

I am not discouraging prayer- I am just saying does it give a benefit if one cannot measure that benefit in the same manner one measures the benefit of science.

Now having said that, there is a strong benefit to prayer, but that is at the subjective level. If it gives you hope, confidence in what you are doing, that will help in the long run.

I have a saying- Belief(prayer) is a concept that rattles around in the confines of ones cranial cavity. While it does not have objective benefit(doesn't effect anything in the external world), it has strong subjective benefit for the person praying in the sense of keeping ones hope up, makes one feel better for having prayed and for some life only works with prayer.

Don't forget, both the Germans and the Americans during WW2 prayed to the same god, asked for the same benefit and hoped for the same destruction on their enemie. Which side is the Deity supposed to help?

I am not saying don't pray, I just think of the person snapping his fingers and telling himself it keeps elephants away, as he can't see any.

Mormon1 profile image

Amen. I was quickly dying in Jan 18 with a 11,000 psa, lost 20 lbs, ate half a cracker a day and was in constand pain. I started praying to Heavenly Father who motivated me to change doctors and each day I am stronger, thoracic tumors are shrinking, psa now .04 less than 1, back to work pt, and I go boating once a week. Never estimate the power of prayer.

MarcoGlenn profile image

Congrats. It is story’s like this that give me hope.

Mormon1 profile image
Mormon1 in reply to MarcoGlenn

Important to stay positive. There will be good and bad days; enjoy the good. At my worse, I had accepted my fate and waited. Out of no where, God sent me an angel in the form of a pizzaman! A prior client, he communicated with me every day since Jan asking if I needed anything, needed a ride, he was always there for me even just to talk. He motivated me to take a ride and visit him at work and eat tons of pasta. When I was at my worse, my “friends” disappeared and real friends, like my pizzaman, stepped up. I actually had “friends” call me when I was sickest and weak asking me to read commercial contracts! Now that I am on a good run, I avoid these people like the plague. Stay positive. There is good out of this. I now take the time to smell the roses, love my wife and children and just sit out in the woods and watch the deer and the ugly opossums. Perfect!

MarcoGlenn profile image

Wow great advice. When I was diagnosed at age 47 with a PSA of 1,882, cancer in most all my bones and my lymph system. I thought I had months to live. I went home and said I am not going out like this. So I changed my diet, changed my attitude, removed negative people and prayed. I am now 1 month away from my 50th Birthday and my PSA is now .07. I am now setting my goal on making it too 60. I live my life enjoy my family and friends and try to not think about my disease until I have a Doc appointment. I am so happy I found it this site. Uplifting people like you let me know it is possible to fight this thing. Thanks so much for the positive influence. Keep up the fight and I hope you have a great weekend.

nad95 profile image

Great going..just be positive and everything will be fine

LF27 profile image

Thanks for sharing your story, and your faith. Best to you and your husband, and all here, for many great days ahead.

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